Saturday, August 23, 2014

Something Stirring in the Weeds...

     I have been getting continued insights into personal matters as well as spiritual. I still notice synchronicity abounding around me. All the right things, happening at the right times. I have been watching the situation in Iraq with ISIS and I feel like something is stirring in the weeds. It smells of coming war and boots on the ground. I think we will be going back to the middle east very soon. And maybe for the last time? The world situation is coming to a head and at some point something is going to give. These days we are in are ever more exciting, yet ever more dangerous than many other periods of history with the exception of a few. This month marks the 100 year anniversary of the outbreak of World War I...the "War to end all wars". wrongly named since it seems that war has only become more scientific and for the first time since mankind first stepped foot on this planet-we have the ability to destroys ourselves and everything around us in the space of half-an-hour. But, I am not so pessimistic. In fact I am quite the optimist. You see, I believe that we Humans have a "survival trip" wired into us. We can not 'self terminate'. Though we may approach midnight, I believe that there will always be some hero somewhere that will deliver us at the last hour. Make of that what you will, but history is ripe with evidence for it.


The Book of Eternity

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