Monday, March 2, 2015

First Day of the Bahai 19 Day Fast

     At Dawn this morning, the Baha'i 19 Day Fast began. I made noodles and parmesan this morning to tie me over for the day, but I just couldn't make myself eat much. I had a cigarette and now I am getting through the day. I did cheat and have a Coke a little while ago, but my throat was getting dry enough that  I was afraid it would effect my ability to communicate clearly. I am sleepy. Haven't got much sleep lately. It's one extreme to the next with me anyway. It's about lunch time, but I'm not really hungry. A hint of nicotine craving though (oh boy). I was supposed to have a Therapist appointment today, but I cancelled it on account of the roads. I am relieved I didn't go. While I don't feel "bad", I feel a little physically drained, but that could also have to do with little food and water. I still have a small portion of noodles left, waiting to be consumed at break fast at dawn.

      Last Friday I did an over-the-phone interview with Diagnostic Labs of Oklahoma. I also passed my physical for Community Works and am waiting to hear back from CRC. I still have to come up with $19 for the back ground check (which I am required to pay for). A friend of mine recommended me go apply at Sprout's All Natural Grocer. I have worked in a couple of grocery stores. I don't like doing stock though. Random ADD moment question...did you see the film Battleship? It was an OK movie, though it should have been called something other than Battleship since none of the things in the movie had anything to do with the board game, and who makes a movie based off a board game anyway (except Clue. That was a good one).

     This fast is a bit tougher than I had anticipated it being this early on. But, it gets easier with time I imagine. I am having nicotine withdrawals, but no hunger as of yet. But, my appetite hasn't been good in the last day or two anyway. At first I was in a very cheery and positive mood, but now it's slightly downgraded. Not a bad mood or anything, just lacking in luster. Oh, btw since we aren't on the subject-did you hear about this? Seems we might be witnessing the rise of the Antichrist in Greece.   I am trying to plan something for the rest of the day. Maybe make plans with someone. I would really like to hang out with someone today (not my usual gang either). Some of those people are something else.

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