Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Center Does Not Hold

     The appointed time is near.

     -Revelation 1:3

     Been studying with Don Juan lately and he has been teaching me much. I have been doing dream work with mixed results, but mostly towards the positive. I can sense a major change coming for me in the near future and my "intuition" has also been strengthened. The last few days have been spent in the dream realm confronting issues and new life lessons. I could write pages, but I don't think I have the time, or if even it would be appropriate to. Never give away your secrets, except to the minority initiated, who have earned the rite [sic] them. In the past few days there has been a rise in public shootings including a Marine/Navy Reserve center and recruitment office, a public street in Studio City, California, a Church in Chattanooga as well as ANOTHER movie theatre-this one in Louisiana. I think these will increase until a A MAJOR incident occurs, resulting in a act of force from the U.S. government. Donald Trump, the racist is running for president and a military General and future Presidential prospect has called for the detention of Muslims and "Radicals" (which depending on what he defines as a "radical", likely includes me.

     2 have been killed in a shooting on a busy Minneapolis street. Gunman has gotten away and police have no leads. A man in a Plymouth Arby's reported to have a gun and suffering from a "mental crisis" was shot in the head by police. Russia is mounting new forces on a new border (are they moving out towards Israel?).

ADVICE: Preform Random Acts of Kindness and Make the World a Better Place. One step closer to Utopia!

"Whatever nature produces, it mass produces."

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