Thursday, February 18, 2016

Father God, Mother Nature!

          I am going through relationship problems. This is a constant thing with me. Every time I start dating someone, the same problems come up and the same cycles do their thing. A particularly special relationship I have been in has collapsed. The reason I said it was special, was because aside from the fact that it was special, synchronicity was occurring every where. There were the signs to go forward with it. I blew it though. That's what I am good at. It's usually from some small mistake on my part, that causes a conflagration. I'm clumsy that way. I don't know why I am driven inside towards wanting someone, when God's plan for me is not to have that person. Or is it God's plan for me to have that person, but my own screw ups that create obstacles? Does it even matter? I doubt it. What will be will be. Sometimes I feel like the Greek god Typhon.
     The Zika virus has come out of nowhere. I am bored with it myself, but the WHO says it is a worldwide emergency, because it can infect a fetus and cause Microenchephela. For healthy adults I guess its not a big deal. Just a 'flu' like illness. Ebola seems to have become endemic in central Africa. We have had a very weak flu season, which is a relief having come from several years worth of avian flu, H1N1, swine, etc. Seems to me that nature is sitting in her lab, figuring us out. She created us. And so she shall destroy us.

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