Sunday, February 14, 2016

Wake and Shake, it's an Okie Quake!

     Yesterday we had the third largest quake in Oklahoma's history. 5.1 Magnitude. I felt it, but yesterday was a horribly bad bad day for me. I'm not going to spill my current crisis here, because i am trying to not have to revisit it unecessarily. I had a very horrible day, but let's focus on the quake. Staring at the ceiling reviewing the misery I was being dragged through, I noticed the light fixture above me shaking. When I  am feeling a temblor, I use the experience to study 'in lab' (during the shaking I make mental notes what is happening so i can analyze the quake later). I placed a hand on a dresser top and my other hand on the floor to measure the "vibrational frequency" of the seismic energy. For a moment I thought the shaking was psychosomatic-that perhaps the adrenaline from everything that day was giving me misperceptions. I confirmed the quake was seismic by noting the time and comparing notes with what the OGS and USGS have published. Something about the experience of nature's power gives me a rush. Feeling the 'moment magnitude' during the quake leaves me in a feeling of awe towards the forces that control our planet. The 'ground motion' making motion sick with vertigo from feeling the ground under me roll like a ship while simultaneously tossed around by the concussion of energy from the unimaginable power being expressed from some distant fault.

     The news reported that an amphibious assault warship (a boat load of Marines) has left to begin its voyage. Why is that significant? Because that means those Marines have a destination in mind. That means somewhere, someone is about to be invaded by us. The reason you send out an amphibious expeditionary assault corps, is to create a "beach head". That means taking a large contingency of Marines and with lightning quick speed having them occupy a coastal territory. If you have any plans on visiting the beach of a nation we currently have a beef with, it might be better to choose a different location. Places I would not suggest having a beach blanket party just yet:
*(North) Korea
*China (but probably not) 

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