Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Trump Elected Dear Leader of America

     No matter how you feel about it, Donald Trump is our Dear Leader Eect. America has spoken and made its will known, but that doesn't matter to the maniacs rioting in the streets! I have NEVER seen a reaction to a presidential election quite like this one. There is talk of Civil War or a new American Revolution around the corner. State Militias have been prepping for whatever is to come. Meanwhile it seems dead in Norman. No protests here. I believe that one protest was scheduled, but recently cancelled. Likely due to the anarchy surrounding the other demonstrations. As for my life, I am the father of a new girl named Toni. Unfortunately her mother is Satan, so there will be much misery for me from "mom". As for Toni, I couldn't be happier. Prayer warriors-I could sure used your prayers in regards to this matter. So could little Toni.


(Armilos, Armilius, Otot)

     Armilus is the Jewish anti-Messiah. He is mentioned in Judeao-Eschatology. He is said to be a being made of stone and is the offspring of Satan. He will claim (falsely) to be the Messiah and confirm the false messiahs and introduce a counterfeit religion that will be accepted by the masses. Soon after he achieves this he will make the claim that he is YHWH. In these ways he is identical to the Christian anti-Christ and the Muslim AL-Dajjal (all three of which are in fact the same entity-Satan incarnate/Super Man). After a group of people who have not been deceived by the liars deceptions, they will cry out that he is a liar and a deceiver and is NOT God, but is in fact the Adversary Satan. This will result in a conflict between the righteous and the followers of Armilus in an Armageddon. The Jews "unworthy" of the glory of the true Messiah die off (possibly in a Holocaust type slaughter by Armilus's military power. Afterwards will be the blowing of a great trump (Donald Trump?...jk) and the true Messiah and Elijah (Baha'u'llah and the Bab?) will gather the scattered remnants of Israel to the Holy Land (Haifa?). Yahweh will then destroy Armilus and his earthly forces (in Christian eschatology Christ destroys the antichrist with "the breath of his mouth" or through a simple spoken word).

     Armilus is also present in Roman mythology (which is not surprising considering all the faiths of the world have the same source of wisdom and revelation-the DIVINE). Jupiter (Jehovah?) slayed Armilus with his thunderbolt. The name 'Armilus' may be a corruption of the names 'Romulus' (brother and slayer of Remus {Cain slew Abel} and founder of Rome) and the Persian demon god Ahriman.

MSI-Personal Jesus (Music Video)

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