Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Misuse of Due Process in the American Nation

     I am against disarming Americans. While I am obviously against gun violence, I am a believer in the need for an armed population and law-abiding militias to defend the American people from tyranny of all sorts. This is not to replace to armed forces but to supplement it and to have an option in the event that the Federal government unconstitutionally uses federal (or non) troops against Americans violently or in a way that violates our rights. I myself am not interested in owning a fire arm and do not currently nor do I ever intend to.

We heare more and more about what I consider to be misuse of technology to spy on Americans and for Orwellian purposes. This generation of young Americans have no concept of privacy and are allowing the powers that be, and people around them to invade one-another's privacy in unscrupulous ways. Privacy is now considered taboo. One time privacy was considered to be the inalienable right to every human being but is now erroneously viewed as a screen for someone with malicious intent. The view point of "that's not your business that's my private life" gets a reaction such as "what are you trying to hide"? My own privacy has been traumatically violated numerous times in such ways. I have nothing malicious I am trying to hide. I simply am a private person. I don't believe it is acceptable to have my private life in the spot light for the public top peruse through. It has nothing to do with "public safety/security". It is the desire to live life in peace and without harassment. If there was a need for concern or cause for it, then there are policies and procedures for appropriately accessing whatever is necessary in order to investigate whether a threat truly exist. Outside proper due process, it is a violation of one's civil rights and dignity.

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