Thursday, March 7, 2019

From a Heart Beating in the Heartland of America

     Doing whats right and standing for whats right for the sake of the right thing I believe can be achieved without offense against the law. I believe in Love, but it is at times tough love. However though, there is no room with me or around me for anarchist or militant violence.I believe in peaceful politics. More can be achieved by winning hearts than by punches. Many of the worlds greatest minds were renegades who caused change through love without violence. I by no means compare myself to them, but I will follow their example to be a better person and promote the same in others. Those minds include Jesus, Buddha, Baha'ullah, Martin Luther King Jr. and a host of names you can google if interested.

     My politics are conservative, but I am liberal with the rights of many life styles. I believe in empowering Women and consider myself a Feminist. I believe in empowering Women. They are the Mothers of our Children and also our sisters and our daughters. That makes them more important in my opinion. Mothers bless the world with children (which are the most valuable thing in Creation under Heaven). The age of Adam is over and the Age of Eve is at the cusp. When I call on God in my heart I call on "our Mother Who art in Heaven". On certain issues I straddle the line.It can be confusing to many who are used to someone who is all or nothing on issues, but I know what my views are and I am looking for those who agree with me. I have a vision to be the spark that lights the fire that brings the fire storm of change. There are lots of other sparks out there looking in the same direction. Let us meet and greet and shine brightly.

     This great nation has been a world leader and if we are to remain so, we need to pick it back up. It is falling apart at the seams. Violence in our streets, schools and CHURCHES! What have they done this country?! What awful beast are we turning this country into? Those of like minds, I ask you reach out and contact me. Let us make a movement that will bring Blessings down upon our great country from our Goddess above.

     Too many times have I seen stupidity carried out in the name of the system or society. I'm sick of watching my country go to shit because of the sheeple. I have a calling from God to do what I can to make a change towards reason and to improve the social environment around me. I need people and help. We are going to start a movement of like minds and ideologies that will make a positive change in our communities. Our country is spilling out of control. I am in favor of President Trump and while I don't pretend to always understand his style, I do believe he is getting things done in the right direction. I need people who share the same philosophy. Perhaps we can arrange a meeting and start from the grass roots. If you are going to argue with me or flame me then you should probably just click the x at the top right hand of your screen save yourself the trouble. 

     The Great State of Oklahoma is not doing so great lately. The problems that afflict it are; 

an awful education system 

* public mental health resources are slightly better than useless

* leads the nation in incarcerations 

I could go on, but I don't want the blisters associated with having to type out that list.

     The recent Presidential election is proof of the silent majority that exists who wants a better nation to bring back the Great America it once was. Don't be deceived by the lying media (ministry of propaganda) about what Americans want. The devil is a liar and he is good at it too. He streams it live through your t.v. in the form of television PROGRAMMING. We are a strong majority I believe. Put down your copy of the 'Wall-street Urinal' and look for the facts of reality of the world around you that goes on while you drive and text. In my minds eye I can see the Fore Fathers of America grinding their teeth and rolling in their graves over what our nation is turning into. Please comment your thoughts in the space provided just below.

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