Monday, July 13, 2020

Religious Persecution in China

Religious Persecution in China: BACKGROUND

Religious persecution has been endemic in both China and North Korea. I encourage everyone reading this, who are willing; to vocally support religious freedom in both countries. The persecution has been conducted through torture, arrest and execution. The far east is one of the worst places in the world to be visibly religious. This is a normal course of ideology in virtually every communist country.

House Church in China Raided

House Church worshipers were raided and harassed by ChiCom Police, who detained 6 elders, in what is probably an inhumane detention.

Cross Removals Conducted in Z. Provence in China

The Red government of the Communist dragon has made a practice of removing and destroying church crosses atop houses of worship as well as vandalism and outright demolition of religious houses of prayer.

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