Saturday, July 4, 2020

Some Quotes from Brian

     It's the Fourth of July and I am spending it at Lake Murray as I do every year. It is my earthly paradise. I have been coming here my whole life.
Spot in front of the lodge.

Look it's a turtle!

The side of the lodge facing the lake.

The dock.

    I haven't gone swimming though. I haven't gotten around to it. Maybe today if it gets warmer and stops raining. But first lunch and a cup of coffee. And a cigarette. Beer later.

     The total fatalities from COVID-19 in the United States has reached almost 130,000. A score slowly creeping up with the one from the Spanish Flu. Total fatalities across the world are above 500,000 with more than 10 million cases. Remember folks to keep washing your hands.

Some Quotes from Brian

"Help yourself and God will help you."

"To start a conflagration all you need is one spark."

"Sometimes is better to remain quiet than to speak something stupid and make yourself look like an ass".

"The person who can solve a conflict with their intelligence has no need for their fists."

"If a person's character, loyalty or opinion can be bought; then they aren't worth being a member of your tribe."

"If a problem is too big for you to handle, then chip away at it and eventually the problem will disappear".

"Make the most of your life. You are preparing for the here-after. Make your life something good."

"The squeeky wheel may get the grease, but the one who sits with quiet patience gets the best reward."

"If we were to revert to the people we were as children we find ourselves without faults."

"If you want a great thing, you will have to make a personal sacrifice. The greater the value of that which you sacrifice, the more valuable the payout."

"Don't rely on a person's reputation to find out who they are. Get to know them first and judge from their character and actions."

"Gossip is only farts coming out of the wrong it. Don't let bullshit come from your mouth".

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