Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Characteristics of Elijah

      Someone I know hastested positive for COVID-19. IbI have not been in contact with him however.  He has had to to self quarantine. He is now showing symptoms of body aches and loss of smell but no fever. Pray for him please. I pray for the COVID victims and you. At this time I remain at home and symptom free but I sometimes wonder 'when will I begin to show symptoms'? It could happen any day now, as the virus gets closer and closer to home. I am not personally worried about becoming infected. I'm afraid of infecting others. I believe my immune system can defeat the plague. It's everyone else whom im am afraid for. Wether I live or die is completely irrelevant to me. I hope to stay in this world for awhile, for my Mother's sake and for the sake of those whom need me.  But, I am not afraid to die. It will be a glorious day when my God calls me home, but I do not wish to leave my loved ones behind.

    In Oklahoma the virus seems to have plateaued, but remains steady. I expect that to explode come winter. The worst of this has not even begun. I pray God will keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe. I have a friend whom I am becoming quite fond of, whom I worry for her health and her families. In at least thirteen states there are wildfires. Riots are renewed after yet another white cop has killed another black man. Evidently my country has learned little in the past few months. I feel that a civil war may be brewing. The American empire has been shaken and I shed years for the country I love. May God have mercy on us!


     #########The Characteristics of the Prophet Elijah##############


     His name means "The LORD is my God"


He obeyed everything of God.


He prayed much


He had courage


He confronted evil, of which he hated.


He had faith.


He overcame fear 


He returned in the 1830s a as per prophecy and has influenced millions

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