Monday, September 28, 2020

Positive Aspects About Our President

     In defense of our President and in time for the election, I write this article. There are many things we can criticise him on, just as there are many things we can question anyone else, including ourselves, but I like to look at the positive aspects. I also believe that he has unfinished business in office that he needs a second term to complete. A new President will likely only undo what he has done.

     To begin with (what's most important to me) is the progress he has made in regards to North Korea. He is the first President to meet with the North Korean head-of-state and has made a positive impact on Generalissimo Kim Jong-Un. I believe that Kim looks up to our President as a father figure. It is a little known fact that Kim is a big fan of American culture and idolises the President. His predecessors did as well. The President has ended the decades long war with the North and negotiated a ground breaking deal with the crisis of the nuclear arm of DPRK. I believe Mr. Trump has the potential to preform miracles in this area.

     He is a busuiness man NOT a politician. That means he doesn't have the bad habits of a politician and brings a fresh new strategy and view point, not previously seen in American politics. Running the nation like a big busuiness could be much better than previous politics. He has done much more for our economy than formerly seen in other politicians, until the pandemic came and wrecked everything. It is important to realise that it was the plague that destroyed us economically, NOT the policies of this President.

     He is a conservative, which traditionally is much better for the interests of our nation than more liberal Presidents. He is also against the media which is corrupted and full of lies. Western media is not much more than a propoganda machine and fails to be properly informative to the masses. It is a spin-zone that diseminates lies an half trueths over facts. He has made the promise to "Make America Great Again", which I believe he was successfully doing before the COVID-19 plague upended everything. If he remains in office I believe he will get things back on track. 😘

     He delivers on his promises and is a man of his word. I believe that he is one of the most honest Presidents that we have ever had. I believe that he is genuine. To me it seems obvious that he cares about the U.S. and if given the opportunity to, he will prove to truely have America's Best interests in mind. I do believe that he will serve a second term, because I believe his supporters continue to support him despite what the lying media would have you believe.


Image of the author.

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