Monday, February 9, 2015

A Friend Has Passed

     The past week has been one full of distractions and stressors for me. My friend M.M. passed away the Sunday before last from a heart attack. I had seen him several hours before he died and was stunned to find out that he had died during the night. Coupled with job searching and having little food and a returning dental abscess with NO antibiotics or even ibuprofen to fix it, disrespectful guests, ADD, ruminating thoughts, constant people dropping in unannounced and a host of other things...I haven't had a clear thought in a week. At times I am exhausted and lay down to sleep, but my running mind won't let me slip into sleep until I am so tired I pass out. I try to keep on keeping on and am doing well with it. Just something that has to pass until less chaotic times. While I wouldn't say I am "depressed", my ability to enjoy things has been sapped. I have gone through this before and I know that in short time, things will return to a positive.

     Because of the chaos, I have neglected some of my Obligatory Prayers and even the Prayer for the Dead that I half-assed (for Michael Mallory). Like wise I have not been able to focus on the needs of other people I should be, because of being overwhelmed by two particular guests who took advantage of my hospitality and like wise had to be rudely thrown out of my home. Valentines Day (Singles Awareness Day) is just around the corner and I find myself to be single (which seems to be the thing with me just about every V-Day), but kind of have someone in mind if they are interested? Even as I type this, I am also completing the application for Obama Care just because I am sort of obligated to by my government. You see, I still try to be a good citizen.

The Allseeing I Face Book Page (music group)

The Eye of Horus

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