Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Thinking Back On Charlie Hebdo

     This morning my friend Chris showed up. He just wanted to say "hello" I suppose. Just to hang out. He didn't stay long. My guests usually don't. I like my guests to leave with something however. Food or literature or communist propaganda, etc. You never know what you will get in one of my "goody bags". Nothing illegal and nothing to be afraid of. Nothing that will hurt you, for those of you who are paranoid. I listen to a lot of talk radio during the day. FOX (how ironic!) and NPR specifically. I usually also listen to Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis and Coast to Coast AM. I am thinking about the 'Charlie Hebdo' case, in which radical Muslims murdered multiple people at their work place for producing a picture of the Prophet Muhammad (May peace be upon him). I am a Bahai and I respect the wishes of Islam not to produce an idol of the Prophet, but I also believe that the murder of human life (or animal even) is inexcusable and a much greater sin than blasphemous art work! Someone needs to explain to ISIS, the concept of "two wrongs don't make a right." I would do it myself, but I can only imagine what those ass holes would do to a Baha'i. You see, we aren't exactly popular amongst the Muslim population, because of our peaceful interpretations of the Holy Quran. In all seriousness however-we should not have to exist in a world where we might get decapitated or shot to death over a religious or philosophical difference. While it is true that sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, you have to realize that water is a much better strategy. In this case water would be respect for life. A heated letter would be appropriate, not a machine gun. Don't contribute to the problem.

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