Monday, March 25, 2019

Some Relevance to Mormonism

     I have faith in the future victory of the Constitution. It will not fall. Though it may hang from a string, says a Mormon prophecy.If that be the case, then according to the prophecy, the LDS Church will be what rescues it. And I can believe in that. The Mormons I know are all good people. So are the Baha'i. Even the Satanists can be good too. The Mormons believe that God has a wife. She is called the Heavenly Mother. I can accept that too, since I believe that if God is a gender at all, She is a Woman-Mother. If God wants a wife (or husband even) he can have one.

"Come to me; here's the mysteries man hath not seen, Here's our Father in heaven, and Mother, the Queen."
- History of the Church 5:254

Mormonism is an American faith for the regular folk. I admire it myself. Though I now identify as a Baha'i, I am a registered member of the LDS Church. I was baptized into the Latter Day Saints Church at Camp Pendletone, California Recruits Chapel on Christmas Day 2003. That would mark a special spot in the unfolding of my faith later applicable to being a Baha'i. 

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