Saturday, August 24, 2013

Recovering from Meningitis =*(

     I am about day 12 of suffering from viral meningitis. That is why I haven't been posting in awhile. I have been miserably sick. Head ache, nausea, stiff neck and back, chills, etc. I originally posted before thinking that I had a URI or flu, but by day seven of not getting better I went into Norman Regional hospital Emergency Room. There isn't much that can be done about it except rest, NSAIDs, water, etc. The usual sick stuff. The fatigue and loss of appetite feed off each other. i have to force myself to eat small amounts of food, which probably doesn't restore much energy to my body. Just walking a few feet exhausts me. All I am motivated to do is sleep. Not read, not watch t.v. Just lay there (and it doesn't even necessarily matter where). This morning I laid for several hours in front of an abandoned business, because I was too weak to move myself. Finally the bus came around. It's a miracle that I am even sitting here typing this. There is also a possibility that I could have a tick borne infection (i.e. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lyme Disease).

     On to a more positive note-an acquaintance of mine is having her 45th birthday today. Happy Birth day S.M.! My 29th birthday was one week ago. I am ready to be 30! Actually looking forward to it. Ready to get my 20s over with! It is also looking like my plans to make a permanent move could be happening soon. I have been waiting (and praying) patiently for things to come around in this area of difficulty. And in one day I get several pieces of good news (for a change). Praise Allah!

     Also, I believe that I finally have fixed the comment section problem, so you should be allowed to comment now. Comments are moderated (since the first person to comment that wasn't me left an inappropriate comment). Please feel free to comment. I want to know what my readers think and for them to share their ideas. I hate the idea of an "unknowable reader base". I have an open door policy and so does this blog. How can I improve? What should I drop/add? What would you like to see here?

     The local weather for Oklahoma-currently in the 80s. The weather map doesn't show any threatening weather near here. Looks like some storms in the gulf. Yesterday we had some grey clouds and it sprinkled for a moment, but nothing note worthy. This summer we have only had three days where the temp was officially over 100 degrees. A huge change from the last few years. The weather has mostly been a humid 90 approximate range. Drought conditions in Oklahoma have significantly improved (especially for central Oklahoma), with current conditions as "slightly moist".

Links and Articles:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Japanese Nuclear Power Plant Continues to Leak Radiation into the Pacific

Things to Watch for in the Skies This Week

Are We About to See the Fall of Damascus?


Friday, August 16, 2013

Still Sick But On the Down Slopw

     Still am not feeling well. Body aches (especially up and down my spine and head), but no coughing. Still have hot flashes and chills though. No coughing...that is odd. I had been thinking that I may have the flu, but without respiratory symptoms I doubt that is it. No appetite what so ever. I ate a piece of chicken and two spoon fulls of yogurt yesterday, and a beef jerky stick today. I know that I am dehydrated, and should be eating more. When I eat, it makes me nauseous. There seems to be something going around Norman, if what I am hearing is correct. But it always seems like something is going around. Tomorrow is my 29th birthday. I keep thinking that today is Saturday. I have been a day ahead all week.

     I haven't attended religious services in awhile (not because I haven't wanted to-I certainly have!), because of work and travel. I have been doing my own spiritual study, which is a constant thing for me. I don't pray as much as I should, but I do pray a lot. It never hurts to pray more. As I have mentioned already, I am studying the Qur'an. My search for God (or Allah) is everywhere that I might find him (or her depending on your faith). I have learned a lot in previous days from God. Personal things that I don't need to necessarily share here, but know that I KNOW God is in my life, because we talk and hang out every day. I have learned about patience, and faith and just letting things happen in their own time. For everything is an appointed time and patience gets us through undesired times. In the Qur'an it says that an Apostle has been sent for all nations and all people. I relate this to the Bahai belief that a Prophet has been sent down by God at different times and in different places, where God's wisdom is most needed.

     I am taking medicine for the fever and myalgia (body aches). Trying to increase my fluids (less soda, more water) and replenish myself from what I have lost. I haven't been eating much since I got sick and doesn't it just suck when you know HOW to take care of yourself, but just don't feel well enough to do it? Important to increase fluids and eat well when your sick. Even when you don't want to.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Feeling Ill and Irritable

     Being back in Norman, just reminds me of how much I hate it here. I am not even sure I came back. I can't think of a single reason why I am here. As time goes by, I consider more and more just traveling to a different state. Maybe north. There isn't much here in Oklahoma anymore for me. My family is dissolved and after the May 20th, 2013 tornado, what more weather anomalies can I hope for here? I am getting almost 100% negative feed back from the people around me concerning this blog and my Face Book. I have been pushed beyond where I consider my limits to be and am finding it more and more difficult every day to be a nice guy. This world has spoiled me, I have no love for it.

     I had a job interview last week that I am still waiting on here back from. I don't think that it is too promising. I called them yesterday for a follow up, and they said they would give me a call back, but I never got one. I am also waiting to have an interview set up at a Kennel. I am doubting that I will hear from them though. Applying for work at this point has become a redundant formality. My birthday is in two days, and I  usually don't look forward to it (and this year isn't much different), but I am sort of looking forward to my 30th birthday. I feel so sick today. It started yesterday, with fatigue and nausea and now my body is aching. It hurts just to move.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Locked In My Novel

     We had some storms last night. I slept through them. I thought that they had passed that night, but sometime this morning we got a lot of rain and lightening. I am glad to see weather like this again. If you think back to the weather of recent years, you see evidence of climate change. I remember stormy springs, and days and days of rain in the summer here in Oklahoma. Now our weather is so chaotic here, it has become without pattern. Today is grey without the obvious presence of humidity. It rained for a little bit a few minutes ago. It may rain on and off all day. I have no idea what the forecast is. More storms probably.

     I have been reading The Drawing of the Three: The Dark Tower II so I will not lie, that I have spent less time on my Bible and Qur'an studies, but I have kept it up some what. I have a limited time to finish the Stephen King book, so I have been focused on that one. I have been less spiritual focused in the last few days, because of distractions in my personal life. That shouldn't be an excuse,  but that is how it happened. However, I try to live every moment of my life as an act of worship to God.

Is 10/28/2013 A Date to 'Watch For'?

I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ

CNN Faith Blog: End Times Related Category

Some Things to Think About

     We have had some storms come through. Not overly impressive, but still entertaining. I am currently in Warr Acres, Oklahoma and the storms gave us a light show and some brief rain and a little bit of thunder. The storms moved east/south east from here, with the worst of the storms being south. There also seems to be some kind of respiratory virus going around as I previously suggested. I have already recovered from mine, which was a relatively mild case. Now I am immune to this strain and expect to go unharnessed by microbes at least until winter.

     I have also had a recent problem with an individual posting comments on here (that I did not clear to go through) that were juvenile and without any taste. I know who the individual is.

*23 People Missing from Typhoon Utor in the north Philippines.


-Iran has recently told its people to prepare for the end of the world and the return of the Mahdi.

-Many Muslims are currently waiting for the return of the Mahdi.

-Many Christian ministries are expecting the apocalypse and Second Coming in the near future.

-The Mayan calendar case.

-Correspondence of Hopi prophecies.

-Interest has increased in prophets like Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, etc and other apocalyptic novelty.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Another August 12th Update

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
      - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

     There has been a big sink hole in Florida, and a train crash here in Oklahoma (no fatalities). The skies are getting dark here in OKC. It keeps looking like storms are coming, and it rains a bit. Just a few sprinkles. We are under a flood watch, but it isn't even raining heavily. I think I have heard some thunder. I have been having to do a lot of self reflecting lately and having to seek guidance from God. A alleged friend of mine, has no faith in me. I will prove her and people like her wrong.

     I am trying to quit smoking. I have stopped with cigarettes (so far) and am trying the nicotine gum. Since the body is a Temple to the Holy Spirit, it should be cleaned up. To everyone there own choice on what and how they clean themselves up from damaging their Temple. I didn't attend church this Sunday, because I was out of town, but I try to study the Qur'an every day, and that and the Bible are my primary scriptural studies at the moment.`

Beggining of the Week Update

     I am back in Oklahoma City today. I MAY return to Norman, but at this time, I cant think of a single reason too. I have much to thank God for. More blessings than I can count. The other day I was feeling lonely and my mind was hung up on something. I told God that I needed to feel him close to me, so I prayed for that. I also asked for my mind to be rested from the burden. About an hour later I felt the presence of God and I was put at ease. I am continuing my study of the Qur'an, and have been posting selected parts from the text. I have been doing some temporary work here in the city. A lesson that I have learned is how to direct my mind back to God when I focus on negativity. It works.

      I had a job interview last week and am expecting a call from another prospect.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 8th, 2013 Update

     Experimenting with a minor 'fast'. Seven day fast with each day requiring I give up, or limit myself in regards to something for each day. Because of my life style, it is not always so easy to be able to go totally without something, but even cutting back on things can bring with it wisdom. Isn't that interesting how self deprivation can lead to wisdom? In my personal life there is an issue that I am struggling with. But, I have turned to God and am trying to distance myself from the problem-and the person that is part of the problem. I have become tired of certain repetitive things that have happened and am trying to start a new life. For the past few days I have been trying to get back to Oklahoma City with little luck, but tomorrow I may have another shot. I will return!

     We got some storms last night, that I slept through. Some rain and lightening and a little bit of thunder. May get some more tonight. I hope so. You know how I love crazy weather! Always provides for more source material. Tornadoes in Wisconsin yesterday, and there is flooding in Missouri and Tennessee.

     I am battling an upper respiratory infection. How did I end up with that? Only I can catch a COLD in 100+ degree temperatures. Even as I type this, the person at the computer next to me is coughing. Do we have a local outbreak? ;) Yesterday morning I awoke with a sore throat. I immediately figured that it was a virus. I doubted allergies. I'm also coughing a little bit and sneezing, and the usual runny nose. There is some nausea, but I attribute that to dehydration because of the hot weather. I didn't sleep good. I kept waking up, but I think that had to do with the dextromethorphan in the NyQuil gell caps I took last night.



On How to Treat Your Brothers and Sisters in Humankind

1. Always show love. Do not let your own bad feelings hinder your love towards others. Pure, is love that is offered, even when you do not wish to offer it. God shows you unconditional and unrelenting love, so you should show nothing less to all of God's children.
2. Forgive always for God always forgives you.  If you perceive that another person does not deserve your forgiveness, remember that God shows you unending forgiveness even when you do not deserve it. Strive to care for your brothers and sisters in humankind, as God so does. Repent when you fall short, and seek God's forgiveness. He knows your weaknesses and does not wish for you to be lost.
3. Hold no violent thoughts towards others. For if you commit an act of meanness in your mind, you have like wise also done so in your heart. You might as well have carried out the act. Seek wisdom and forgiveness from your creator.
4. Do not judge another, or you put yourself in danger of being humbled. To judge is to act as if you are God. This behavior will have its rewards in Sheol.
5. It is OK to love yourself, but even more wise to love others. Each person is a child in the family of God. Take care of your family and refrain from striking another person whether it be physical or verbal.
6. If you offend another; whether it be in action, word or sin; first go to God for forgiveness. Then seek the forgiveness of the one you offended. If they refuse to forgive you-bless them! And worry not for it is assured that the LORD has already forgiven you!
7. See to it, if it is in your ability to do so, that no one is found wanting. If you find another person lacking a necessity then, if it be possible-give to them what they lack. If you are not able to do so then pray with them and bless them, for surely God will provide to them what they need. If you are without than ask your brethren and sisters for there is no shame in need, and we are responsible to care for each other.

The Current State of Our World

The Current State of Our World:

* America may have bombed Yemen approximately ten days ago.

* Yemen claims to have foiled a terrorist plot.

* Tensions continue between Israel and Palestine.

* Due to the big earthquake in Japan in 2011, the chance of a major earthquake striking Tokyo have increased.

* There is evidence that H7N9 has spread person-to-person.

* Mystery "pork virus" responsible for rise in pork prices.

* Damage to fruit from bad weather will increase price of fruit 10%.

* The home of Ariel Castro has been demolished. Just like, the apartment block that Jeffrey Dahmer lived in.

* The Obama administration is corrupt and apparently seeking to establish a police state.

* The magnetic poles of the sun are expected to flip in four months, and may lead to climate problems.

* Comet ISON may become visible soon.

* Civil unrest continues in Syria.

* Talk about the end times has increased with T.V. programs and movies being released centered around apocalyptic themes.

* John Kerry involved in peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine.

* Sink holes on the increase in recent years.

* Storm warnings for the U.S. tonight.

* The Federal government is abusing U.S. citizen tax dollars.

* President Obama and Russian leader are currently not speaking to each other.

* Skepticism towards religion and faith.

* Charlie Sheene. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Short Notes on the First Chapter of the Book of Revelations

     If it were His will, He could destroy you, O mankind, and create another race; for He has power to do so.     -The Qur'an 4: 133 
...Allah does not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete His favour to you, that you may be grateful.     -The Qur'an 5:6

     Not much new for me. Shaved my beard, so I am clean shaven now, and have a job interview tomorrow. I also checked with enlisting with the Oklahoma Army National Guard, but am not qualified at this time. My Recruiter told me to check back with him in October. A new move may potentially be in my near future back to Oklahoma City, but that is not for certain yet, and I really don't want top have to go back. I have begun studying the Holy Qu'ran and Islam and I am sure I will be sharing some of what I learn here.

     An outbreak of Legionnaire's disease has sicked (killed ?) five people. A twelve year old Arkansas girl has developed a deadly brain eating amoeba from a water park and embassies are shut down world wide as the U.S. anticipates a potential terrorist attack.

Short Notes Concerning Chapter 1 of the Book of Revelations

1:1&3- The 'Latter Days' seemed imminent in John's time. Many people alive at the time, believed that they would live to see the second coming of Christ and the Millennial Kingdom. But, the end times events are timed in God's time which is 1000 years to us equals one day to God. With that said, it has only been two days since Christ was crucified.
1:7-Those who placed Christ on the cross have been dead for just under 2,000 years. They will be resurrected on the last day and judged according to their deeds. The Tribulation has yet to begin (and we have at least seven years before it does). Many prophecies are yet to be fulfilled.
1:20- The 7 stars represents the seven angels of the seven churches .The 7 candle sticks represents  the seven Churches (and seven Church Ages). Like wise each Church Age has a patron Angel assigned to it. We are currently in one of the last Church Ages.
The Book of Revelations was written in approximately 70 A.D by the Apostle John.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

In Memorium for my Grandfather

In Memory of

TSgt. (USAF) Leroy Smith November

1935 (?)-July 27th,2013

     My Grandfather passed away about a week ago from what could have been a stroke. He was 77 years old. He was a Marine and retired from the US Air Force. He met my Grandmother on active duty in Germany. They had three daughters. He was stationed on the DMZ between North and South Korea. He had two Grandsons. The viewing was on Wednesday and Thursday. He appeared to be resting and at peace. It was hard to believe that he was not sleeping. One could almost see his chest rise and fall with each breath. He was dressed in his Air Force dress uniform and his coffin was draped with an American Flag. He was cremated a couple of days ago and his ashes will be in the possession of my Grandmother until they can be placed at Fort Gibson, Oklahoma.

Muggy in Oklahoma Today...and yesterday...and again tomorrow...

     In past days I have asked God for knowledge and revelation concerning a friend of mine. I believe that the prayer was answered when said friend began to clarify some issues with me. Though I may not be happy with what was said, I can take it as truth and revelation, assuming what she said was truthful. Again, the other night I yelled out in my sleep ("Listen Bitch"). But, it was not hostile per se. I yell out, scream and cuss quite often when I sleep. As I have mentioned before I suffer from strange dream phenomenon. Maybe I am doing battle with the Dark Man. I remembered the dream this time, but I usually don't remember the dreams associated with screaming or yelling out. I have bad dreams from time to time but rarely ever scary ones. My apocalyptic themed dreams have recently increased (though I don't always necessarily remember the details).
     Last night I spent the night at my Mom's house (which is a major achievement in itself). The neighbors there are hostile towards me, so going over there is not a good plan. But, being there last night caused no problems. I came back to Norman this morning, when my Mom dropped me off on her way to work. I had a quick breakfast and made my way to the library. For breakfast I had an Egg McMuffin from McDonald's and to be honest, I drank a beer. Had a beer for breakfast just like Johny Cash! I am not a big drinker. The beer was good. Not my favorite, but I wont complain about the taste, which I have tasted much much worse. Speaking of which-don't buy beer from liquor stores. Drink only domestic. I may go back to my Mom's tonight, but I bet I  will end up staying in Norman anyway. Had an "angry" dream last night, but had a couple of good dreams about an individual who screams hatefully about me, a few nights ago. I take that as resolving inner rage and demonstrating that I have made my peace with that individual, even if they do not wish to make their peace with me. I have moved on from that issue and am going to work on the next.
     I attend AA from time to time. I am not an alcoholic, but I do enjoy the experience and hearing people's stories and experiences. You can learn a lot in AA. The AA philosophy can also be applied to other things if you change the words, plus I appreciate that it is spiritually based on your "Higher Power as you understand it to be". I decided to have only the one beer and save my money, though I had considered a second one. This morning was some what muggy and today is very muggy too. That is what you can expect with Oklahoma weather. During the morning hours I walked around town and did some free writing. That is how I transited here to the library. I was dripping with sweat upon arriving at my destination. Darn humidity!
     I have gained some weight lately (probably from all the walking and lifting as well as my metabolism slowing down) and am always trying to increase it. I weighed in at 156 this morning. I try to maintain at least 160 as opposed to my old 145 approximate weight. I am 5'11 btw.
Norman, OK- 81*F. Humidity-69%
Pyong Yang (DPRK)- 78*F Humidity- 79% (I have noticed that North Korea's weather isn't that much different than the weather in Oklahoma).
     The May 20th tornado directly killed 23 people.

Suggested Reading:

-Stephen King's The Stand.

From 'The Oklahoman' (08/02/03):

*The threat of drought has ended for central Oklahoma. Our recent rains helped put a dent in the drought for the rest of the state.

*Victim dies 73 days after tornado. Elderly lady who received a skull fracture and had a stroke as a consequence of brain surgery has died. This would be the 25th death attributed to the May 20th,2013 Moore tornadoes (unofficially). The original fatality count is 23 with one other indirect fatality.

*Record heat wave continues to grip much of China.
  -People are grilling shrimp on man hole covers.
  -A highway bill board mysteriously caught fire by itself.

*Tulsa mosquitoes test positive for West Nile.


Message 8213

     To argue the nature of the Trinity is to argue the seperateness of Christ, God and the Holy Spirit-is like arguing if the central nervous system, mind and brain are seperate people. The Trinity is a collective Divine team, not seperate deities.

     The spirit of the Antichrist exists in the corruption of mankind's governments and institutions. Each Head of State  battles with the AC for positions of power and influence. When corruption becomes complete, then the spirit of the Dragin indwells within the politician. He becomes possesed by the very spirit of AC. It is both a literal being/person (persons) and a condition of a leaders spiritual death. At the moment of spiritual death, the spirit of the AC takes over the body of the individual.

     Soon there will be a cosmic event that will demonstrate to many that God is in control of the universe. The Illuminated will understand what it is. Three days of darkness are coming. Many vents are coming (on earth and in space) that will demonstrate the power of GOD.

And when you get extinguished I will cover the heavens and darken the stars. As for the sun, with clouds I shall cover it, and the moon will not let its light shine. All the luminaries of light in the heavens-I shall darken them on your account, and I will put darkness upon your land' is the utterance of the sovereign Lord Jehovah.     -Ezekiel 32:7-8
     Rivers shall be dried up. The world will be thrown into panic and the kings of the earth will be without leadership and shall be stricken with terror. There shall be wars. Russia and the Muslim nations will be drawn against Israel, and they shall strike her, but shall not harm her. For the might of Jehovah will destroy  their armies, air forces, marines and navies, and the holy land shall be their grave.
     There are Watchman among you, looking for and seeing the signs. Heed their warnings and consider their guidance. There will be made among you prophets who will dream and have visions of things coming upon you. The LORD does nothing without first telling his prophets.
     If you repent and ask the LORD for forgiveness, He shall wipe clean your soul and shall no longer remember your misses anymore. You shall be new again, reborn in the eyes of your creator.
     To the damned-you shall try to flee the wrath of God, but will find no refuge. The land will open to swallow you, but you shall run to the mountains. The mountains shall fall down upon you and crush you. The armies of your enemies shall run you from your homes. You shall flee the advancing  forces to hidden places, but the Plague shall follow you there. You will be unable to flee from God's judgement.
     The Chosen will walk upon solid ground. They shall find refuge in the mountains. They shall not half to fear their enemies, for does not God have the ability to send down legions to protect them from the deeds of evil? The Plague shall not touch them. They shall walk to and fro in good health. They shall aid the judged. They shall seek to aid the lost.
     Heed the cosmic warning that is soon to arrive. And until that time arrives, make yourselves and your homes and your places of worship ready! Go forth and warn others that they may be saved when they see the signs of God in the heavens. Spread the message of these words.
If the things that I speak of come true and are accurate then you will know that the Holy Spirit spoke to me as it is fulfilled. Trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit.