Monday, March 31, 2014

Expectations For Spring?

What Kind of Spring Should We Expect?
Some "predictions" by Brian Hill reffe2ring to the Spring tine period of 2014
Principly Oklahoma

      Short and dramatic storm season. Likely to be worse than last years and will be note worthy. We will get a storm unlike anything seen before. Moore, OK will face troubles again. The bad season will peak in late spring early summer, but shoulld be brief. Around or on the 15th of April will be many interesting things hsppening in the sky.
     The Ebola out break will soonn peak and stop spreading and will probably see its end by the end of the year. The Los Angelas 5.1 earthquake is a precursor to a stronger quake to come. There is something going seismic occuring around the U.S. west coast. The 29th may be the last opportunity to reach peace between Israel and Palestine.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Asteroid to Pass Earth Today

     Today the previously mentioned asteroid passes by earth...or crashes into it. I expect it to pass like so many others, but one will get us eventually. In fact, it is believed that the first asteroid discovered this year has already hit the earth, likely burning up in the atmosphere. Influenza cases are still around, but winding down, while bird flu is once again spreading in China, raising fears of a coming pandemic. The Malaysian flight that disappeared a few days ago still hasn't shown signs what-so-ever. Oil slicks originaly believed to have been related to the crash site are now believed to be unrelated. It is beggining to look more and more like a terrorist attack, but that has yet to be confirmed. Some people believe that aliens took the plane or it disapeared into some kind of Bermuda Triangle. I go out on a limb sometimes myself, but I think this one has a more common answer.

     As for my life I am happy to report having met someone that I really like and am happy being around. That is a positive change for me.

If My Life Was a Book...
It would be 'The Illuminatus Trilogy' by Robert Anton Wilson.
If you know me and you have read the would understand why.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Asteroid Impact Hazard for March 11th

Approximately 1.5 Days Until Possible Asteroid Impact
On March 11th, an 80 story sized asteroid with an unpredictable path will come near the earth. The asteroid is considered to be a possible impact hazard, but we won't know for sure until it passes (or hits us). Fireballs caused by meteors have increased in the past few days and is expected to continue through until the 16th at least.

~I have 23 contacs in my phone.
~I have the movie '23' on the book shelf in my living room.
~The above mentioned asteroid was lost at least 230 times as it has been tracked.
~A Malaysian airliner 777 has disapeared for unknown reasons while traveling to China. There were 238 passengers aboard.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Asteroid Fly By Today...but what if?

     Exciting new things are in the works for me. You know who you are ;). I am finally over the flu (I think). After almost a MONTH of being sick. Speaking of which, flu season is winding down now that we have passed the peek. The Russians have invaded the Ukraine and tested an ICMB missile. Speaking of missiles, North Korea has been active over the past few days firing missiles into the ocean. Saturday Night Live says they did this in retaliation for a wave that knocked Kim Jong Un over. As of writing this, an asteroid has already or will soon pass close to the Earth. Closer than the moon. Near earth asteroids seem to be a more common occurrence in the last couple of years (along with earthquakes in Oklahoma) which leads me to the next part...

Asteroid Fly By Today 

     The asteroid passing by today is expected to fly by harmlessly. But what would happen if it did hit? The resulting explosion would be more powerful than the atomic bomb exploded over Hiroshima. Remember the meteorite that exploded over Russia last year? That was 30 times more powerful than the above mentioned atomic bomb, and that was an air burst that resulted in the injury of 1,500 people and property damage. Had it landed in a major metropolitan area it would have destroyed an entire city resulting in thousands or possibly millions of deaths and untold destruction and environmental catastrophe. The debris, ash and smoke released during the blast would cloud the atmosphere dropping the amount of sun light that would reach earths surface, causing nuclear winter and the eventual deaths of plant life and animals and possibly world wide famine.
Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him. He opened the bottomless pit, and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit.
     -Revelation 9:1-2
     If such a meteorite landed in the ocean it would create a tsunami that would devastate coastal areas and destroy ports, harbors and maritime fleets and countless ocean life. Depending on the content of the meteor that would play another factor. Comets are composed of mostly rocky material and ice (and are potential harbingers of "space microbes" that could result in the introduction of a never before seen plague. Asteroids are often composed of iron. A large enough asteroid with a rich enough iron content could literally dye the ocean crimson red, giving the seas the appearance of blood.
The first sounded, and there came hail and fire, mixed with blood, and they were thrown to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood, and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed.…
    -Revelation 8:7-9
     It is not a matter of if, but when we are struck from space. We know that these things have happened many times before, in the past and we can be sure that we can expect them again in the future. Just look at what transpired on 2/15/2013.
**Un-Fun Fact: Chicago is the murder capital of the world!**