Sunday, June 25, 2017

Eid Mubarak Edition

     New positive changes are coming for me in my life. One thing that I am looking forward to is that I am considering volunteering for the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps. I have also recently made some very good new friends and have been doing some working on my writing. I am sort-of in the process of writing a novella. Earthquakes in Oklahoma have been on the decrease, however the risk for a large damaging one remains for the foreseeable future. Public violence and terrorism continues to be on a steady rise in the world. The most recent event having occurred in the UK on the last day of Ramadan. A driver has driven through a crowd of Muslim worshipers, running over at least 6 people. This comes soon after an incident in Paris and in Brussels in the last few days as well as a suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in the UK, in the last few weeks. The conditions of our world are sadly going down hill, but being an man of faith and optimism, I truly believe that things will get a whole lot better if we wait patiently and continue to do whatever each of us can to make the world a better place. This leaves me with a favor to ask you, reader. Please today and in the coming days and hopefully for the remaining days of your lives, I ask that each of you make a conscious effort to do even small simple things to improve the lives of others and to share selfless love. Open doors, for one another, do a good deed for a stranger, rescue an animal, etc. Use your imagination. You will feel better for doing it, and you will make the world better as a result. So thank you for that and God bless you and may much light be in your world!

Bad News:

* Recent severe storms and tornadoes do damage in the United States. Hurricane season begins.

* American detained for 17 months in North Korea has been returned to the United States in a coma and has died. The silver lining is that he regained some consciousness and was returned home to see his family one last time, before he entered the Heavenly realm.

* Land slide in China claims possibly as many as 100 lives.

* North Korea continues to pursue ballistic missiles and nuclear program despite international condemnation.

* Could a new Civil War or Revolution be coming for the United States? Violence and anti-government/authority activity on the rise.