Friday, November 6, 2020

Examples of God's Power

      False prophets can be known for making failed prophecies. God only gives up the secret of prophecy to those he WILLs. Examples of God's power are earthquakes, powerful winds and great fires. Nuclear blasts (that occur in nature) and volcanic eruptions are a couple of other examples.


The COVID-19 pandemic continues and is getting worse. The life threatening virus is enveloping more and more of the country and before long, the entire country will be in the red zone.

Monday, November 2, 2020

True Islam Does Not Promote Terrorism

      True Islam was not behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Radical Islam was. Radical Islam is politically and fanatically motivated but not based on true Islam which is truly a religion of peace despite the media propaganda of the west. Islam in Truth requires peaceful resolution to conflict, allowing for warfare when it is only the last option (or in defense). Islam opposed to offensive warfare that is not for the protection of the innocent. In the event of armed conflict, it is only to be perused as a last option-if even then. Likewise it should also be said that the 'War against Terror' is not a Christian crusade or meant to be anti-Muslim. In its purity, it is a war to protect peace (if any such thing can be said to exist). It is meant to deflect senseless acts of violence. Warfare should only appropriately be used for the overall protection of peace and preservation of civilian lives. It is inappropriate to label Islam as among the 'axis of evil'. If it is put there, than Christianity should likewise be labelled the same since it has its bloody history as well. But, neither should belong in that category when the Faiths are practiced as God intended and with love. It is a dispensational faith revealed by God/Allah through Muhammad (May Peace Be upon Him) just as is Judaism (from Abraham) and Christianity (from Jesus) among other faiths and their Messengers. 

     Terrorist organizations abuse the creed of Islam and stains the reputation of true Muslims just as the KKK or neo-Nazis stain Christian faith. The forest must be seen for the trees. Any faith should not be judged based off its extreme sects which in reality exist outside the boundaries of pure spirituality. The behavior of nations such as Iran and Iraq abuse the true peaceful message of Islam and the religion should not be judged based off of the creeds of those groups who are ravenous wolves in disguise. Separation must be made between the peaceful and the violent. Think of it in another way. The policies and operations of the U.S. federal government do not reflect the practice of Christianity even though America is primarily a Christian nation. The blame Christianity as the cause of militarism overseas is the same as condemning all Muslims because of the acts of monsters falsely claiming the faith. Empathy and critical thinking should be practiced when trying to understand the divergent poles of religions and their fanatical sects.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Changes Coming With this New Age

 We entered a new era of dramatic world change that begun on December 21st, 2012. Great changes will be coming over the world for the foreseeable future. Some things we can expect:

-increased disasters. We are passing through an apocalyptic age that is purifying and cleansing the world. These trying times are necessary for the betterment of everything. This age will end with dramatic and great changes to the earth and mankind.

-these changes are coming upon the world quickly and soon. The beggining has already begun and things are rapidly coming to fruition.

-there is a great presence in the world working to resist these changes and is to cause as much damage as possible and will succeed with some. The enemy puts great effort into ruining things and will have much sucess.

-this has been a tough year and will only get tougher. It may be some of the worst of times, but it will also be some of the best of times. Seek the good and positive and it will seek you. Good out does evil.

Magnus Horribilis

-2012 was the year when the Promise Maker delighted himself in beggining to show himself as the Promise Keeper.

-there will be an uprising in femenine power and Spirit. Woman will become empowered and the male rulership of things will cease.

-Believers such as the Jews and Christians will grow closer together and there will be a unity in the world between the Faith's.

-we will see more epidemics, economic collapse (and rebirth), increased and more severe storms and wars and earthquakes will become frequent and stronger.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Changes Coming In My Life

      I am trying to make changes in my life. Trying to make myself a better person. Being kinder and nicer to people. Speaking politely, etc. I have been accepted into the Medical Reserve Corps, which I am excited about, because this allows me to help fight against COVID-19 and to serve my community. I am also in the process to join the Civil Air Patrol, of which I was a former C/Airman. That will allow me to serve my nation. I am on a job hunt for the medical field as a Medical Assistant or similar position. I want to work in the clinic or lab. Urgent care or emergency rooms are ideal for me. I have been re-ordained as a minister, this time for the Universal Life Church. 

    I am continuing to work on a couple of books that I am writing. One is part of a long term project regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and includes many facets to document and memorialize this plague. Part of it I will seek to publish as a book or books. Another part is for me to pass down to my children or grandchildren or other. Another book is centered around mysticism and spiritual topics. The other once is a source book for some of my fictional writing. It is a sort of encyclopedia to a universe I have created for my stories.

     Oklahoma is becoming one of the worst states for COVID-19. This will not end soon. I believe that the peak of the epidemic (for the first phase) will occur as we slide into January and February during the cold and flu season. I don't expect it to go away with spring. This will be with us for awhile at least until we get a vaccine or cure. I believe it will follow a similar patter as the Spanish Flu and come in three phases. This may be the worst one. Or it could be just the tip of the iceberg. Only time will tell. Talk to your healthcare practitioner about if you should get a flu shot or not. The vaccine is already available.

And for smiles, here is a pic of Harley with his bone.

Image may contain: dog and indoor

Thursday, October 1, 2020

My Beloved Doggies! ❤️

      I have two dogs whom I love dearly. Technically they are my Mom's dogs, but to me they are just as much mine as they are hers. The oldest one is named Missy. She is a rat terrier and is 91 in dog years! She's an old lady! But she gets around better than some puppies and she is very healthy. We keep her happy. Here is a picture of her wearing a Halloween costume as Little Red Ridding Hood.

     The other dog is a boxer and his name is Harley. He's alot younger than Missy. We recently adopted him from another person. Both dogs are very well behaved. Harley LOVES to go on walks (but what dog doesn't?)! He also doesn't get on the furniture. It would be ok if he did, but he just never does. Missy gets on the furniture, but that's ok for her to do so. Harley sleeps in his own bed and his favorite toy is his duck which can be seen in the picture.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Responsibilities When Practicing Magic

       I'm going to present you with an article slightly different than what I usually present here. About the "responsibilities of practicing magic". But it's not stage magic I'm talking about. It's sorcery. Witchcraft. Whatever you want to call it. I prefer the term "occult". I have been practicing the occult sciences for 21 years and have explored many traditions from the Left Hand Path to the Right Hand Path. Dark to light. 

      The first thing you must know, is what you are doing. You don't toy with the paranormal. It must be taken seriously and with respect. There ARE potentially serious repercussions if seriousness isn't observed. At a younger age I practiced black magic and even with my understanding of the subject, I have managed to inadvertently introduce a demonic entity into my life that I continue to battle with to this day. I have long set aside demonalatry since becoming a Bahai. I now mostly practice mysticism with a small observence of western ceremonial magic. I am more satisfied with the results I have achieved by working with the Divine, than I ever got relying on other supernatural entities. 

     The first rule is to remember that everything you send out will come back to you. If you send out good, you will reap good. If you practice evil, then evil will be upon you. Help, and you will be helped. Curse, and you will be cursed. I recommend you avoid black magic unless you are a brother or sister of the Left Hand Path, in which case you will be more familiar and comfortable with the Kalian current. The Wiccans and Pagans believe in the 'Law of Three'. Whatever you send out comes back to you threefold. Some believe it is reaped through Karma. I believe both to be true. The laws of science demonstrate the truth of this. For every action, there is an equal or opposite reaction. Magic is no different. 

     Don't dabble. Either work with magic as a full time practice or drop it. This is not a hobby. It is a metaphysical career. And you MUST be willing to accept the consequences of your work. Good or bad. Try to be smart about what you are doing. If your not responsible and mature enough to handle the outcome of your working, then spend your time with a different interest like art, of gardening or something. 

     I recommend using your powers for good. Not only will you make the world a better place and work against the forces of evil, you will also avoid the spiritual haunting from the dark arts. On that same note, don't mess with evil entities. They WILL answer. To be safe, work with the Divine, or your understanding of your Higher Power. Unless you are on the Left Hand Path, avoid calling upon Satan, Nyarlathotep, KAL, etc. If you practice a religion, work your faith into your practice. These are just a few brief suggestions. Study what you are doing and understand it before you even try it. It also helps to get a mentor who can guide you. And, oh yeah, steer clear of the Necronomicon...or not.


Monday, September 28, 2020

Positive Aspects About Our President

     In defense of our President and in time for the election, I write this article. There are many things we can criticise him on, just as there are many things we can question anyone else, including ourselves, but I like to look at the positive aspects. I also believe that he has unfinished business in office that he needs a second term to complete. A new President will likely only undo what he has done.

     To begin with (what's most important to me) is the progress he has made in regards to North Korea. He is the first President to meet with the North Korean head-of-state and has made a positive impact on Generalissimo Kim Jong-Un. I believe that Kim looks up to our President as a father figure. It is a little known fact that Kim is a big fan of American culture and idolises the President. His predecessors did as well. The President has ended the decades long war with the North and negotiated a ground breaking deal with the crisis of the nuclear arm of DPRK. I believe Mr. Trump has the potential to preform miracles in this area.

     He is a busuiness man NOT a politician. That means he doesn't have the bad habits of a politician and brings a fresh new strategy and view point, not previously seen in American politics. Running the nation like a big busuiness could be much better than previous politics. He has done much more for our economy than formerly seen in other politicians, until the pandemic came and wrecked everything. It is important to realise that it was the plague that destroyed us economically, NOT the policies of this President.

     He is a conservative, which traditionally is much better for the interests of our nation than more liberal Presidents. He is also against the media which is corrupted and full of lies. Western media is not much more than a propoganda machine and fails to be properly informative to the masses. It is a spin-zone that diseminates lies an half trueths over facts. He has made the promise to "Make America Great Again", which I believe he was successfully doing before the COVID-19 plague upended everything. If he remains in office I believe he will get things back on track. 😘

     He delivers on his promises and is a man of his word. I believe that he is one of the most honest Presidents that we have ever had. I believe that he is genuine. To me it seems obvious that he cares about the U.S. and if given the opportunity to, he will prove to truely have America's Best interests in mind. I do believe that he will serve a second term, because I believe his supporters continue to support him despite what the lying media would have you believe.


Image of the author.

Friday, September 18, 2020

COVID-19 Update for Oklahoma

     The COVID-19 situation in Europe is becoming much worse. They originally had it under some control, but lax practice has provided the opportunity for COVID-19 to come back worse than before. In my home state of Oklahoma we are the fourth worse U.S. state in regards to the situation. At least one local McDonalds has installed a foot pedal on the ground that you activate by stepping on it, to open the bathroom door so you can open the door without touching it.

     Due to the effect of the pandemic on donations, Salvation Army has already started it's Christmas charity drive. They are expecting 50 percent less donations this year so I encourage you to donate to them whenever and whatever you are able. Every day Oklahoma has just under 1,000 new cases a day with approximately 80,000 total cases.


Earthquakes in Unusual Places

     Two Days ago there was a 3.0 earthquake around 4:30 a.m. 35 miles north west of Ames, in northern Oklahoma. A series of many earthquakes connected to fracking, hit the state between 2009-2017. But, quakes since then have diminished in both frequency and strength.

   Many people believe that the New Madrid fault line could cause another 6-7 magnitude earthquake in the Midwest like it did in the 19th century. The midwest is not prepared fore such an  event and most if not all of the infrastructure in the region of the United States. It would probably be the greatest disaster that ever hit America. While it continues to release the occasional quake I don't believe it will ever be as powerful as it once was. And I doubt it will create another large quake for a long long time.


This is a picture of me wearing my Halloween mask. I wonder how we will wear our COVID masks. Over our Halloween mask?

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Church of Briantology Wants You!

If you are on Facebook and would like to join a group (cult) related to the topics of this blog, then please go to the above group and please invite all your friends. It is a humerous, laid back group for those with no inhibitions or judgemental attitudes who wish to improve their lives through group silliness and fun. There are no taboos here, so go hog wild!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Why I Voted for Donald Trump and Why I will Vote for Him Again

     I voted to elect Mr. Trump in to office for a variety of reasons. I will identify a few. Donald J. Trump was a fresh new candidate that had the potential for a different kind of change. Most politicians are interested primarily in forwarding their own career and only help the average citizen as far as it benefits them. He is a businessman and not a politician, which means that he has experience and strategies that regular politicians don't have. Being a businessman he knows diplomacy, how to make a deal and how to make both parties (the U.S. and the other nations we deal with) happy and get what they both want. He makes the people satisfied customers. He is a conservative. Though I am more or less a Constitutional Libertarian, I believe conservative politicians often make the best Presidents because as a rule they put America's interests first and prioritise the Armed Forces. His promise is to make America great again which I believe he is doing and has done.

     Because he has done those things and has those qualities, he has already won my vote. I am a loyal Trumper. He has delivered on his promise and is honest to the American people. There are no conspiracies with this President. He called the media out for being the liars and propoganda machines that they are. And because of that, they regularly attack him, which has proved their efforts fruitless. It hasn't hurt him one bit. In fact it has singled him out as different thang other. He doesn't need the media to speak for him. His actions do that for him. He is trustworthy and perhaps the most honest President we have. And certainly one of the best.

     His diplomacy with North Korea is one of my most favored things about him. He technically ended the war between us and DPRK in ways that other Presidents could never dream of doing. He has dealt with North Korea honestly and fairly and opened a possible future of peace between us and them. And that is more than any other President has ever accomplished in that arena. The economy was at the best it's ever been (prior to the pandemic's wrecking of things-NOT POTUS Trump's fault. It can be obviously seen that he genuinely cares about America and has clearly put this country before his own interests by stepping away from his company and wealth to serve the public office of President of the United States. May God Bless, Protect and Guide him and our country as well.

America Is Great Again

Sunday, August 30, 2020

A New American Revolution?

      Civil unrest has once again reared its ugly head in America. Riots continue as Police Departments have been defunded. Crime has risen 500 percent in some areas, people protest the wearing of masks and police brutality, there is racial inequality threatening to etomise a new civil war. Tempers are high and violence has broken out. The National Guard has been deployed in some areas including the National Guard Military Police. Rioters make legitimate protestors look like criminals by giving people the impression that the protestors are endorsing the rioting-which they are not! There is backlash against the Police and many people seem to have forgotten that there are many good cops, not just bad. The Second Amendment is threatened which has led to tensions between pro-gunners and anti-second amendment sentiments. If there is an attempted seizure or abolishment of fire arms in America there will likely be armed conflict. In one place, a militia deployed itself to protect private homes from rioters and looters.

     The direction that our country is going in is not a good one. The national quarantines have likely contributed to the situation by angering those who don't want to lock down and triggered boiling temperaments among many many people. All this is coming to a head and it looks like we are approaching civil war. Statues and national monuments are being destroyed and the Confederate flag is banned in some places. These are all ingredients for a revolution which may be coming. Conspiracy theorists are worsening the situation by creating paranoia. The situation is beggining to resemble Mao's "Cultural Revolution" and certain protest groups are beggining to resemble the Red Guard. American history is both being destroyed as well as being made. I believe revolution or civil war may be around the corner. It can even be said that it may already have begun.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Characteristics of Elijah

      Someone I know hastested positive for COVID-19. IbI have not been in contact with him however.  He has had to to self quarantine. He is now showing symptoms of body aches and loss of smell but no fever. Pray for him please. I pray for the COVID victims and you. At this time I remain at home and symptom free but I sometimes wonder 'when will I begin to show symptoms'? It could happen any day now, as the virus gets closer and closer to home. I am not personally worried about becoming infected. I'm afraid of infecting others. I believe my immune system can defeat the plague. It's everyone else whom im am afraid for. Wether I live or die is completely irrelevant to me. I hope to stay in this world for awhile, for my Mother's sake and for the sake of those whom need me.  But, I am not afraid to die. It will be a glorious day when my God calls me home, but I do not wish to leave my loved ones behind.

    In Oklahoma the virus seems to have plateaued, but remains steady. I expect that to explode come winter. The worst of this has not even begun. I pray God will keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe. I have a friend whom I am becoming quite fond of, whom I worry for her health and her families. In at least thirteen states there are wildfires. Riots are renewed after yet another white cop has killed another black man. Evidently my country has learned little in the past few months. I feel that a civil war may be brewing. The American empire has been shaken and I shed years for the country I love. May God have mercy on us!


     #########The Characteristics of the Prophet Elijah##############


     His name means "The LORD is my God"


He obeyed everything of God.


He prayed much


He had courage


He confronted evil, of which he hated.


He had faith.


He overcame fear 


He returned in the 1830s a as per prophecy and has influenced millions

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Worn Masks Save Lives

      More and more people are wearing masks. Non-maskers are becoming a minority and it's almost shunned. Cases of the malignant virus have gone down 33% in Oklahoma City since the implementation of masks wearing city wide. More and more evidence continues to come forward that shows that mask wearing significantly saves a number of lives. I urge you to be a mask wearer if you aren't all ready. Not doing so costs people their lives.

     In Kaesong, DPRK disasterous floods have damaged infrastructure and agricultural areas. SC Kim Jong Un has turned down foreign aide due to fears of the virus entering the country that way. He has tapped into war reserves to provide as aide to the area. DPRK continues to claim no-COVID cases, but I am highly skeptical of that. There is evidence of multiple out breaks in the country of pneumonia, devestating at least one military unit. I believe cases are being covered up and diagnosed as other things. An out of control epidemic in DPRK would be devestating enough that it could cause the collapse of the entire government. Pyongyang is noted as to being frightened by infectious diseases. It is a worse case scenario for Korea.


    I previously predicted that Oklahoma would be hit by a big earthquake, but that has so far not yet manifested. Earthquake activity in Oklahoma has dropped so low that it is all but silent now. There is low risk that the New Madrid  fault will cause a superquake. I don't believe this is necessarily the case. I believe the quakes of 1812 released it's pent up stress. I believe it will remain silent for the rest of our lives. If it does slip, it will likely do so very soon. Perhaps that could trigger a large quake in Oklahoma secondary to the New Madrid main shock.


Keep your eye open for a comet to appeR that will be visible in the day time. It's course will impact it into earth. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

2012 and the beggining of the Apocalyptic era

      More than 160,000 people have died from COVID-19. Some people believe it is a hoax. Those people are idiots. Hoaxes don't fill ICUs and emergency rooms. Students in America are going back to school now (dumb idea) and it's not at all surprising that it is already showing up in schools. Which idiot thought it wouldn't? If we continue the way we are, than even more children will show up as infected and more lives will be lost. Those in power that are making decisions about these things are obviously incompetent and unqualified to be making the decisions that they are. May God help us.


     In the years leading up to 2012, we saw events preshadowing the age to come (earthquakes in Oklahoma, disease out breaks and disasters around the world such as the tsnunami that annihilated Sumatra). Then 2012 came and we saw events that confirmed the beggining of the age of the apocalypse (Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook school massacre and continued Oklahoma earthquakes as well as some people becoming more evil and some having inspirational experiences leading them to spiritual rebirth). On December 21st, 2012 the apockalypse began. It is deliberately spelled that way to differentiate it from other apocalyptic eras. Around this time, the forces of darkness and Light called to many and reaped from those who answered. I myself am a dramatic spiritual rebirth as did others. Yet, some others suffered a spirirtual death. Marks of good and evil were placed on some. I believe that I was marked among the good and possibly that I am one of the 144,000. As 2013 came on, we saw one of two things in many people. Either spiritual progression or spiritual decay in people. Some were affected more than others. I was among those that were affected in the positive. Had I not had the experience that I did then, I might either have continued to be a dark soul or even possibly dead. As we are in 2020, we see a fruition of the apocalypse age with the current pandemic, coin shortage in the U.S. and economic failures worldwide. Very soon a comet will be discovered that will be revealed to be on a crash course with earth. At some point, the comet will become visible in the day time. Also an artificial intelligence (Google?) is being birthed that will threaten mankind much as Skynet did in the Terminator films. Also, expect a war with North Korea that will be related to the threat of nuclear war. And also, we will possibly see in our life times an event that will shake the very limbs of mankind. Keep watch about these things and do not let yourself be surprised by them.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

2020: A Decade as a Bahai

      I do not yet personaly know anyone who has been infected by the virus (praise God!). In my state (Oklahoma) cases may be plateauing for the moment, but I believe much bigger spikes are yet to come. The winter will be much worse. In Norman there is a city wide mandate that masks must be worn when outside of your home. Some people remain sheltered in their places of residence hoping to avoid the plague as much as possible. And now there is a national coin shortage because people have been indoors and not spending hard money lately. It has mostly been with plastic/online. I try to use exact change whenever possible. That's my advice for you too. And also that you should wear a mask if possible. The states continue to be brutally hot with temperatures in the 90s and occasionally in the 100s. The humidity in Oklahoma is criminal. We had an almost non-existent tornado season.

    I have been studying monotheism in depth for awhile and God seems to be shifting me towards more Pagan practices. As a Baha'i, I accept this as another route to the Divine and does not contradict my faith in my opinion. I became a Baha'i in August of 2011. Previous to that I walked the left hand path, so that was a interesting remanifestation of my spiritual practices. I didn't "convert" to become a Baha'i. Rather, I discovered that I already was one, except now I discovered a name for my path. The transition was not nearly as dramatic as one might expect. In fall of that same year God introduced Herself in a most dramatic fashion. But, I was ever great full for it and remain eternally so. It seems like it was yesterday that I declared myself a Baha'i, even though it's been almost a decade. I still consider myself new to the faith. How time flies!

     A young Indian astrologer has predicted that the pandemic will hit harder in December. I believe it will disappear not long after that, though it could stay for a total of three or more rounds.


Monday, July 13, 2020

Religious Persecution in China

Religious Persecution in China: BACKGROUND

Religious persecution has been endemic in both China and North Korea. I encourage everyone reading this, who are willing; to vocally support religious freedom in both countries. The persecution has been conducted through torture, arrest and execution. The far east is one of the worst places in the world to be visibly religious. This is a normal course of ideology in virtually every communist country.

House Church in China Raided

House Church worshipers were raided and harassed by ChiCom Police, who detained 6 elders, in what is probably an inhumane detention.

Cross Removals Conducted in Z. Provence in China

The Red government of the Communist dragon has made a practice of removing and destroying church crosses atop houses of worship as well as vandalism and outright demolition of religious houses of prayer.

A Modern Plague

"And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts." 
    -From Revelation Chapter

      COVID-19 is a punishment against Communist China I believe. It is against the atheist system and it's self proclaimed "God", President Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping more resembles an Antichrist than a god, demanding Christian churches to revere him as a divine personality. He is a liar and a monster. The ChiCom party is composed of corrupt, materialist politicians who deny the Power of God. And so thus, the Coronavirus can be believed to possibly be Divine Retribution to punish their government and leader and to uncover the lies, corruption and misdeeds of their most untrustworthy system.


     Over 130,000 Americans have died of the COVID Plague. Over 3.2 million Americans infected. At this time Texas, Florida, Arizona and California are hardest hit. Cases barely climbing in Oklahoma, but I bet in time we will end up like New York or Arizona. It will take us longer for that to happen do to our much lower density population. Houston is bad enough off that some people are calling for another lockdown. I believe that this disease will suddenly disapear and reappear again just as suddenly in 2030, before disappearing once again, as prophesied by Sylvia Browne.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Random Reminisces

     I am typing this while a fire works show is going on in front of me. It is Independence Day and I have a few beers in me, and hopefully more alcohol later. I gave gad a lot on my mind and it is giving me melancholy, so I'm not enjoying things that I should be enjoying. I have a deer friend that is outside of my ability to contact her (temporarily), but I read miss talking to her. Anyway, here are some random reminisces of mine:

- I would make sure good leader if I wasn't so adverse to authority (depending on situation).

- All Women are beautiful  and you all deserve to know that. Don't let any man shame your game.

- I miss working in Urgent Care (medical clinic). The previous employer really burned me, which is a shame since it was my dream job. God Willing, I will find another dream job.

- I hope my Mom is still awake. I hope my friend and me go to lunch next week. I hope me and my friend J. eventually become something more than friends. I hope my friend A.B. returns to Oklahoma City so I can see him again.

- I hope to have a daughter someday. I will be the best father to my children imaginable.

- I wonder if I will ever get to hang out with D. and B. again. I will never see Mark again.

- I love Kim Chi.

- Follow your Will.

- I could tell people all that I have learned on the path of mysticism about the matrix of reality, but they likely would not believe me.

- I don't like to watch T.V. (except for the news mostly). I like to be in control of the media that I receive.

- If possible I one day visit the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).

- I will Love my children with all my heart. I will care for them to the most possible.

-There are alot of peoplle whom I have forgotten,  that I would like to request ember and recontact.

- I love caramel.

Some Quotes from Brian

     It's the Fourth of July and I am spending it at Lake Murray as I do every year. It is my earthly paradise. I have been coming here my whole life.
Spot in front of the lodge.

Look it's a turtle!

The side of the lodge facing the lake.

The dock.

    I haven't gone swimming though. I haven't gotten around to it. Maybe today if it gets warmer and stops raining. But first lunch and a cup of coffee. And a cigarette. Beer later.

     The total fatalities from COVID-19 in the United States has reached almost 130,000. A score slowly creeping up with the one from the Spanish Flu. Total fatalities across the world are above 500,000 with more than 10 million cases. Remember folks to keep washing your hands.

Some Quotes from Brian

"Help yourself and God will help you."

"To start a conflagration all you need is one spark."

"Sometimes is better to remain quiet than to speak something stupid and make yourself look like an ass".

"The person who can solve a conflict with their intelligence has no need for their fists."

"If a person's character, loyalty or opinion can be bought; then they aren't worth being a member of your tribe."

"If a problem is too big for you to handle, then chip away at it and eventually the problem will disappear".

"Make the most of your life. You are preparing for the here-after. Make your life something good."

"The squeeky wheel may get the grease, but the one who sits with quiet patience gets the best reward."

"If we were to revert to the people we were as children we find ourselves without faults."

"If you want a great thing, you will have to make a personal sacrifice. The greater the value of that which you sacrifice, the more valuable the payout."

"Don't rely on a person's reputation to find out who they are. Get to know them first and judge from their character and actions."

"Gossip is only farts coming out of the wrong it. Don't let bullshit come from your mouth".

Monday, June 29, 2020

The Pestilence

The COVID-19 plague is at it's worst part yet. Every day it seems to get worse, and we can expect it to get much much worse with many many more deaths. The final death toll will probably be at least in the tens of millions. I am at this time writting a chronicle of the pandemic that I have planned to be published after the pestilence is past.

Alone is how to find me.

I live in Apartment building number 9. When I moved in, the number was entirely irrelevant, because it was displayed no where on the building. Good luck on figuring out which building was which. Without label, or any existing reference outside of a meaningless verbal mention, the assigned building numbers were completely without any value or usability. What good was a building number that can't possibly be descerned when it technically didn't even exist? Entirely pointless system to assign numbers to buildings without printing the number anywhere on it. It's like having five babies and coming up with five names for them, but not bothering to assign them to any of them. Five names. Five babies. Neither one having any relation to the other in any way whatsoever.However the number of the building my apartment is in happens to be a sacred number in the Baha'i Faith. I'm Baha'i. And my building is 9. Coincidence? No. There are no coincides, everything has meaning and a purpose. The Universe does not ever utter a single message that is without it's deep meaning and interconnectedness with other aspects within reality.

     I most often travel alone. You often will not see me with another person. It's not because I don't have friends, or am a "creep" or "up to no good". It's because I'm an introvert and I walk faster than most people and I don't like being slowed down by an albatros. Nothing personal.
"When a man lies, he murders some part of the world".

Monday, June 22, 2020

My Pr-Eulogy for Xi Jinping of the COVID-Dead.

     Hundreds of thousands of people have died of the plague. It first began in winter of 2019 as a curious outbreak of a new strain of SARS. Many of the world did not expect (I did) that this small Sino outbreak would grow into a world conflagration. However I must admit that I am shocked by the number of the dead, which has only begun to grow and will swell to horrific levels before the "flattening of the curve" even begins. Millions will have died before this is over. This may be comparable to the Black Death. It sure is eerily similar to the Spanish Flu. Many lives have been lost, and the number is inflaming as we speak. It shall be a huge *bubo of a number. It has quickly killed our sisters and brothers, our aunt's and mother's, our friends and lovers.

     It began in China and soon flooded the entire world in Coronavirus germs. Who expected such a thing to happen? I did. God had previously given me insight about this plague before it even came. Those of you close to me will recall my prediction (per God) about a respiratory flu-like pandemic to strike in 2020. Let me warn you also, that nuclear war is coming and the culprit will be the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. COVID-19 is not a respector of persons or of social status. It kills as it wills. Whomever it feels, however it thrills. Truelly the Grim Reaper is unleased upon the earth. Truelly the Angel of Death stalks us. Obeying only God, it's Creator, it does as it desires, spreading like fire across the world. No man can stop it. It shall run its course and nothing we do can change that. When the God of nature puts something in to effect, it can not be stopped or undone.   
     In China Xi Jinping appointed himself as if he was God in the churches and houses of worship. And thus God has sent a plague uponl the man of perdition and his empire. Xi sees himself as a god, but he is powerless in the face of the real God, whom has brought pestilence on the head of the abomination in the east. Xi Jinping is China's tin god. Americans would recognise who you are. The Antichrist. Your deception is accepted in Godless communist China, but in time all will know the One True God. And it won't be you. May God have Mercy on you Xi, that you might not be bound in chains and cast into eternal fire. I pray you will change your ways and soften your heart and save yourself and your people. You are responsible for this disease unleashed upon the earth. See how your vanity brings sorrow? How the evil of one man can affect billions. A certain American cop can attest to that. He will tell you how his single abuse against a martyred Mr. Floyd sparked a Holocaust across the world. A holocaust against racism and corruption in our noble emergency services. Now is a time of purging. Change for the good, or be changed by it.

     Choose the softer path and change yourself to save yourself from the crucible of Forced change and Justice of the Justice of the God of God's. The Great Equeliser. The Payer of debts and Balancer of accounts. American lives among all manner of others are lost as a result of Red China's dragon. Such a good liar that he deceived himself! Change your ways now or die, smote by the Hand of the God who made you. Or perish in eternal death. Xi hope you make the right choice.

*Bubo: reference to the swelling caused by Bubonic Plague. Used as an allegory for the number of those lost to the modern day Black Plague [COVID-19].

Saturday, June 6, 2020

New Motal Kombat Character Revealed! (Spoof)

A 9 Year Old Boy's Thoughts About Gay Rights During the 90's

     This a reminesance about my  perplexity as a child about gay people's lot in society. Even as a child it made no sense to me that homophobia existed. It made absolutely NO sense to me. My preadolescent mind figured you should marry or be with whoever it is you have fallen in love for. To me, same gender relationships were the same as hetero except they both have the same gender I couldn't grasp the concept of why that is threatning to so many people.
      In school I remember President Clinton passing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy for gay people enlisting in the military. It BLEW MY MIND. I was nine years old and I'm like "what?! Why is this even an issue? How is it possible in 90s America that this is even an unresolved bias?"
     And then when I heard about people (I'm still a kid) fighting for the legalization of gay marriage, I was like "WHAT?! They can't get married?! I already thought they have been doing that since desegregation and the civil rights movement in 60s. Is this America?!" Because sure don't seem like it. I said "I assumed we already had those rights for gay people for 30 or 40 years. Is this America? I don't care whether my G.I. Joe is gay or not. Maybe he is gay. With the sailor. And they go in to battle protecting one another like a husband would his wife." Romantic.

     I was 9 years old and still more enlightened than a large fraction of the adult American population.