Saturday, August 23, 2014

Something Stirring in the Weeds...

     I have been getting continued insights into personal matters as well as spiritual. I still notice synchronicity abounding around me. All the right things, happening at the right times. I have been watching the situation in Iraq with ISIS and I feel like something is stirring in the weeds. It smells of coming war and boots on the ground. I think we will be going back to the middle east very soon. And maybe for the last time? The world situation is coming to a head and at some point something is going to give. These days we are in are ever more exciting, yet ever more dangerous than many other periods of history with the exception of a few. This month marks the 100 year anniversary of the outbreak of World War I...the "War to end all wars". wrongly named since it seems that war has only become more scientific and for the first time since mankind first stepped foot on this planet-we have the ability to destroys ourselves and everything around us in the space of half-an-hour. But, I am not so pessimistic. In fact I am quite the optimist. You see, I believe that we Humans have a "survival trip" wired into us. We can not 'self terminate'. Though we may approach midnight, I believe that there will always be some hero somewhere that will deliver us at the last hour. Make of that what you will, but history is ripe with evidence for it.


The Book of Eternity

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Purge is Coming to Oklahoma

     Met a new interest. Been working. Nothing dramatic otherwise going on my life. We had a 4.3 quake near Guthrie the other day, the two Americans hospitalized with Ebola in Atlanta have recovered. Civil unrest continues in Missouri over the murder of a black teen by a white officer. And a Satanic group in Oklahoma has come under fire for stealing a Eucharist wafer from a Catholic Church to be used in a Satanic Mass next month. The wafer has been returned and the Satanic Mass continues to be scheduled for September 21st at the Cox Center in Oklahoma City. I know an individual who may still be active with the group. I have not spoken to him in a couple of years however. There have also apparently been concerns regarding warning of "real life Purges" (inspired by the movie of the same name) that may be in the process of being set up around the country. I am actually quite excited to see what develops from that.

Coming to a Town Near You: The Real Life Purge
     I for one am interested in the Purge allegedly scheduled on august 30th-31st. I will be ready (and inside).

No Mames
     'No Mames' is a brand of synthetic marijuana that can be purchased in Oklahoma City in several grams. There are many products like it and it contains a synthetic chemical that mimics (but is much stronger than) THC. Effects include confusion, extreme appetite, anxiety and anxiety attacks or feelings of death, impending doom and terror. The product is likely to be toxic and dangerous and is not suggested for casual consumption. The smoking blend is sold as a potpourri since it is technically illegal to be smoked. Similar products have been known to cause death, hallucinations, vomiting and other toxic symptoms not typically experienced when using Marijuana. One user described his bad trip as feeling like he was dead or dying and fighting to stay alive. He was also unaware of his surrounding and entered a state of consciousness that robbed him of his understanding or even awareness of the real world, to the point where he believes that he experienced ego death.

A Brief Map of the Theoverse
     "Below" this dimension are darker dimensions, farther and farther away from the presence of God, eventually taking one all the way to Hell. We are presently on the earth in this Universe made up of physical matter and other substances that have been catalogued in the annals of science. Above us are the heavens (both literal and symbolic) which consist of our atmosphere, solar system and the stars and celestial bodies outside of our galactic region. Spiritually is you go "higher" you grow closer to the presence and attachment of God's love. Otherwise you are traveling to other places within our physical universe which is also composed of other dimensions beyond our ability to see them in this form. "Above" us are multiple layers of realities each one getting closer to the Celestial kingdom of God and the Lote Tree of which there is no passage. Among each "level" there are also parallel worlds that can be accessed through a manner of things of which wont be listed here. That is the detail for another article. The form of the Theoverse is likely not layered like the floors of a building, but rather as a spiral with lateral spirals branching off from each world. It is likely a universal form similar to the Inferno in Dante's 'The Divine Comedy'.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Happy Tuesday!

     Let me apologize for falling behind in my posts. I just haven't had the motivation to write on here. In fact I have been considering abandoning my blog al together. In the past 30 days Oklahoma has had approximately 86 earthquakes. Kansas has felt the quakes in some instances. Robin Williams died yesterday from apparent suicide. He was 62. The death toll of the Ebola epidemic has just peaked at over 1,000. In some places bodies are being dumped into the streets. Ebola has a small likelihood of spreading in developed nations. Close contact and exposure to bodily fluids Is needed to spread the NON airborne virus. Family members and care takers are those most at risk of getting the infection. Some medical centers in Africa have been decimated due to the non-socomial infection. Today I was supposed to do some work for someone, but I didn't not get up early enough, so I haven't heard back from them. I chose not to get up early for two reasons. 1. I didn't know exactly what time I should have gotten up. 2. I have sleep problems, so when I am able to sleep I try to. Otherwise I may not sleep at all.

     A new 'Terminator' is in the works to be released, leaving me to wonder is the Antichrist going to be a real life Skynet? If you remember the symbol of Skynet being three pyramids forming a great pyramid, you may remember what I previously mentioned from seeing such a symbol in a dream (Pyramid of the Apocalypse/Antichrist). I have continued to see that image in dreams and in the world around me, though I have not had much insight to what it might mean-if anything. It is likely to have been a random dream image that I have mythologized into my own path. But, because of my belief in synchronicity, I continue to study the meaning of the image in case my subconscious is trying to tell me something. I also notice 11:11 continues to pop up. Noticing the time for example, or 12:23 on the clock (0023).

The Great White Brotherhood (mystical NOT racist group and not the cult)

     The GWB has been memorialized by many occult groups including Theosophy. It is said that certain enlightened people such as Jesus belonged to this group and the group can be compared to a "good" Illuminati. The reference to "Great White" is spiritual purity, not racial basis. The perceived goal of this group is to awaken the divinity within each person. Branches of this organization have been established throughout history and throughout the world. Old occult paths and tradition have branched off from this order. One of the goals of the group is to forward the "Divine Plan", which is the plan of God for the world and mankind. This plan includes the spiritual and intellectual development of mankind and society through religious and occult philosophy. They are also responsible for establishing mystical schools of thought (i.e. Rosicrucians, Greek Mystery Schools, Golden Dawn, etc.).  Some members of the brotherhood are alleged to include various Saints, Buddha and other enlightened and humanitarian beings (Baha'u'llah?). The ways that the GWB have changes mankind include humanitarian and spiritual goals, the betterment of life for all living beings and the attainment of spiritual wisdom through mystical practices. Another important figure in their philosophy is the Archangel Michael.

Friday, August 8, 2014

First Blood Moon Prophecy Fulfilled!

     I have moved into a new apartment as my previous posts have forewarned. I haven't posted in awhile, just because I haven't been interested in it. I like to think that I would keep up on this blog, but I don't seem to have any interested readers. But, perhaps one day I will. The only reason I continue to keep it up, is to have a record of my ideas and thoughts for an eventual book. Even if no one ever reads this, at least it is in cyber space somewhere. I am sure the NSA might be the only ones taking a look at this. NSA: If you're reading this, at least leave me some comments after each post to let me know what you think. Some constructive criticism is helpful.

     Twin hurricanes have targeted Hawaii and a 4.5 earthquake occurred just off the coast of the state, yesterday morning. The Ebola outbreak has been called the worst Ebola epidemic in history. Deaths have approached nearly 1,000 and locations of the outbreak are reporting social conditions similar to what was seen during the Black Death. China has also had a large earthquake with hundreds of dead and at least 100 people missing. We had the first of four blood moons in April, which coincided with the break up with peace talks between Israel and Palestine and now we are witnessing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, which has been controversial for Israel. I believe that these events are fulfillment of the first blood moon. We can expect the next one on October 8th of this year. Oklahoma continues to have an alarming uptick in earthquakes primarily in the central part of the state. I felt a 3.9 a few weeks ago.

     I am in need of a Dentist and some basic medical care, but have not been able to get it. I cant afford Obama Care (which is some how "free", yet only with payment). BTW: I can NEVER drink alcohol. Never ever ever never. Don't ask why. I can't get into it here. Besides, it's technically against my religion anyway...but then again who's perfect? YOU-Hah! Hardly ;). I should also not be given skunks, by preference.

Nicotine Patches and Dreams:
I have had experiences with nicotine patches and wearing them at night. They seem to bring me vivid dreams and occasionally make it hard for me to sleep sometimes. I have never felt sick from it. I haven't used a patch in a long time. I currently use an electronic cigarette. I wish I could remember my dream last night, but I think it had to do with the lonliness I have been feeling lately. I vaguely remember being attracted to someone in the dream. I dream often of ladies, but am not much lucky in dating. Even when I do date, it's rarely ever good. I have had only ONE real relationship in my life and am already ready to quit the scene. I feel too old for dating these days. That's just for me.