Monday, June 22, 2015

I Found You

Heavy in a cloud of melancholy I stumbled onto the bus and somberly handed the bus driver my CART pass so that he (with a frown) could punch the appropriate number of holes in my bus pass. Thunder clapped and grey clouds gathered about my person when happen chance I should glance down the aisle and see a little black girl (I mention her race to highlight her genetic beauty not as a form of discrimination) of about 2 years old who doesn't know me from Elijah. We make eye contact and she smiles as if she has been waiting to see me all day and furiously begins waving. The sun suddenly shines and the clouds part and I repay the gesture with a goofy smile and a silly wave. Because all morning I have been waiting to see her...I just didn't know it until that moment.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

I wana look LIke and Anime Character!

     I wonder who the first person to ever think up sky diving was? And how exactly did they come up with the idea? Were they peering down from an air plane window and thought "what would really be fun, would be to leap from this airplane and hurtle towards the earth at 130 mph!". And how many times did they do it before they got the parachute design right (and how many "test dummies" did they go through)? Studies seem to confirm that Oklahoma's earthquakes are in fact man-made (although we seem to be going through a world wide increase in seismic activity), I am finally convinced this is not a natural event and that yes-humans are responsible for this. As you may know, I am of the school of thought that is careful to blame humans for what is going on in the world. I feel like we aren't as much of an impact on nature as we like to give ourselves credit for. Several of my friends have been going through some tough times and tribulations. I have been saying prayers for them and if you care as well, would you send positive thoughts and prayers their way too? You may not know who they are or what they are facing, but Allah knows.

     Soon will be getting a dental redo, God willing. I also am suffering from vision problems (not having a whole lot of luck finding a remedy for that one). I am looking in to a free clinic in OKC that does vision care. I am in need of it badly-and have been since my Optometrist leaped from a highway over pass, thus ending my eye care (and his life). What's wrong with my vision? Well I cant see shit. Know the 'E' on the top of the vision chart? Well when I was a Medical Assistant and administered the eye chart test to patients, I had to stand close to the chart...I still couldn't see the damn thing unless I got some what close. I want glasses to spectacular that they make my eyes so big looking I resemble an anime character! Yeah! Preferably one from one of those hentais! ;p But really, if I close my left eye, I can't even recognize faces with just my right eye. And night vision...forget it.  Who knows...maybe it will fix itself? Maybe...