Saturday, December 31, 2016

Pi, the Illuminati and Occult Synchronicity

     The Kalian era began around 2000, but with the dissembling of the Temple of KAL in 2011, that aeon has ended. Now we are in the eschaton. An apocalyptic age, that began on December 21st, 2012. At the top of the social Darwinism, is the Illuminati. They do exist and go under a differnt name probably. They HAVE to exist, because the system of our governments are easily manipulated. It would be absolutely stupid to think behind the scenes of Office, everything is calm and well (or that's how it seems.

      Have you seen the movie Pi? The one about the mathematician, not the one about the food. I'm not a Pythagorean I can only grasp a small part of the wisdom and enlightenment that a properly developed intellectual would know. I think of the symbol for Pi as a representation of GOD. The number in the film is 216 which is also the Kabbalist number for YHWH. I have touched upon the Kalian Aeon (before that was Thelema and Temple of Set) and the events of 12/21/12 began the eschaton. After the apocalypse is over we can expect a Messianic Age heralded by the Messiah becoming King over all kingdoms. This age will last for 1,000 years before evil is again unleashed (and with it KAL, the Liar and the false prophet) again to run his dark errands only to be eventually forever hurled into the Abyss, which the Messiah will seal closed forever.

     Another trinity exists. It is composed of Humans (the greatest evil), the Devil, and God. If you see spiral designs you may be experiencing synchronicity. Is the universe trying to tell you something? Spiral designs have both a light and dark side. One a positive note they represent the never ending cycle of creation. A spiral that spirals three times is of the satanic. I am no sure what the correlation is, but its what I have come to learn. The dark spiral spins backwards (in other words it is reversing creation like a black hole. It is the antithesis of Gods development of the plants and buildings, etc.

     Some of this information I acquired using various divination methods, and often times I was on a vision quest.

     Prophecy- in the year 2035 there will be a MAJOR catastrophe on earth. Could be the outbreak of global war or even an asteroid impact devastating

Friday, December 30, 2016

The 12 Imam and some comparisons

     The 12th Imam is a character in Islam. He is the 12 of a line of Imams. He has been alive for centuries but will not be revealed until the last days. 12 is a significant number for the Abrahamic faiths (especially in Christianity). Think of the 12 Tribes of Israel, the 12 Apostles. Mahdi (another title for the 12th Imam) is considered by many to be the ultimate savior of mankind. He will be the final Imam. Al Mahdi was born in 869 but was put into hiding per God in 941. He remains alive to this day and will show himself during the Age of Satan.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

-Prophecy 8213-

-Prophecy 8213-

     *If you see the following things fulfilled, then you will know the validity of this Prophecy.

     To argue the nature of the Trinity is to argue the separateness of Christ, God and the Holy Spirit. It is like arguing if the brain, digestive system and genitalia are all separate people (when they are in fact separate organ systems composing ONE body). The same with the Trinity. It is a Divine collective team (one Monotheistic God).

     The spirit of the Antichrist exists in the corruption of mankind's authority. Each Head of State battles with the Antichrist over position within himself and within his station. It (the AC) is both a literal person (persons) and a condition of a leaders spiritual state.

     Soon there will  be a cosmic event that will demonstrate to many, that God is acting in the universe. Many will heed it as a warning. The Illuminated will understand what it is. Three days of darkness are coming. Many events are coming to demonstrate the omnipotence of God.

     "And when you get extinguished I will cover the heavens and darken the stars. As for the sun, with clouds I shall cover it, and the moon will not let its light shine. All the luminaries of light in the heavens-I shall darken them on your account and I will put darkness upon your land; is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah."
            -Ezekiel 32:7-8

     Rivers shall be dried up. The world will be thrown in to panic and the kings of the earth will be without guidance and shall be filled with terror. There shall be wars. Russia and the Muslim nations will be drawn against Israel. They shall strike her, but shall not harm her. For the might of Jehovah will destroy their armies and air forces and the Holy Land shall be their grave.

     There are Watchmen among you, looking for and seeing the signs. Heed their warnings and consider their guidance. There will be made among you prophets who will dream and have visions of things coming upon the world. The Lord does nothing save He first tells His prophets.

     If you repent and ask the LORD for forgiveness, He shall wipe clean your soul and shall not remember your misses anymore. You shall be born anew in the eyes of your Creator.

     The the damned-You shall try to run away from the wrath of God, but you will find no refuge. The land will open to swallow you. But should you run to the mountains they will fall down upon you and crush you. The armies of your enemy shall run you from your house. You shall flee the Adversaries forces into hidden places and into those places you shall carry the Plague with you. You will be unable to escape God's wrath.

     The Chosen will walk upon safe and solid ground. They shall find refuge in the mountains. They will have no cause to fear their enemies, for God has the power to send a legion of angels to protect them from the deeds of evil if He so Wills. The Chosen will have a seal put upon their head. A seal that is invisible to dark denizens.  The plague shall not touch them. They shall walk to and fro solid in health. They shall aid the chosen and judged alike. For the Chosen are stewards to mankind in that last days. And the Chosen should never cease in hospitality and mercy to even the lost.

     Heed the cosmic warning that is soon to arrive. And before that time make yourselves, your loved ones, your homes and your places of worship ready. Go forth and warn others that they might be saved and see the signs of God in the heavens.


Monday, December 26, 2016

Late Christmas Edition

     This is going to  be a new experiment. Since I don't have access to WI WI right now, I will have to journal, then save. When I am "back home" (visiting my Mom for Christmas in Oklahoma City) I will publish this [late]. Today is Christmas Eve. I broke it in with some eggnog. The exact time is 1:40 a.m. I like this time of year because there is always magic in the air and synchronicities abound. I have especially noticed it in the last few days. Due to a set-back last week, I lost about nine days of productivity but it happened for a reason. Everything that happens, happens the way it is supposed to. If you notice magic moving around you and you spot the patterns and realize that synchronicity is trying to tell you something-go with it. Go the way you are guided. We may have storms here on Christmas Day. Interesting. Our planet is a very interesting place to live. Especially in the last few years. At present I am in Oklahoma City, OK. Staying up late. Not on purpose. Sleep issues. I am tired though.
     I awoke almost at 0900 on  the dot, to find the city smothered in fog. Fogs are best for walking in (driving and flying in-not so much). Everytime there is a heavy fog (doesnt happen often around here) I go it, looking for monsters like in 'Silent Hill' or Stephen King's 'The Mist'. I havent met any yet, but I haven't given up hope. ISIS has a call out for its Lone Wolf supporters to attack churches and other holiday venues over Christmas. I don't need to publicate my opinion here, because I think it conforms with what a majority of good and patriotic Americans feel. With every "attack" and "incident, we become stronger. A little more honed. A little more closer with each other and a lot bit fed up. What ISIS is unaware of, is that it is training us-on how to kill it. Each attack reveals their strategies, tactics, countless intel about their ops. We are not weakening, we are silently becoming stronger. Like a Samurai that trains for years for a  victorious 3 minute confrontation with his nemesis.
     Went for a walk while it was still foggy. I could only see about 150 feet around me, before my range of sight gave to the foggy encapsulation of my environment. One of the foggiest days I have ever experienced, but not the THE foggiest. Deeper, darker, more mystical fogs are yet out there for me to enjoy.
     Christmas commemorates the birth of Christ. The problem with this date, is that it was chosen because the Pagans already celebrated the birth of the Pagan messiah on Yule. A more likely time frame for Christ's birth would be in the Spring, because the activities of the people around the nativity story conforms to what one would expect of them in the spring time rather than the colder months of winter. Atheists may celebrate a traditional celebration, if they even choose to observe at all. I commemorate it as the Birth of the Messiah, even if the date is wrong, it is traditional and can mean and be expressed in any way you are inspired to. I would like to think that the winter celebrations of the world's faiths (and sciences) are all part of a big Holiday tapestry. Everyone having their own place and role in a greater celebration towards similar beliefs and values world (galaxy?) wide.
     I know that right now there are lone wolf terrorists contemplating something for today and tomorrow and New Years. But, they are going to get quite the surprise if they try anything, because our protective forces are on duty and many watchmen are at their posts. I live in a world where it is almost an every day fact of reality that someone is plotting to kill me or people I care about at this very moment, and they have the intent to carry that out. 17 years ago I would not have even thought about that risk. But today's world is a much different and darker place then it was at the turn of the century. Which doesn't say much-we were far from being considered to be in a good way.
     So Happy Birthday to Isa/Jesus/Yeshua (may peace be upon Him) whatever date you may have been born and in whatever manifestation of it! Next year I will focus on a different divine archetype for the Yule season. The year before last, I used a Krishna theme. Merrry Krishna! It really doesnt feel like much of a Christmas this year. Too many scrooges expecting some imagine entitlement that if they don't receive it, will make everyone around them their taste venom for ruing them. If your holiday sucks, well I'm sorry. I hope it gets better, but don't screw everyone else's up because your miserable. By now, I have probably said a prayer for you. The dog family is here. Keesha, Ringer and Missy (the "kids").
     Tuesday I need to make contact with P&B Staffing to check on any jobs I may be interested in. my next step is to check with the Navy about recruitment. I also plan to check with CSL plasma. My access to internet resources has bountifully increased, so may God shower Steffan with blessings for his generosity, and may He do the same to the Bart Family, whom have also  helped me immeasurably (they are very good the Benfields). In fact if society was full of more people with that type of generosity, we would be goose stepping towards utopia. But everything is as it should be, so let us all do the best we can do and that at least will be enough to get us off in the right direction. Someone once said "the problem with new years resolutions is that after a few days you forget them and they go no where". Those are nay-sayers. They come only to say "nay" and contribute nothing towards the Great aside from a bad attitude. New years is a way of heralding in a better year. A hope to get off on the right foot. Its entirely up to you to decide which foot to put forward (or backwards for some of you).
      I'd rather be the poor but happy kid who wakes up with no toys on Christmas, rather then to be the miserable haunted soul with mountains of cursed gold. The pleasure of life is bitter-sweet, but the satisfaction of bountiful LOVE from the Creator cant even be described. Not even imagined. As people, we are INCAPABLE of understanding or comprehending the spiritual world. But there is overwhelming evidence that GOD is very well present and it in total control. You have no reason to worry, or to be afraid because in the end if you trust God, then you are absolved from the burden of having to fret over your well being. I know that I will die when God wills it. And that my death is just one more birth into a realm better than this (Alhamdulilah). We have TONS of things to look forward to and unbelievable faucet of blessings that people have for some reason, failed to acknowledge. Pride and humility gets in the way. Being prostrate and humbled before God is a very wonderful feeling. If you have not felt it, I invite you to go your church and pray. Synagogue-pray. Mosque-prayer. Cast circle in the wilderness? Whatever gets you linked up with the Great Mind. The Great Mind says to some "I HAVE BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME, YOU NEVER NOTICED ME,  UNTIL YOU NEEDED SOMETHING". The Divine wants your attention and love. Is that really so hard? I bet if you did it, that you would never regret it. If you decide to do it, please I would love to hear from you! I welcome feed back and comments from readers so please share. Thank you!
     I'm full of Christmas cheer! If you need a little bit, let me know and I will share some with you. Eggnogg is a ceremonial drink. I'm drinking non-alcoholic nogg. It's very nice. A thought about the Antichrist has crossed my mind. I think that it is highly likely that his cloven hoof is making paw prints somewhere on the earth right now. I bet the AntiChrist gets born on Christmas. Isnt that the way it would work out?
     Opening gifts has passed. I got a huge amount of supplies to hold back for preparation and storage. I will be ready when the event happens whether its a pandemic, revolution, meteor strike, rabid birds, hippies with the munchies, whatever...I know I will survive it (God Willing)
     Saturday morning. I don't see any presents from Santa Clause-hes probably tied up somewhere late on his route. That's fine. I will continue to eat my breakfast and wait for his bowl full of jelly to come sliding down my chimney. That last line wasn't made to sound like that, but it's kind of funny. You know what? I think I will take me a nap.
     Woke up from the nap. Called Wendy. I have napped all day and had left overs. Its 9:32 a.m. now and Christmas is almost over. Another holiday survived. Round three: New Years Eve. Many more adventures to come. I just chugged some Z-Quil (Diphenhydramine with 10 percent alcohol). I literally have slept until it was time to go to bed, so now I take a generous dose of sleep OTC. Just what I need is for this to turn into a trip report! The alcohol in the Z Quiel does not violate my religious obligations since the alcohol is in a medical preparation (and I reserve the belief in specific entheogens being placed on earth bu the Great Spirit as tools for harmonic interface with the matrix of nature and reality.
     Right now I am patiently sitting here with a cigarette feeling stuffy and awaiting the DPH to activate. I', listening to ICP and I'm not proud of that, OK?
     =Merry Late Christmas (and Happy Early New Year!
      -Brian Hill (Completed ib January 26th, 2016)

Monday, November 21, 2016

CHRISTmas Time is Coming!

    I'm happier then an alcoholic with a pint of spiced eggnog about the coming season. I used to hate the winter time because it was depressing and such, but I learned to love it in winter of 2012 when I was able to celebrate it with  a very special family who helped teach me how to find the holiday spirit and I haven't lost it sense and I doubt I ever will. Mithra forbid! My opinion is that when fall roles around (October 1st) we can focus on Halloween and getting into the Halloween spirit. Come November 2nd, then it's Yule time. I blend Thanksgiving and Christmas and Hanukah, etc. as one big Yule Tide celebration. The Christians celebrate December 25th as the birthday of the savior Christ. Pagan traditions hold celebrations for the dying of nature and the birth of their messianic deities. African culture have Kwanza. Atheists celebrate Capitalismas, since it has no spiritual relevance to them. No offense atheists I am just making a little joke. No harm intended.

     I am ready for the Christmas songs, the cold weather (I love cold weather), eggnog and fat men dressed in red (Mao Zedong). For big business it is a time of profits-for the lower class-a time of debts. But it seems to me that those with the least money seem the happiest of all. Even above the corporate aristocrats. Poor people have to learn to appreciate and love what they have, not what they want and certainly not what the perceived power of Mammon (Lord Money) tempts them with. I am poor and the happiest I have ever been. My wallet may be empty, but my heart is overflowing. Our world is decrepit and is sliding down the wrong side of shit hill; with gun violence skyrocketing and terrorism an every day reality for ever man, woman and child on earth now. Not even the North Pole is safe anymore. I haven't personally been there, but I can imagine a gun toting Santa with a small cache of surface-to-air missiles in case a Russian invasion over the North Pole (that's exactly where they will be coming from). I hope terrorists don't try to ruin our holidays. Because if they try to ruin the holidays of the good people of my community-we are ready to ruin theirs. America and the free world wont stand by as pacifists while someone tries to take from us what is dear to us and what has been fought for and protected by many great patriots. We are ready to defend our Holidays, our land and our interests. We will not fail and we will not be victims. With God, we are protectors and deciders of out fate and out nations sovereignty and we will not fail in its independence if He be willing.

     One place I have wanted to visit recently is Crossroads Mall in Oklahoma City. After some gang violence and store closing in recent years the building has mostly gone to waste, but I have since learned that it has been redone and opened and is quite a nice place to visit. I wonder if Santa will be there? I hope Toni has a good Christmas and I wish she could be here so I could take her to see Santa. This will be a good Christmas. It will be a magical Christmas. It may well be one of the best Christmas's ever. I will probably spend it at my Mom's house with the dogs and eating Christmas dinner and the typical ritual of gift exchanging. I love the way the air feels this time of year and the magic that is present in everything. Many people however unfortunately aren't able to enjoy this time for many reasons. I hope that God willing, their hearts will be opened up to the sparkle (mine was). Everyone of us can do a little part to help each other make this time of year enjoyable and safe for those around us.

     Thanksgiving is to me, another excuse for eating as serves as practice for Christmas. Isn't that what it is really? It's pre-Christmas orientation. If your a nay-sayer or a scrooge then don't waste your time trying to ruin my spirit. You wont be able to. And its probably that my spirit just might rub off on you! I respect that though, if this time of year isn't good for you or if you abstain from it. That is your right and I respect that too. Christmas is a time of love, charity and giving. It is not meant to be about money, materialism, capitalism or personal gain. To make it such, is to spoil that which is good about it and aggravates the bad things that find their way trying to ruin it for everyone. I like gifts and I like giving gifts, but more than that I love to love and give it liberally and to receive it and my love doesn't run out and yours shouldn't either. So if maybe you find you need someone to give you a little bit of love, please feel free to reach out to me and I will gladly indulge you.

     -Merry Thanksgiving Gathering Christmas Special

     Brian Hill

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Trump Elected Dear Leader of America

     No matter how you feel about it, Donald Trump is our Dear Leader Eect. America has spoken and made its will known, but that doesn't matter to the maniacs rioting in the streets! I have NEVER seen a reaction to a presidential election quite like this one. There is talk of Civil War or a new American Revolution around the corner. State Militias have been prepping for whatever is to come. Meanwhile it seems dead in Norman. No protests here. I believe that one protest was scheduled, but recently cancelled. Likely due to the anarchy surrounding the other demonstrations. As for my life, I am the father of a new girl named Toni. Unfortunately her mother is Satan, so there will be much misery for me from "mom". As for Toni, I couldn't be happier. Prayer warriors-I could sure used your prayers in regards to this matter. So could little Toni.


(Armilos, Armilius, Otot)

     Armilus is the Jewish anti-Messiah. He is mentioned in Judeao-Eschatology. He is said to be a being made of stone and is the offspring of Satan. He will claim (falsely) to be the Messiah and confirm the false messiahs and introduce a counterfeit religion that will be accepted by the masses. Soon after he achieves this he will make the claim that he is YHWH. In these ways he is identical to the Christian anti-Christ and the Muslim AL-Dajjal (all three of which are in fact the same entity-Satan incarnate/Super Man). After a group of people who have not been deceived by the liars deceptions, they will cry out that he is a liar and a deceiver and is NOT God, but is in fact the Adversary Satan. This will result in a conflict between the righteous and the followers of Armilus in an Armageddon. The Jews "unworthy" of the glory of the true Messiah die off (possibly in a Holocaust type slaughter by Armilus's military power. Afterwards will be the blowing of a great trump (Donald Trump?...jk) and the true Messiah and Elijah (Baha'u'llah and the Bab?) will gather the scattered remnants of Israel to the Holy Land (Haifa?). Yahweh will then destroy Armilus and his earthly forces (in Christian eschatology Christ destroys the antichrist with "the breath of his mouth" or through a simple spoken word).

     Armilus is also present in Roman mythology (which is not surprising considering all the faiths of the world have the same source of wisdom and revelation-the DIVINE). Jupiter (Jehovah?) slayed Armilus with his thunderbolt. The name 'Armilus' may be a corruption of the names 'Romulus' (brother and slayer of Remus {Cain slew Abel} and founder of Rome) and the Persian demon god Ahriman.

MSI-Personal Jesus (Music Video)

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rosh Hashanah Edition!

Critic: "You're blog sucks!"
Me:"Tell that to the people I get emails from telling me I should post more and that they really like it!"

     Today is Rosh Hashanah. This day commemorated the anointing of a king in ancient Israel. The appointed king was considered to be an "adopted son of God" and the anointing was a blessing upon his rule, which was believed to be divinely guided by YHWH Himself. Happy Rosh Hashanah to those of you celebrating and observing!

The scriptures are the textbook of the University of Revelation and Life!

    The Star of David is the symbol of the Jewish religion and is also displayed on the flag of the Israel occupational government over U.S. occupied Palestine. Israel is an illegal state of oppression against the Palestinian people and native Muslims. The same star is also used in western occultism sometimes to represent the elements. Air-the top point of the star being a triangle pointing up, and earth-bottom triangle pointing down. Sometimes it is used to represent the sun (being a star), with the top point representing the rise of the sun and the bottom representing the setting of the sun. Christians sometimes consider the star to be a representation of the Star of Bethlehem that appeared heralding Christ's birth. Imagine the bottom triangle which points down. It appears as a reversed pyramid. The top wider portion represents YHWH, while the point at the bottom (pointing towards Hell) represents KAL (Nyarlathotep, Spirit of the Abyss).
     Some images of Jehovah in artwork (which technically is the creation of idols) shows Jehovah in the sky or above the clouds. We now know that God does not literally exist as a naked old man atop the clouds. In fact we understand that the clouds aren't solid at all. They are masses of H2O and smog. In Islam there are no representations of Muhammad (may peace be upon Him), God (Allah) or any living thing. This is considered idolism and harem. It is forbidden to create an image of any living thing or Divine Representation.

Friday, June 10, 2016

A Few "Short" Words For Our Changing Age

     I am currently going through nightmares with all the women in my life. My judgmental mother whom is infinitely disappointed in me and always will be no matter what I accomplish, so why should I bother to try? Eh? Then "my baby" mamma, Melodie, the cheating whore. And I'm being nice. Unfaithful to her boy friend and to me. I am not upset about that part though, because I am used to, and fully expect to be cheated on-which is why I have just decided to call it "polyamoury". I am very skeptical that the baby is mine. How could she know anyway? There are so many potential candidates for the father! She (amongst others) are driving me to the loony bin and I am not exaggerating. I have come quite close to loosing my shit over the past week. At one time I considered my life in a temporary transition, but now it seems a permanent state of being-which I am not entirely unhappy with. I wish I could have a more stable family life and healthy relationship with my possible child, but I am now resolved to the fact that I will not have her in my life. It's for the best anyway, me thinks. Besides, my future holds a responsibility for me that would only be held back by a kid and would only probably endanger any family I was with. What I mean by that, is that I expect very soon the shit to hit the fan world wide and whatever I am being saved for, I imagine requires me to be in dangerous survival situations. To have a family to take care of and defend would be impossible. It is better that I remain single, solitary and without offspring to worry about. Best for everyone I imagine.

     Donald Trump has promised to throw Hillary in jail, if he is elected. Hillary looks like she will end up being the first casualty of the Trump Police state. Are you ready? I am! I'm kind of looking forward to it. In a sick way I hope he gets elected, just so we can see World War III! If Hillary is elected we may see Armageddon averted for another 4-8 years depending. I would HATE for that to happen! What will I blog about?

     I theorize that 'Climate Change', is a natural cycle in nature and probably has occurred many times before, and will may times after we have wiped ourselves off the record of history. Perhaps it is an eschatological event planned by God to coincide with end times. Or perhaps, its just another nudge from nature that doubtlessly has came and gone millions of times through the ages. And if it does wipe us out, so what? We had a half-assed run. Do we really deserve to be a part of earths future? Or are we seeing some spring cleaning from Mother Gaia herself, to sweep out the old to make way for the new next stage of creation? Are the current climate changes set up by God as a warning or preparation for an apocalypse to come? A pre-step towards the fulfillment of prophecy?

     The point of my spiritual initiation is not to back step. Not to "go backwards". I have done a few dance steps backwards over the past week. This isn't the first time, and generally I recover quickly, but each revisit into the Abyss takes me deeper into the darkness, farther from the light. I am again crawling out of the pit, but this time I feel like I am bringing something back with me. Something dark. I have been sleeping like crap lately. This is typical for me. My dreams and mind play cruel torture games with me. Ruminating over the torments and demons of my life. Then on top of it all my back is killing me. Muscle contractions in the thoracic region. This morning I woke up abruptly and wanted to return to sleep,  but instead got up and had something to eat. Tried to lay back down for a nap that wouldn't come, so I ended up leaving and going about my mostly unproductive day. For lunch I fixed a chicken sandwich which I ended up having to throw away because a fruit fly claimed it for himself. Why the hell do I have so many fruit flies in my apartment? There seem to be gnats all over the state too. Probably from the recent wet weather and warm winter. I visited Lake Murray in Ardmore, and despite all the speak about Zika mosquitoes, I didn't see one damn mosquito. I was looking forward to contracting the virus. Better luck in July? If I do end up going back (which I doubt I will). What's for dinner tonight? I haven't really decided. I guess I will come up with SOMETHING. Not noodles though. No, I am getting tired of noodles. Have been for quite awhile. Probably cookie dough ice cream. I LOVE raw cookie dough!

     I cant remember what I dreamt but I imagine it involved me screaming in the middle of the night. I am have come militant anti-Psychiatry and big pharma. "Don't smoke week and don't drink alcohol" they say "but here take some of these...they will make you better us". No thanks. You can keep your Prozac and Celexa and your synthetic chemicals. Take 'em yourself. Make your dick not work-leave my dick alone! I don't want your cancer causing substances. Leave me what nature gave me. What Goddess intended me to take. It is Ramadan and I haven't been a good Muslim. Been smoking and eating (fucking?) when I shouldn't have been. Allah have mercy on me. I did much better last year, but last year I had a guide to motivate me. This year I am going through my own self-Jihad. Oh guess what? A gnat just landed next to me. What is this a fucking plague!? A gnat plague. Time to go home and drink some haram alcohol. Have a good weekend all you paranoids and survivalists and curiosity seekers! And happy Ramadan!


Monday, May 9, 2016

Hooray! I Created a Person!

     To begin- I feel like it is imperative that I share this with you. I am always doing better than I deserve; and am often silent when I am 'visiting the lower planes', but I always try to keep the sun rise or sun set somewhere in my field of vision. Any of the paths that I walk down may, or may not not work out. I am interested in the possibility to go to Flight Attendant school, however I may not qualify for a Canadian Visa. But, the future is still yet to be seen. Since my last publication, I learned that I am to be a father, This is wonderful news to me. It Is literally a dream come true. I will love my baby no matter what, but here is my wish list:
-It would be really super if I got a little girl. I have always wanted a "daddy's girl" to love, feed and water.
I cant think of any more. No need too! I got lost in day dreams of what kind of a girl she is! I speak of the gender in feminine since all humans start out in female form in-utero. At some point in early development the embryo "decides" its gender and either forms into a male, or remains female. Hint: In ultrasounds look for the "hamburger" or the "hotdog". Until I know the gender further, I will refer to my coming gift in the feminine.

     Unrelated, but I would also like to remember a Soldier I myself did not know personally, but I did happen to read about. Private Kirby Tott of the Canadian Army Defense Force unfortunately left this world, but he did so in the noble and honorable service of his own nation and of which I pray God will bless, and that him and his family both are comforted and taken care of. He retired from his assigned duty in this life in July of 2015. I would like to thank him for stepping up to serve his nation which is an ally of mine and of whom I am hoping will come to our help when we require, just as we will them. It is team work of nations that will lead us to a brighter better future. That Canadian Soldier did his part in protecting the free man that includes me, him and I hope YOU dear reader, whom I am assuming resides in a free nation. If not, if you live in a country that is currently occupied and oppressed then know this...we of the free world hear your cries and we are coming to rescue you, give us time and we will reach you. Until that day though, look up so you will have a beautiful view of the world we will create together, Insha'Allah.

     Currently our flapping headed  Canadian brothers and sisters are battling a wildfire that is not only out of control, but is threatening two provinces. In Perry, Oklahoma tonight, there was two earthquakes, both during a weather storm. One significant enough to alarm residents. What an interesting world (and state) we live in. Now if only Governor Marry Fallin (whom I recently wrote) will 'ok' my ticket into the OKARNG, then I will be cooking with grease! Some, things may be happening thought that may require putting that off for awhile, or indefinitely. Doesn't matter either way, I am merely here to conform to God's Will and plan for me and to be thankful and appreciative for it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The World's scriptures are the text books to the courses of the University of Life~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is a 'Star of David' of which I found on Google Images.  would source the original location, but honestly I am still orienting to how to do all that. This is the holy symbol for Judaism and is also on the national flag of Israel. The star that appeared above the nativity of the Prophet and child of God; Isa` (Jesus). Some find it offensive, but it is just a star. I am by no means anti-Semitic, but I am openly sympathetic to the Palestinian people and their occupied territory. The same story has been told in the United States with the Native Americans and Hispanic cultures, it is being told by the Communist government in China to the people of Tibet and people on both sides of the 38th parallel can understand where I come from on this issue. Its not even a matter to me on who's right and who's wrong. Unification will come, but it must come peacefully, through the collective will of the people and whether you acknowledge or not...Divine Guidance as well. Time will show and time will tell.

BTW Happy birthday Missy, who has turned 9. Yesterday was her birthday.

Good night and good morning and have a day of blessings.
Keep your eyes open, because miracles are the most common thing in the world, but tend to go unseen.

-[Insert Honorific Title of Choice Here] Brian Hill, May 9th, 2016

There be storms approachin'

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Coming Liar

     I am optimistic about a possibly positive development in my life. I am hoping it works out. Anyway, I have been obsessively analyzing one of my favorite movies lately-Funny Games. I may need to write my an article about my interpretation of it soon? I am getting ongoing dental work to get a full and handsome smile. I project the end of the work to be sometime mid to late next month, just in time for summer. I also now have glasses. I used to wear glasses and should still have been, but I don't know what ever happened to my old pair (lost about 10 years ago).

     And storm season is here, and the Geological Survey has also put out a notice of increased earthquake risk for states east of the Rockies. Some areas of Oklahoma have seen a reduction in seismic activity, apparently as a result of regulations newly put in place for the fracking industry in Oklahoma to limit the activity of man-made earthquakes.  Today there was also a murder-suicide at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas (where Recruit Airman attend Basic Training).

I did not attend prayer service to Masjiid today, so here is an article about Dajjal (an antichrist persona of Islam):

Characteristics of Dajjal

-God will allow him to preform supernatural acts. Some examples are:

  • Kills people and brings them back to life.

  • Can command it to rain.

  • By verbal command, causes grass and vegetation to grow where he wills.

  • He will have with him what appears to be Paradise and Hell. But in reality, what appears to be Hell will actually be paradise and what appears to be Paradise...Hell. [The power to make a dystopia appear to be a utopia?]

-He has 'two rivers flowing with him'.

-Has one eye (Left? Think 'Left Hand Path'-the path of Satanism and Black Magic). [This is interesting because the AntiChrist in Revelation is assassinated by a head wound. Could this be the same individual? Perhaps a bullet fired at his head pierces his right eye?]

-Has the letters 'C A 1'/word kfr (Arabic letters for 'unbeliever' written on his forehead).

-Every believer (even illiterate ones) will be able to read "unbeliever' written upon his head.

-At some point Allah will render Dajjal incapable of killing or any of his occult powers thus rendering him impotent.

-He will be killed by Jesus upon his return. [In Revelation, the antichrist is killed by the voice of Christ with one utterance from the Saviors mouth]

-He is the Imposter Messiah [Compare with AntiChrist].

-He will be given trials.

-Whoever memorizes the first ten verses of Surat al-Kahf will be protected from Dajjal. The last ten verses of  the surah may likewise be important.

-Eye of Dajjal

-The Satanic Trinity is composed of 'Adversary', 'Enlightener' and 'Destroyer' (Apollyon) or also: 'The Imposter', 'The Beast' and 'Anti-Messiah'.

-Trinity consists of 3.
 333 x 2 [=]

 Let he who has wisdom know the number of the Beast! And Behold! It was the number of a man and that number is

Monday, March 14, 2016

Big Gas, Don't Forget to Give Pandora Her Key's Back When You are Done Playing With Her Trembling Box


     What an interesting winter we have had. A few icy days, but mostly spring like weather. This is because of el Niño. When the water of the Pacific ocean is unusually warm and evaporates contributing to weather changes...Today it is unseasonably warm for Oklahoma (but what is 'seasonable' for Oklahoma, really? I think that tomorrow will be cooler. This week will cool down. We had a few impressive lightning strikes over the weekend. I recall a particularly bright flash and unusually long thunderous rolling sound shortly after 5a.m. on Saturday. I welcome such weather. I have been through the two worst storms in Oklahoma's history, the two biggest earthquakes and a terrorist bombing of downtown when I was about nine or ten. What a piece of natural history I have been witness to! Sometimes Oklahoma is the most boring place on the whole face of mother earth, and sometimes it is the most interesting! Oklahoma is not only the capital of tornado alley, it is also the United States Capital for earthquakes.

     We got by with almost no observable flue season this year. Allergies are horrible though. The next bad flu pass I expect would be about 2014 and slightly milder than this previous one in 2013. Another bit of good news, is that even if we halted fracking in Oklahoma right now, the quakes could continue for decades. Thank you Natural Gas Industry for opening Pandora's seismic box. North Korea is continuing to scream its rhetoric, but this time is throwing careless threats of nuclear warfare mixed with flinging artillery into the east Korean sea has the world scratching its head while Russia threatens the DPRK with potential military intervention. Kim Jong Un will be his own undoing.

     I have been undergoing ongoing dental surgery. Today I am thankful to be able to eat some what normally. When this is all done and over, I will be very relieved. Very very relieved. The swelling in my mouth is just plane annoying, but I have been nursing myself for several days now and managing pain and inflammation and sleeping and resting etc.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Father God, Mother Nature!

          I am going through relationship problems. This is a constant thing with me. Every time I start dating someone, the same problems come up and the same cycles do their thing. A particularly special relationship I have been in has collapsed. The reason I said it was special, was because aside from the fact that it was special, synchronicity was occurring every where. There were the signs to go forward with it. I blew it though. That's what I am good at. It's usually from some small mistake on my part, that causes a conflagration. I'm clumsy that way. I don't know why I am driven inside towards wanting someone, when God's plan for me is not to have that person. Or is it God's plan for me to have that person, but my own screw ups that create obstacles? Does it even matter? I doubt it. What will be will be. Sometimes I feel like the Greek god Typhon.
     The Zika virus has come out of nowhere. I am bored with it myself, but the WHO says it is a worldwide emergency, because it can infect a fetus and cause Microenchephela. For healthy adults I guess its not a big deal. Just a 'flu' like illness. Ebola seems to have become endemic in central Africa. We have had a very weak flu season, which is a relief having come from several years worth of avian flu, H1N1, swine, etc. Seems to me that nature is sitting in her lab, figuring us out. She created us. And so she shall destroy us.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Wake and Shake, it's an Okie Quake!

     Yesterday we had the third largest quake in Oklahoma's history. 5.1 Magnitude. I felt it, but yesterday was a horribly bad bad day for me. I'm not going to spill my current crisis here, because i am trying to not have to revisit it unecessarily. I had a very horrible day, but let's focus on the quake. Staring at the ceiling reviewing the misery I was being dragged through, I noticed the light fixture above me shaking. When I  am feeling a temblor, I use the experience to study 'in lab' (during the shaking I make mental notes what is happening so i can analyze the quake later). I placed a hand on a dresser top and my other hand on the floor to measure the "vibrational frequency" of the seismic energy. For a moment I thought the shaking was psychosomatic-that perhaps the adrenaline from everything that day was giving me misperceptions. I confirmed the quake was seismic by noting the time and comparing notes with what the OGS and USGS have published. Something about the experience of nature's power gives me a rush. Feeling the 'moment magnitude' during the quake leaves me in a feeling of awe towards the forces that control our planet. The 'ground motion' making motion sick with vertigo from feeling the ground under me roll like a ship while simultaneously tossed around by the concussion of energy from the unimaginable power being expressed from some distant fault.

     The news reported that an amphibious assault warship (a boat load of Marines) has left to begin its voyage. Why is that significant? Because that means those Marines have a destination in mind. That means somewhere, someone is about to be invaded by us. The reason you send out an amphibious expeditionary assault corps, is to create a "beach head". That means taking a large contingency of Marines and with lightning quick speed having them occupy a coastal territory. If you have any plans on visiting the beach of a nation we currently have a beef with, it might be better to choose a different location. Places I would not suggest having a beach blanket party just yet:
*(North) Korea
*China (but probably not) 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Post Super Bowl Edition and In Memorium David Bowie

"The past is history, the future a mystery, and the present is called that because it is a gift."
     -Gary Busey, wise man

      I am in the process of getting new dental work done, which should help me in the job hunt market. I am still planning on the Flight Attendant position. I like 'serving' others. But, only when they appreciate it. North Korea just launched a satellite into space yesterday. I wish them success in their space program. May all the space agencies of the world make great discoveries and work together and share what they have learned. May the Koreas be united and may we all know peace and friendship in the new year. I believe that we have either received contact from other civilizations or have been interacting with them for awhile, whether we realize it or not. We have been visited. In the very near future I think our governments will be announcing that we are in contact with higher life that is friendly to us and beneficial like in Arthur C. Clark's Childhood's End.

      Some people are beginning to say that David Bowie's last album warns of a coming apocalypse. Well I am already a big David Bowie fan, and an apocalypse fan so I just HAVE to go out and buy this album. Let's hope I don't analyze it like Charles Manson did the Beatle's 'White' Album. I'm just kidding. I don't intend to start a race war or Helter Skelter or anything like that. But, wouldn't it be cool to see a 'black star'? This year alone we have had more than 90 earthquakes in Oklahoma. We could make a drinking game out of it. Take a shot for every quake. Only experienced players welcome. I wouldn't want anyone to drop from alcohol poisoning. Did you watch the Super Bowl? I did too. It was the 50th game, a milestone! Go Broncos! The manatee at the zoo predicted that Denver would win and indeed they did. I must visit this manatee, he is indeed an oracle. He has accurately predicted eight out of nine Super Bowl wins. I'm going to start making bets based off what he thinks. I knew Dolphins were smarter than humans, but manatees being able to see the future? Suddenly Marine science got a whole lot more interesting (as if it wasn't interesting enough already)!

     In 2013 I said that we would have drones regularly flying above our cities. This has panned out. Amazon will be using drones to deliver items ordered from their website, already criminals are using drones to drop contraband to prisoners on detention yards and you know Google already is getting in on the act. They probably started it. Folks, we are living in the future now. The present is now past. Have you noticed people becoming more agitated? The pressure is brewing in the U.S. and I am afraid a civil war or revolution could be on the horizon. The symptoms are all there. In Oregon, one of the peaceful occupiers of the wild life refuge was shot dead (he was unarmed) exiting his vehicle during a Police top conducted by Highway Patrol.

What to Do When You Get Pulled Over

* Maintain courtesy and respect. This is how you would want to be treated, right? The Policeman has been working hard all day to protect himself and others from jackasses who go around hurting people, so he's going to be a little jumpy, paranoid and stressed out. I can't blame him. Wouldn't you be too, if your job ran the daily risk of being shot or at the least verbally abused? So lets try and not only keep his stress level down, but maybe even help him relax a bit too? You might find yourself getting out of a ticket just because you treated Officer Cop like a human being and not like an ass hole. Little courtesies are appreciated BIG time. BTW: He is wearing a uniform and a badge which means someone feels he deserved the right to his title. Respect him, please.

* Turn off car, roll down windows and put keys on dash board. Turn on inside light if appropriate. This tells the Policeman "I'm not going to run, I have nothing to hide and I want you to know your safe". If you have a weapon (legally I hope-otherwise you shouldn't have had the weapon in the first place) let him know. I.E. "Good afternoon Officer, just so you know I have a Remington such-and-such in the glove compartment. I can show you the license etc. if you like".

*Use honorifics and be polite. "Sir/Ma'am". If you are confident you recognize their rank and feel comfortable then use it. "Yes, Lt." "Have a safe day Sergeant" etc.

*Vocalize what you intend to do before you do it. "My insurance is in my glove compartment on my right. I am going to reach in there and get it, if that's ok with you"?

     You might have negative feelings towards cops, but they are here to protect you and serve our community. A majority of them are doing their jobs for the right reasons, and many cops are former Armed Forced members so they do deserve positive recognition for their service to our country and community. I often thank them for what they do and give them a blessing; 'Thank you for protecting me and our community. I appreciate that and may God keep you safe'. Pray for the safety and blessings of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, Police Officers, Reservists, National Guardsmen, Security and emergency personnel, teachers, Mothers, Fathers, Doctors, clergy, Mayors, Governor's and of course our Commander-in-Chief. God commands us to pray for our leaders. Pray for their guidance, protection and nobility. That's even more important than voting for if you bless others, blessings will come upon you. I know this works, because I have done it and seen the results.
     There is an Islamic Hadith that tells us that when you bless someone, you are storing gold for yourself in Heaven. Each blessing you send out will return to you seven times. If you bless your enemies and those whom have wronged you, then God "heaps burning coals upon their heads". Kill them with kindness. It really works. Plus, you wont go to prison for murder! Murder is wrong, so don't do it. But, protect yourself, the children and the innocent and be safe. May God bless you.

Thought to Ponder: (please submit your theories) Do the first four Seals of  the Lamb in Revelation correspond with the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse?

Monday, January 25, 2016

It's Not Just Oklahoma Shaking Today

      Good changes in my life recently. In a new relationship with a great woman who has wonderful children! Yesterday morning their was a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Alaska. No deaths or major injuries reported. Four homes were lost however. Two to explosions caused by gas leaks and at least one other to fire. There was also a 6.2 Quake in African Spain just before dawn this morning. Winter weather in various parts of the world have caused significant deaths. Lately, I have been studying the Book of Mormon and other "revelations" of Joseph Smith Jr. While I consider the book to be fraudulent revelation, it is still a very good book with a lot of positive spiritual messages and inspirations. It should be taken for what it is-a literary work. And a good one. I believe it is mostly an autobiography of Joseph Smith's life, while his other works are occult and masonic inspired works. Recently I was put under investigation for being under suspicion of being 'radicalized'. I was interviewed by an FBI Agent who was very polite and pleasant. The interview was short and he was able to determine that I was not in fact a radical or terrorist. This very blog was also placed under scrutiny!

     As many of you know, I live in the Municipality of Norman, in the U.S. state of Oklahoma. So I want to bring up something about it today. [BTW I have recently finished writing 'The Book of Norman: Another Testament of Brian Hill' and have begun writing 'The Book of Moore; YET Another Testament of Brian Hill'] I believe that Norman is some how special. That it is "chosen" for some significant thing. Many of you who know me personally know me, know that I have a love/hate relationship with this town. When I first arrived, I was in love with every detail of it, but because of some of the towns patronage, I have become heavily disenchanted by the materialistic and oft times intolerance to the poor, gay, people of non-white ethnicity, etc. The city exists on a wide spectrum with little, to no middle ground. On one side you have the exceptionally intolerant, while on the opposite you have the all accepting and encompassing. I have found that many spiritually awakened (and also spiritually dead) people have literally been 'drawn' here by some kind of force. I feel like Norman is the grounds for some kind of preparation or asylum (no tornadoes have hit the down town area in it's history. Tornadoes usually suddenly shift course towards Moore, before hitting the populated segment of the town).

     It is also rumored to have been a sacred site for local American Indian tribes. Local lore has it that, the Amerindians had a covenant with one of their deities that this area was under supernatural protection from tornados.

Rebirth of Mormonism