Thursday, February 28, 2019

Fellow American's Let's Come Together

     This entry is for all Americans. It is a calling to everyone who reads it, to wake up to the state of the United States. Overnight there has been another shooting. This on in South Carolina. I keep asking my fellow Americans and global citizens to act like civilized and decent nice people, but I wonder if I am reaching many people at all. We need to treat each other with love and care. Not separating or alienating one another. Treat your neighbor and fellow human with the utmost love. Pray for and give thanks to the brave men and women who serve out community and nation everyday. That includes Police. Just because you got a ticket or did something to warrant a Policeman's attention is no excuse to disrespect them or their uniform. They are the good guys and the heroes, and should not be looked upon universally as bad just because of the few bad ones that exist. Bad people are everywhere, which is more reason to fight evil with love.

     In Maryland schools can use shock treatment to punish special needs students. Sounds to me its the courts that should be given shock treatment. My Mom says it a lot that "our country has lost it". Indeed it has. It has lost is mind, its decency, its morals and its values. We have went from being the best country in the world to become Babylon. And if you read 'Revelation' you already know that Babylon falls. Lets not let American down. Lets pick her back up!

Monday, February 25, 2019

America is Becoming Great Again but we still have some changes to make

      Freedom and privacy are both threatened in our modern era. We give up our constitutional rights in exchange for "security", yet the world we live in now is more dangerous than ever before. In the post-9/11 world, terrorism has mushroomed, but I don't need to make much comment about that. It speaks for itself. The chances of you being shot or hurt by a complete stranger has skyrocketed and while I apologize for reporting  repeated bad news, we are all responsible for it. Each of us has our part in the way society has developed. None of us are passive players. This is OUR world, this is OUR society and we have screwed it up by our own ugly actions. Treating other human beings (including strangers) well and without insult seems to be handicapped in most people. Creating a mindset that everyone is our enemy creates a world in which everyone becomes our enemy. Walk around planting good seeds and when you cross the same path later you can expect good fruits. Don't throw trash on the ground and come back later shocked to fine a garbage heap. Liberty in our nation has been bought by the blood of Soldiers and we are willingly giving it up now to live in a world where every thought and action is recorded digitally so that we can feel safer. Yet the world is far more dangerous now then at any other time it seems. It is not safer. But it is less free. What we need is not new laws and policies, we need GOOD PEOPLE. More of them and in greater numbers. Legislation keeps honest men honest, but it more or less stops not too far past that point.

     Our future is at the doorstep-are we opening the right doors? Or locking the wrong ones? In the last decade or two people have asked if this is the fall of the Great American Empire. It appears to be, but maybe it doesn't have to be. But what if its too late? Is it ever too late to change things? This could be a rebirth of America. Our President is making America great again, I believe. I don't understand or necessarily agree with his all of his methods, but they seem to work. So I am keeping my faith and patience in him, because in my life time I don't know that I ever saw a better President. Perhaps Reagan, but I was too young to appreciate his Presidency. I think we have one of the greatest Presidents in American history. And he will continue to get my well wishes, admiration and prayers towards his well being. If you disagree with me and think that we can't be friends because of that, then you are the immature one and you should probably grow up. Not because you disagree with me, but because you would hinge 'friendship' on something so trivial. People have. I have lost "friends" because of that. God Bless you, God Bless and Protect our President and God Bless America.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Brian 2.0

     I am becoming a new and better person. I am letting go of old challenges and hang ups and grudges. My old ways of thinking that were harmful for me can go too. Fake friends as well. I am becoming a Brian born anew. I will give meaning to my name. It will no longer be a simple American name, but will come into a meaning of its own. I moved into a new apartment in September. I am currently single. That is typically my default status. I am looking for a new career path, new partner and a new way of life.


Sunday, February 3, 2019

Blood Moon

     It has been awhile since I have posted personally. I have not abandoned this blog. I never will.
Today I was discharged from a hospital because of a personal crisis. But, events like this are where wisdom is gained.I have much material I can share with you. I will have to triage all the things I learned so they can be classified.We are having extreme weather across the U.S. wildfires in Greece. And tonight is a blood moon and lunar eclipse!

Currently there are wild fires  over the world and nature is very unhappy right now.

The Misuse of Due Process in the American Nation

     I am against disarming Americans. While I am obviously against gun violence, I am a believer in the need for an armed population and law-abiding militias to defend the American people from tyranny of all sorts. This is not to replace to armed forces but to supplement it and to have an option in the event that the Federal government unconstitutionally uses federal (or non) troops against Americans violently or in a way that violates our rights. I myself am not interested in owning a fire arm and do not currently nor do I ever intend to.

We heare more and more about what I consider to be misuse of technology to spy on Americans and for Orwellian purposes. This generation of young Americans have no concept of privacy and are allowing the powers that be, and people around them to invade one-another's privacy in unscrupulous ways. Privacy is now considered taboo. One time privacy was considered to be the inalienable right to every human being but is now erroneously viewed as a screen for someone with malicious intent. The view point of "that's not your business that's my private life" gets a reaction such as "what are you trying to hide"? My own privacy has been traumatically violated numerous times in such ways. I have nothing malicious I am trying to hide. I simply am a private person. I don't believe it is acceptable to have my private life in the spot light for the public top peruse through. It has nothing to do with "public safety/security". It is the desire to live life in peace and without harassment. If there was a need for concern or cause for it, then there are policies and procedures for appropriately accessing whatever is necessary in order to investigate whether a threat truly exist. Outside proper due process, it is a violation of one's civil rights and dignity.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Goddess Bless America

     Image result for Goddess America mother
    Here is the state of my nation:
1. It is now legal to kill babies that are an inconvenience. But you better not fry that pedophile in the electric chair because he has rights and that's his sexual orientation.
2. Drugs are legalized. You can do drugs in public now. We accept this.
3. We love the world so much that we are willing to let every disease carrying criminal come across our borders to rape our Women, molest our children and spread their STD's and murder us because its their right to do so.
Tomorrow, at the Oklahoma City Capital, Satanists will be marching to call for a one world government under the Antichrist (which is at this point, is appropriate). What is happening to my beloved country? I am not going to just sit here and let it happen. I am going to do something about it. I am going to be heard and you will hear me. From sea to shining sea we are taking this country back. I am a America loving patriot, I love our neighbors whether they be Hispanic or from Jupiter it does not matter to me, but monsters have no place here. Our country is broken. We need to fix her. May our Creator Bless America, rescue her and become great again. Yes, I specified gender. My Mother America, my uncle Sam, under Mother/Father God! I stand behind the President of the United States, he has my support, he has my prayers. I will do everything and anything I can to get our country back on track. Whomever is with me, lets do it. Whomever is against US, may God have mercy for that poor soul. Amen