Sunday, August 30, 2020

A New American Revolution?

      Civil unrest has once again reared its ugly head in America. Riots continue as Police Departments have been defunded. Crime has risen 500 percent in some areas, people protest the wearing of masks and police brutality, there is racial inequality threatening to etomise a new civil war. Tempers are high and violence has broken out. The National Guard has been deployed in some areas including the National Guard Military Police. Rioters make legitimate protestors look like criminals by giving people the impression that the protestors are endorsing the rioting-which they are not! There is backlash against the Police and many people seem to have forgotten that there are many good cops, not just bad. The Second Amendment is threatened which has led to tensions between pro-gunners and anti-second amendment sentiments. If there is an attempted seizure or abolishment of fire arms in America there will likely be armed conflict. In one place, a militia deployed itself to protect private homes from rioters and looters.

     The direction that our country is going in is not a good one. The national quarantines have likely contributed to the situation by angering those who don't want to lock down and triggered boiling temperaments among many many people. All this is coming to a head and it looks like we are approaching civil war. Statues and national monuments are being destroyed and the Confederate flag is banned in some places. These are all ingredients for a revolution which may be coming. Conspiracy theorists are worsening the situation by creating paranoia. The situation is beggining to resemble Mao's "Cultural Revolution" and certain protest groups are beggining to resemble the Red Guard. American history is both being destroyed as well as being made. I believe revolution or civil war may be around the corner. It can even be said that it may already have begun.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Characteristics of Elijah

      Someone I know hastested positive for COVID-19. IbI have not been in contact with him however.  He has had to to self quarantine. He is now showing symptoms of body aches and loss of smell but no fever. Pray for him please. I pray for the COVID victims and you. At this time I remain at home and symptom free but I sometimes wonder 'when will I begin to show symptoms'? It could happen any day now, as the virus gets closer and closer to home. I am not personally worried about becoming infected. I'm afraid of infecting others. I believe my immune system can defeat the plague. It's everyone else whom im am afraid for. Wether I live or die is completely irrelevant to me. I hope to stay in this world for awhile, for my Mother's sake and for the sake of those whom need me.  But, I am not afraid to die. It will be a glorious day when my God calls me home, but I do not wish to leave my loved ones behind.

    In Oklahoma the virus seems to have plateaued, but remains steady. I expect that to explode come winter. The worst of this has not even begun. I pray God will keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe. I have a friend whom I am becoming quite fond of, whom I worry for her health and her families. In at least thirteen states there are wildfires. Riots are renewed after yet another white cop has killed another black man. Evidently my country has learned little in the past few months. I feel that a civil war may be brewing. The American empire has been shaken and I shed years for the country I love. May God have mercy on us!


     #########The Characteristics of the Prophet Elijah##############


     His name means "The LORD is my God"


He obeyed everything of God.


He prayed much


He had courage


He confronted evil, of which he hated.


He had faith.


He overcame fear 


He returned in the 1830s a as per prophecy and has influenced millions

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Worn Masks Save Lives

      More and more people are wearing masks. Non-maskers are becoming a minority and it's almost shunned. Cases of the malignant virus have gone down 33% in Oklahoma City since the implementation of masks wearing city wide. More and more evidence continues to come forward that shows that mask wearing significantly saves a number of lives. I urge you to be a mask wearer if you aren't all ready. Not doing so costs people their lives.

     In Kaesong, DPRK disasterous floods have damaged infrastructure and agricultural areas. SC Kim Jong Un has turned down foreign aide due to fears of the virus entering the country that way. He has tapped into war reserves to provide as aide to the area. DPRK continues to claim no-COVID cases, but I am highly skeptical of that. There is evidence of multiple out breaks in the country of pneumonia, devestating at least one military unit. I believe cases are being covered up and diagnosed as other things. An out of control epidemic in DPRK would be devestating enough that it could cause the collapse of the entire government. Pyongyang is noted as to being frightened by infectious diseases. It is a worse case scenario for Korea.


    I previously predicted that Oklahoma would be hit by a big earthquake, but that has so far not yet manifested. Earthquake activity in Oklahoma has dropped so low that it is all but silent now. There is low risk that the New Madrid  fault will cause a superquake. I don't believe this is necessarily the case. I believe the quakes of 1812 released it's pent up stress. I believe it will remain silent for the rest of our lives. If it does slip, it will likely do so very soon. Perhaps that could trigger a large quake in Oklahoma secondary to the New Madrid main shock.


Keep your eye open for a comet to appeR that will be visible in the day time. It's course will impact it into earth. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

2012 and the beggining of the Apocalyptic era

      More than 160,000 people have died from COVID-19. Some people believe it is a hoax. Those people are idiots. Hoaxes don't fill ICUs and emergency rooms. Students in America are going back to school now (dumb idea) and it's not at all surprising that it is already showing up in schools. Which idiot thought it wouldn't? If we continue the way we are, than even more children will show up as infected and more lives will be lost. Those in power that are making decisions about these things are obviously incompetent and unqualified to be making the decisions that they are. May God help us.


     In the years leading up to 2012, we saw events preshadowing the age to come (earthquakes in Oklahoma, disease out breaks and disasters around the world such as the tsnunami that annihilated Sumatra). Then 2012 came and we saw events that confirmed the beggining of the age of the apocalypse (Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook school massacre and continued Oklahoma earthquakes as well as some people becoming more evil and some having inspirational experiences leading them to spiritual rebirth). On December 21st, 2012 the apockalypse began. It is deliberately spelled that way to differentiate it from other apocalyptic eras. Around this time, the forces of darkness and Light called to many and reaped from those who answered. I myself am a dramatic spiritual rebirth as did others. Yet, some others suffered a spirirtual death. Marks of good and evil were placed on some. I believe that I was marked among the good and possibly that I am one of the 144,000. As 2013 came on, we saw one of two things in many people. Either spiritual progression or spiritual decay in people. Some were affected more than others. I was among those that were affected in the positive. Had I not had the experience that I did then, I might either have continued to be a dark soul or even possibly dead. As we are in 2020, we see a fruition of the apocalypse age with the current pandemic, coin shortage in the U.S. and economic failures worldwide. Very soon a comet will be discovered that will be revealed to be on a crash course with earth. At some point, the comet will become visible in the day time. Also an artificial intelligence (Google?) is being birthed that will threaten mankind much as Skynet did in the Terminator films. Also, expect a war with North Korea that will be related to the threat of nuclear war. And also, we will possibly see in our life times an event that will shake the very limbs of mankind. Keep watch about these things and do not let yourself be surprised by them.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

2020: A Decade as a Bahai

      I do not yet personaly know anyone who has been infected by the virus (praise God!). In my state (Oklahoma) cases may be plateauing for the moment, but I believe much bigger spikes are yet to come. The winter will be much worse. In Norman there is a city wide mandate that masks must be worn when outside of your home. Some people remain sheltered in their places of residence hoping to avoid the plague as much as possible. And now there is a national coin shortage because people have been indoors and not spending hard money lately. It has mostly been with plastic/online. I try to use exact change whenever possible. That's my advice for you too. And also that you should wear a mask if possible. The states continue to be brutally hot with temperatures in the 90s and occasionally in the 100s. The humidity in Oklahoma is criminal. We had an almost non-existent tornado season.

    I have been studying monotheism in depth for awhile and God seems to be shifting me towards more Pagan practices. As a Baha'i, I accept this as another route to the Divine and does not contradict my faith in my opinion. I became a Baha'i in August of 2011. Previous to that I walked the left hand path, so that was a interesting remanifestation of my spiritual practices. I didn't "convert" to become a Baha'i. Rather, I discovered that I already was one, except now I discovered a name for my path. The transition was not nearly as dramatic as one might expect. In fall of that same year God introduced Herself in a most dramatic fashion. But, I was ever great full for it and remain eternally so. It seems like it was yesterday that I declared myself a Baha'i, even though it's been almost a decade. I still consider myself new to the faith. How time flies!

     A young Indian astrologer has predicted that the pandemic will hit harder in December. I believe it will disappear not long after that, though it could stay for a total of three or more rounds.