Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Edition

     Happy Halloween/Samhain/Fall Festival everyone! I don't have much planned for today really. These days Halloween just isn't that important to me anymore. I did go to a Halloween part last week and will be going to another one this afternoon, but don't plan on dressing up for this one. We had some storms over the past day or so and today started clear and sunny and a bit warm, but grey clouds and cold air quickly rolled in. November is Testicular Cancer Awareness month. In observation men aren't supposed to shave for November. I am interested to see what my beard will look like come December 1st! I will have to post a pic. In fact that will be the first pic of myself I have posted on here I believe. Forbes has placed President Obama as second most powerful man in the world, behind Vladimir Putin. I didn't see that coming. Kind of stings for Americans doesn't it?

     The days we are living in, are very interesting and exciting ones. It is true that reality is stranger than fiction. We live our lives like characters in a movie or a book (like the characters in 'Illuminatus!').  This is your story, live it. There are three things that I would suggest you look into and study, or at least observe. In the Left Behind film series take notice of your reaction and impression of Nicolai Carpathia. LB debuted 12 years ago. In Stephen King's The Stand Randall Flagg is the villain. A sort of Antichrist and one of my favorite (if not number one) villains. I prefer the character from the book, as he is most scariest to me, but the movie version is great too. Also, Oprah Winfrey made a movie called Beloved based off the book. A whole paper could be written about that movie. I encourage you to see it In fact these would make good Halloween movies to watch.


Midnight Cry Ministries

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Corrupted One Will Soon Arive


     Dontjudge other people. If you do, your lower than what you think that person is. There isn't much in the news yet about the spread of flu. Seems to be a normal flu season so far. One more person has died in Saudi Arabia from MERS. An 83 year old woman.  The strain of MERS is similar to SARS, but is not nearly as contagious.  People with compromised immune systems seem to be the ones most at risk of developing a fatal syndrome. The disease does not seem to pose a pandemic threat. Heavy smog continues to be a problem in China. A wave of Bombings in Baghdad have killed many people. The United States has not issued a statement regarding illegal wire taps placed by NSA in south Korea. BTW: Ever notice how John Kerry looks like Nicolai Carpathia from the Left Behind movies? Do you consider the LB books to be "prophetic fiction"? I don't. I have differing opinion on what the Book of Revelations means compared to Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins. But I have still been able to enjoy the books and haven't completed reading the whole series yet.

     Imagine how catastrophic it would be if everyone just spontaneously stopped doing what they were responsible for...and society just collapsed.

God is every one's God. He is the great author. Let him tell a great story and be a character in it.

There will be a great calamity and one man will have all the answers. The world will turn to him. He starts out by appearing to be a good man, but he will soon become bad. Terrible. He will become corrupted with evil.

Aleister Crowley

     Cool with rain today in Norman. Nice weather by my opinion, but a lot of people are in really bad moods today. Must be the weather. Some people are getting sick. I seemed to have just cleared a respiratory infection. I don't know if its flu or just colds going around. Britain has been hit by one of the worst storms it has experienced in years. Other parts of Europe were also affected by severe storms with 13 dying in Germany.

Aleister Crowley

     He called himself "the Beast 666" and claimed that the Aeon of Horus began at the beginning of Horus and that there would be no such thing as sin in the current age. He claims to have been contacted by his Holy Guardian Angel "Aiwass" while studying in Egypt in 1904 (and having a synchronicity experience related to the number '666' while there). He "received" and penned the Book of the Law. He also founded the A:.A:  and reached the top echelons of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), before founding a religious commune known as the Abbey of Thelema which he led from 1920-1923. Crowley was also a bisexual drug user (which was pretty liberal for the time in which he lived) and came up with the law of "Do What Thou Wilt" and promoted Thelema. He was considered to be the 73rd greatest "Britain of all time."


The Rapture and Resurrections (Music Video)

If you were raped or molested as a child you will become a lesbian or gay...and its all your fault because you didn't have Je$us! Now you have full blown AIDS!

Rejected Jesus Once...Is it Too Late to be Saved?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fukushima Radiation Has Peaked at 6,500 Percent

       There are periods of history when the visions of madmen and dope fiends are a better guide to reality than the common-sense interpretation of data available to the so-called normal mind. This is one such period, if you haven't noticed already.     -Robert Anton Wilson
I first heard of the 23 Enigma from William S. Burroughs, author of Naked Lunch, Nova Express, etc. According to Burroughs, he had known a certain Captain Clark, around 1960 in Tangier, who once bragged that he had been sailing 23 years without an accident. That very day, Clark’s ship had an accident that killed him and everybody else aboard. Furthermore, while Burroughs was thinking about this crude example of the irony of the gods that evening, a bulletin on the radio announced the crash of an airliner in Florida, USA. The pilot was another Captain Clark and the flight was Flight 23.     -Robert Anton Wilson
     The Marine Corps is changing the covers worn by Marines. The new covers don't look as cool as the old. But,  I also thought that about the digi-camies that were introduced just before I enlisted in 2003. Now I prefer those camies to the old design, but that is probably because I have gotten used to the new look. The Navy camies, I don't like so much. But any American military uniform is good in my book! Iran's seeking to develop a nuclear bomb, has caused Israel to warn that they are prepared to attack Iran. Hawaii just became radioactive with radiation readings going up there and on the west coast. Kim Jong-Un has also received a new title. "Dr. Leader", from a university. Radiation levels at Fukushima nuclear power plant have spiked at 6,500 percent. It appears that the whole world is going to know what radiation tastes like pretty soon.
Look me up on Facebook. Let me know you are doing so from this suggestion. My email is


Timothy Leary

Three Days of Darkness Warning From the Virgin Mary

'News At 6 O'Clock' Music Video by ICP

'The Tower' Music Video by ICP

Two Wounded During Shooting at National Guard Armory on Tennessee Naval Base

Chaos Matrix: Austin Osman Spare

Austin Osman Spare's Obituary

'Hallelujah' Music Video By ICP

The Oarfish Were Right!

    Nietzsche is dead.     -?
It is a sound psychological fact that we hear only what we are prepared to hear.     -Dr. Geade Ladd
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.     -The Bible

     Hallelujah! All praise and glory to God. May my blog and all my doings reflect worship, praise and all credit and glory to God in his accurate form whatever that be. May my every action, word and deed be according to the will of God and His use.

      It's game day at OU and it's drizzling. Walking to the library I ended up getting moistened. That's what I hate about walking in the rain. You end up damp and smelling like ozone. Yesterday I attended a Halloween part dressed up as a zombie. There was a dance contest for kids and they were all dressed so adorable. One little girl dressed up as a leopard called me "her zombie". It was sweet. I can't wait to have a family of my own. Kids are one of the greatest gifts God gives us. The love that a parent has for their child is a minor reflection of the Love God has for us. A day or so ago I mentioned the possibility of an earthquake in California being predicted by the sightings of Oarfish. Oarfish had also been spotted by the Japanese. On the 25th there was a 7.6 earthquake in the sea off of Japan.

      Potential budget cuts that could be coming to the military soon, would shrink the size of the military and affect weapons programs. The military is one of the few things that our nation should be leaving alone. It's one of few things we got right. Iran may only be a month away from, having enough uranium to construct a nuclear weapon.

Are You a Bahai and Need to Replace Your Membership Card?

From 8:30-5:30P Central
They accept cashiers check or Visa card.


'Night of the Chainsaw' Music Video by ICP

Books by Gerald Gardner ("Father of Witchcraft")

Online Archive of Sacred Text

The Teachings of Zoroaster

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Could a Large Earthquake Be Coming to California?

You judge by human standards...     -Christ (John 8:15 NIV)

I make a commitment to seek knowledge of God and to build a relationship with Him.     -Brian James Hill
That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.     -Aldous Huxley

     The fires in Australia have been described as the worst in decades. I have been looking for Comet ISON, but have not been able to locate it (or Mars). It is supposed to be 15 times brighter than the moon, which would make it the brightest thing in the night sky, and only the sun should be brighter. It is described as having a green color. I will keep my eye out for it, and let you know what I find. If you find it, leave a comet describing what you saw and where in the sky it can be seen. The appearance of oarfish off the coast of California could signal a coming quake soon. Oarfish have been sighted in the past, just before earthquakes. They are sensitive to seismic occurrences at the bottom of the ocean, since they swim in the deep. Japanese lore also says the washing ashore of oarfish is an omen of coming earthquakes and if anyone knows anything about earthquakes-it's the Japanese! There seems to be a cold going around-which I seem to have caught. It seems mild so far though. I have been sick so much this year. I  had meningitis a few months ago.

     Why did it take until the 19th century for people to really begin studying the Book of Revelation? Is it because the time grows near that the book's message becomes more relevant? Perhaps as we approach zero hour, we have instinctualy felt the time approaching and the need to prepare? God is awakening us and warning us of the coming time and some people are choosing to listen to the warning while others ignore it.

In Our Religious World:

* Many religionists do not fully understand their religion or the meaning of the church. Some people attend the services apparently just to be present.

* Many people see church as a place to be on Sunday and have little part in the spiritual development that is supposed to occur with worship.

* Many sheeple blindly follow dogma without considering the spiritual purpose behind it. To do that is simply to follow rules for the sake of following them. It would be better for these people to define and practice their own self made religion. They would actually benefit more from that. People read their scripture without bothering to delve into the meaning and "proper" interpretation of what the scripture says.

*  People focus on prophecy interpretation with regard to coming disasters and setting a time line (I am very guilty of this as well) rather than on the promise of a coming redeemer.


Disinformation 2012

Lyrics to 'It's All Over' by Insane Clown Posse

'Redneck Zombies' Trailer

Trailer for 'The Day After'

Egypt Could Be Headed to Civil War


Babylon the Great

The Mother of Prostitutes

And of the Abominations of the Earth

     Could the Whore of Babylon be the United  States? It will be influenced by the Antichrist. We house the United Nations building-which has influence world wide. It is heavily influenced by the U.S. Antichrist could rise to power via the U.N. (or even assisted by the States).

     Th whore "sits upon many waters". The United States has influence and presence world wide and certainly would share in the abominations of the world and vice-versa. Many nations comit adultery with us.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Flu Season Has Begun. Signs in the Heavens and the Earth

In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on My servants both men and women, I will pour out My Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below...before the coming of the great and glorious Day of the LORD. -Acts 2:17-20

Throughout history, God has revealed Himself to humanity through a series of divine Messengers, whose teachings guide and educate us and provide the basis for the advancement of human society. These Messengers have included Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. Their religions come from the same Source and are in essence successive chapters of one religion from God.
Bahá’u’lláh, the latest of these Messengers, brought new spiritual and social teachings for our time. His essential message is of unity. He taught the oneness of God, the oneness of the human family, and the oneness of religion.      -From

     The Nobel Prize summit is discussing the need for a one world religion. Comet ISON does not appear to be breaking up and is reported to be 15 times brighter than the moon! The fires in Australia continue, with New South Wales being threatened. Now that we are in flu season I will be following flu news as I did in the past. One man has already died of H1N1 in Louisiana. I have chosen to skip getting a flu shot this year, because there has expected to be a shortage and I want someone who needs "my shot" more than I to be able to get it. Our news is being scripted to us. I don't believe that we are being told what is going on in the world. We're receiving propaganda. There is much going on in the world that cant be reported by the media for various reasons. Government cover ups, or events so unusual they would cause a disruption in society if uncovered. There have been reports of flashes in the sky, bodies of water turning as red as blood, demonic activity, a dragon being seen in the U.K. and prophesies from various people.

Signs in the Earth:

New York Couple Rescued from Sinkhole

Signs in the Heavens:

Comet ISON Described as a "Breathtaking Green Blaze"




Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Demonic Death of Hotel Girl and Another Body Found Without Organs

     . Here is one interesting security video of the lady who was found dead in a building's water tank. She demonstrated bizarre behavior on the elevator (its really creepy) and died moments later. At first I thought she was running from someone (who could have murdered her), but her behaviour became schizophrenic. Autopsies showed no drugs in the system. Could it have been a synthetic or "legal drug"(bath salts for eample), psychiatric illness, or could demonic spirits have possessed her? The body was found after hotel residents noticed a bad taste and odor to the water.



The Maid of Heaven

Bahai Pilgrimage

Another Body Found Without Organs
{I am suspecting cult murder or organs sold for the black market}


Monday, October 21, 2013

Moved In

     Moved into a town house today. I have two room mates, which will take some getting used to. I am not a fan of room mates that I have known for a long time. South Korea is developing non-exploding shells to send across the border into North Korea, that would deliver anti-Kim regime pamphlets. North Korea responded by threatening to mercilessly shell the south. This would not be the first time, that leaflets have been sent across the border (usual by balloon), criticising the regime and describing life outside of the hermit kingdom. The purpose of the leaflets is to insight revolt against the DPRK government and inspire needed change to the government. The drama never ends at the DMZ. A Laotian plane crash has killed 49 people after crashing into the Mekong river. Thailand is experiencing its worst Dengue epidemic in 20 years. A female bomber has killed six people on a bus in Russia. A middle school shooting in Nevada has killed two people and injured two others.

Is the Whore of Babylon the Vatican? Or Is it America?

Is the European Union revived Rome?

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Three Days Of Darkness

     I have begun having more inspiration from the Holy Spirit like I did this time a year ago. I have had my eyes opened up to a lot of things about myself and the world and I seem to be getting a stream of wisdom. I am always grateful for this experience. There has been talk from a potential prophet, who shall remain unamed, at this time concerning three days of darkness that may be soon coming. Possibly before the end of this month. If this is true, then what a terrifying, but interesting time it shall be. I have had two memorable dreams I would like to mention. At the age of 13, I had a dream that the sun turned black and formed into an eye staring down at the earth. It was an apocalyptic dream. The day did not go dark though, daylight remained. In the other dream I had only a few years ago, it was a morning, but the sun failed to rise. Three Days of Darkness is in conformity with predictions and prophecies by other prophets and seers. Three days of darkness and starting next year-four blood moons. There is a numbering  pattern I have noticed in synchronicity earlier this year that seemed to be counting down to something, what I don't know, but the numbering system could be counting back up. Again, to what and how high I am unsure.

     There is also talk about mounting unrest in Pyongyang and that the Kim regime may be in its final days.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Is Babylon America Falling?

     I may be moving into a new place in Norman next week. The government shut down continues, with the possibility of negotiations. I went into Mardel to find the book Four Blood Moons by John Hagee. It turns out that it has been completely sold out, so I have placed it on hold for the next edition which should be released later this week. I am even more anxious to read the book because of that. Great job on the publishers success John! For the second time a 'dry ice bomb' has exploded at LAX. There was a previous incident where a TSA agent made threats against the air port and was arrested, but there is not link to him as of yet. Either way, things are slowly falling apart. Much slower than I expected them too. I think with the government shut down we are setting ourselves up for something. I pray that this isn't just some political game that ends with someone getting hurt, but ends up with something much better for the country. There is a cholera outbreak in central Mexico. Before Halloween it is very likely that there will be a radical change in the U.S. government. What kind of change you ask? Time will tell my Friends. Time will tell.

China Calls for a "De-Americanised World"

Saturday, October 12, 2013

John Kerry and Nicolai Carpathia

         Aside from looking like Nicolai Carpathia from the Left Behind movie series, based off of the books...his initials are worth looking at. John Kerry= J.K. (Greek) Jesus Kristos ("anointed one").  Corruption of the Holy Designation? In the LB series Nicolai's full name is Nicolai Jetty Carpathia (i.e. 'Not Jesus Christ'). The French Army will be making job cuts in 2014. Sounds kind of like our government doesn't it? At this time there also does not seem to be much flu activity going on in the nation. Even tough the CDC' ability to observe the flu has been closed to to the shut down. A gas line in the Oklahoma pan handle exploded the other day.

One Year Since My First 'Revelation'

     About this time last year I went on a vision quest and ended up making dramatic life changes for the good. This morning I had another epiphany with so much synchronicity surrounding it, I wont try to even list it here. I know what happened and I know it to be true. God touched my heart again, just like he did this time last year. I pray and hope this will be a regular thing, though it is an overwhelming experience and from what I understand, some people never have this experience. I hope that all of you can have it, if you haven't already. It will come to you when the time is right. On the bad side of things-a public school in Boston was closed after getting a bomb threat. The Black Death seems to have returned to Madagascar as well and has the potential to spread widely there. We just had a one-two-three-four punch of weather scenarios. Fire, snow (killing 10,000[?] cattle), rain and even a string of small earthquakes in Oklahoma. A tropical storm brewing off the coast of India has the potential to be their "Hurricane Katrina". Things are going sour again after a short break it seems, and the Government still hasn't been "un" shut down!

     Climatologists have reported that the weather has been unleashing unusual patterns this year, more often then what would be expected of it. The scientists have warned us for years about global warming (which I don't believe in-now its called 'climate change' to cover all the bases) and no one did much of anything to stop it. You can say that now we have made our bed and thus we shall lay down in it. There will soon come a great falling away in which mankind will decide it doesn't need religion. This is affirmed in the writings of Baha'ullah and appears to correspond with the Beast of Revelations. This may take place in our life times. The way the world is going, I would not be surprised to see the process set up in the near future.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Awaiting the Sixth Trumpet? Need Reader's Input

     The LORD takes pleasure in his people.    -Psalm 149:4a (TEV)

     Some people believe we have already moved into the tribulation. It is possible that it already happened during the reign of Nero. Irvin Baxter believes that we are awaiting the sixth (?) trumpet. He believes that Saddam Hussein was the Destroyer/Apollyon (Saddam's Mother nicknamed him the Destroyer because of her experience giving birth to him) and that he fulfilled the days when no light would shine by igniting the oil wells of Kuwait in the first Gulf War. This is interesting, and demonstrates my theory that prophecy is cyclical and can manifest multiple times and different ways, per synchronicity and understanding the ways of the universe through previous events. To see the future you have to study the past. The world crisis that we are experiencing now (we are over ten days now in a federal government shut down), freak storm kills ten thousand cattle, and recent unbelievable events are a wake up call from God. Is God giving us a warning before he puts Judgement upon the planet?

A Question to ponder. I hope one of my readers are willing to answer the question and back up their belief with sources. Please 'comment' from this blog to answer this debate. Was Abdul Baha the reincarnation of Jesus? Why/Why not?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


     Heaven exists as an alternative plane of existence on a "higher" vibration than our world and is reserved for purer souls. Hell exists on a 'lower' frequency, than our world. It is reserved for the damned. The abyss may exist in the center of the universe. As the universe expands it leaves a vacuum where it began. Could that be the abyss? Or could the abyss be the infinite space beyond existence? Black holes could also be possible gate ways to the abyss. The trinity of worlds is Heaven, Earth and Hell.  The Holy Trinity is The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost. 777 is the number of perfection/God. 444 represents nature as a complete cycle. 1.Science 2. Man 3. Religion. 6 is the number of man and imperfection. 666 is the number of the Beast (as is 616=Nero the Antichrist). The Satanic Trinity is Satan, the False Prophet and the Antichrist.

The Seven Bowl Plagues

     It is like day eight or nine of the Federal shut down and I don't know when the end of the shut down will be.


7 Bowl Plagues

1.) Ulcers on the recipients of the mark of the Beast.
2.) Seas turn to blood and every living soul dies.
3.) The rivers and fountains of water turn to blood.
4.) The sun becomes hotter and scorches the earth with heat, flares and drought. The sun expands.
5.) The unholy church is stricken with pains.
6.) The Euphrates river dries up.
7.) A judgement in the form of a great earthquake with lightening and thunder.

* There have been several recent earthquakes in Acapulco, Mexico.
* North Korea Warns U.S. Of Impending Disaster

     I see the fabric of our society slowly coming apart. Piece by piece, faster and faster with each one. More shootings can probably be expected. Those shootings will at some point turn into riots (will the riots be reported by the media? I think they would have an unfortunate time censoring that from the nation).
The Satanic Trinity
1. The False Prophet
2. Satan
3. Anti-Christ

The Coming our Blood Moons:
Inspired by NASA projections and recorded history, Pastor John Hagee reveals direct connections between four upcoming blood-moon eclipses and what they portend for Israel and all of humankind.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Oklahoma Storms

     Last night we got some storms in central Oklahoma. I was asleep but awoke to the sound of thunder. I was disappointed because the storms arrived AFTER I went to bed, I would have waited up for them had I not had to be awake so early this morning. More storms are headed for central Oklahoma and should arrive in the next couple of hours. I am in Norman right now, so I am not completely sure if we will see much of those storms. Storms always seem to avoid Norman and head for Moore and Oklahoma City. There appears to be no end in sight for the government shut down. Three more people (total of five in Oklahoma) have died from West Nile Virus.


* Norman Police Identify Man Who Committed Suicide
* The Purpose Drive Life
* Pastor Rick Warren Says Gays Go To Heaven

Friday, October 4, 2013

I am a Partial-Preterist

     As I continue my study of  the Book of Revelation, I  have decided that I am a Partial-preterist. That means that I believe that the events written about in Revelation have already come to pass and that such events as the Abomination of Desolation and the rise of the Antichrist have already occurred. Certain events such as Judgement Day are still to be expected in the future. We have had a small earthquake in the Oklahoma City Metro area a couple of nights ago and it is said that there have been tremors around Lake Thunderbird that have gone unreported by the Geo Survey. I have felt no shaking so I can't report on any earthquake experience. California has also had a couple of small quakes today. A tropical storm headed for the U.S. gulf may turn into a hurricane by tonight. In Oklahoma we are expecting severe storms tonight and tomorrow, with the possibility of damaging hail and wind.

Some reflections on the Book of Revelations

When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood,... (English Standard Version)

     Next year and the following will see four blood moons and a simultaneous eclipse. I believe that this prophecy could be fulfilled at that time. During the four blood moons, the moon will be the color of blood-hence the name. During the eclipse phase the red moon's passage across the sun will make the sun appear black like sack cloth. During an eclipse the corona of the sun can sometimes be seen, giving the sun a "hairy appearance" (again like sack cloth). I believe that the four blood moons, could herald this event. Or at least serve as a bad omen for Israel signaling a coming war. Blood moons have often signaled significant events in Israel's history.

     Other places in Revelations describe things like:
* shaking of the heavens
* earthquakes
* mountains and islands being moved out of place
* debris and smoke (which would also contribute to the moon having a crimson appearance)

     This brings images to my mind of God knocking earth out of orbit. Then he slam dunks us into another dimension:
-The sun, moon and stars are gone.
-Earth rolls around in a void until the end of 'the end'.

     Earth is finally annihilated with fire and all things are made again.