Sunday, September 21, 2014

Reminiscing on the eve of the 13th Baktun and a Major Change In My Life For the Positive

     A lot has been going on. ISIS is growing to be a world threat and Obama is sending military assistance to stop them. Ebola is out of control and as many as 500,000 people may end up with the virus. If the virus goes air borne then the risk of at least one million lives could become a reality. Higher estimates are at 5 million. I myself don't believe it will become air borne. Now don't quote me on that, but I don't see how the virus could benefit from evolving into such a virulent strain. It would endanger itself by wiping out its food source (us) quickly and burning itself out. In the states we are experiencing an outbreak of Enterovirus 68, which has been detected in 22 states and threatens the lives of children, especially those with respiratory problems such as asthma. It is not such a threat to adults, since they have probably had the opportunity to build up antibodies from infections of similar viruses, causing a sort of cross immunity.

Close Encounters (as in with Aliens)

     Now, I myself, don't believe that ETs have come down here and abducted people (if they have, I don't think they have done it as much as people would like to think). Perhaps they did help us in the past with the pyramids and all that new age stuff. But, for here I will provide a brief introductory description of the types of encounters that people have described.

Close Encounter (CE) of the 1st Kind- Someone has seen a UFO in close proximity.

CE2- A UFO  has left evidence of its presence. For example radioactive contamination, ship parts, or damage to the area.

CE3- Someone has had visual contact with an alien being itself.

CE4- Someone has been physically abducted (and probably had their pooper probed. How fun!

Alicia Keys; "Obamas On Fire" (?!)

Alicia Keys Scary Foreshadowing Song

Some Q&A

What age is the "cut off" for being "guaranteed" to be taken in the rapture? (I.E. What is the age of accountability/innocence.

Well for one, I am not a believer in the Rapture. It is not scriptural. But, since people ask this question I will try and provide an answer. In my opinion the age of "innocence" ends with puberty, because before that age children are focused on playing and making friends and are generally wonderful people, but with adolescence comes hormones and lustful thoughts and rebellious behavior. I don't think there would be one specific age. It would be different for each person depending on their physical, psychological and spiritual development.

Will people have an "internal portent" of the coming eschaton?

I believe that they will. Some anyway. Those that the Holy Spirit wills to. In the Bible, it says that in the last days people will have dreams and visions and some will prophecy. I think that the closer we get to the "end" (I actually don't believe in an "end", but rather a "phase" that we have gone through before and will again). In October of 2012 I  began to have significant spiritual experiences and insights that proved to be accurate (I gave several predictions) and discovered others having similar and at times identical experiences. There seemed to be some kind of spiritual reawakening at the time in certain people, while others seemed to become darker. It was light there was a spiritual Armageddon occurring in everyone and some people won through the light in them and others lost and gave in to the darkness.

The feelings and "visions" that I had made me wonder if the coming 12-21-12 would be significant. I believe that it was in the sense that it marked the beginning of an apocalyptic era that we are now witnessing. Even though I consider it to be a "marker", I think that we began to slip into that epoch long ago. Maybe as long as 2,000 years ago (Jesus's apostles certainly believed that they were living in the last days). We have been in the "last days" for centuries!

I continue to study spirituality and shamanism and have not retained those strong influences that I did. They went away some over time. I believe it was because I changed from being a dark person and embraced the light and found the Baha'i Faith. I no longer needed the constant awareness of the Holy Spirit to have faith. Through my own experiences and synchronicity I saw the evidence for myself that God was very active in my life and at times communicated to me through my day to day experiences.