Sunday, May 26, 2013

Prayer Service for Tornado Victims, MERS, Dreams and Middle East Turmoil

     This evening I attended the First Baptist Church of Moore Prayer service for the Moore tornado victims. It is quite touching and yet heart breaking at the same time. I found myself missing the family that I used to have (a previous relationship awarded me the kids of my significant other at the time with whom I grew closer to then I have anyone excluding my mother) [and actually left the service depressed]. The choir did a wonderful job as well as the touching prayers of church Pastor Kevin, Rabbi Vered Harris and Archbishop Paul S. Coakley from the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. The adorable children of the Briarwood Elementary School Choir sang a heart warming rendition of 'Jesus Loves' me after being greeted with a standing ovation which lasted for several minutes. There was music and the Governor Mary Fallin spoke. The entire service lasted about an hour and a half.

In Regards to A Couple of Dreams I Have Recently Had:

*A month or so ago I had a dream about a catastrophic storm that hit the area (but missed Norman). The dream stuck with me for awhile. In the aftermath of the May 20th tornado I cant help but wonder if the dream was a premonition. It felt like such, as I get what seem to be prophetic dreams from time to time.
*I wont go too much into the details of this dream as it is not necessary. After I was baptised last night I spoke with the preacher for awhile in his room. As I was getting ready to leave we embraced hands. It was at that point that I recognized the setting from a dream I had last week. The details were interestingly similar. When I had that dream, I couldn't help but feel that it was prophetic in some way. I believe that the events of last night confirmed the dream.
     As time progresses God reveals things to us more and more as the prophesied time arrives. In the distant past, end times prophecies, while descriptive, did not give a full picture or time line of coming events. Prophecy that was meant to take place over thousands of years have been given as brief revelation, but in time those revelations are expanded on and detailed as necessary for the understanding of the people that the prophecy is meant for. This is called progressive revelation. As we approach the designated times, God reveals to us details about specific events as we need to understand them.
     Last night (this morning) at approximately 0045, I was baptised by a non-denominational preacher. We spoke awhile on spiritual and theological topics. He convinced me the need to be baptised into "God's Church", rather then into a specific denomination (I was baptised into the Latter Day Saints church on Christmas day 2003). While getting ready to go to sleep I prayed for forgiveness of my sins and that God would make me into the person he wants me to be. I am going to try and use this event to better myself and become a better person and let go of anger and negative destructive emotions. It is time to begin living the best life that I can live. I confessed that I believe in and accept Christ's gift of salvation, which I gladly accepted.
     Today rockets have his the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon. Five people (at least) have been injured when a residential building and car dealership were h it. A third fired rocket failed to explode. The second floor of a residential building was struck, however no injuries resulted because of it. As of this afternoon (CST) it was too early to know who was responsible for the attacks.
     Syria has agreed to attend the Geneva peace talks. The growing chaos and conflicts in the Middle East are setting the stage for hostile action against Israel. In no certain time will the God/Magog war occur (most likely AFTER the Antichrist signs a seven year peace treaty with Israel). The new coronavirus in Saudi Arabia has claimed its 18th victim. In Saudi Arabia a large number of those who have dies have been elderly people with chronic illness, as was the case with the newest victim. So far 44 cases have been confirmed world wide. The virus has been named Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS). An alert has been raised by the World Health Organization [Plagues in diverse places].


* Will this disease return in the near future? The Plague of Athens

My Baptism and Near Future Plans

     Last night I was baptised by a non-denominational preacher. I had previously been baptised as a Mormon on Christmas day of 2003 in San Diego while in Marine Corps Recruit Training at Camp Pendleton. After talking some time and discussing scriptural matters I agreed to be baptised last night. I followed up the experience with repentance and confession of sin. I have previously been saved and accepted Yeshua HaMashiach as my saviour. My immediate future is unsure as things have been chaotic for quite some time for me, and I will try and update my blog when able. If you don't see any posts for awhile, keep checking back. I will get back to it. I will be doing some travel soon and while I have not decided exactly where I am going with any certainty I have narrowed down a few possible locations: San Francisco, Wisconsin, Dallas TX, Moore or Oklahoma City OK or Tennessee. I will keep you updated on what those plans are.

     I did not attend church this morning as I usual try to. However I will be attending a Prayer service this afternoon in Moore, OK. President Obama was in Moore today inspecting the damage and meeting with survivors. He spoke there as well, but I was unable to see or hear his speech.



* Signs of the End Times and Coming Events

* 5 Myths About Natural Disasters that you Probably Believe


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Blessing List

Here is a list of people and organizations whom I would like to see blessed:

-University of Oklahoma
-J.B. and R.B.
-Journey Church
-Red Cross
-First Baptist Church of Moore
-Bahai's of Norman
-The people of Moore, Shawnee and Newcastle.
-S.M./E.M./ and D.M.
-R.B. and Family
-Robin S.
-Samantha L.

Flu predictions, Asteroids and Unpleasant Weather

For since the beginning of the world
Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear,
Nor has the eye seen any God besides You,
Who acts for the one who waits for Him.
      -Isaiah 64:4 (NKJV)
I am the Vine and you are the branches. Get your life from Me. Then I will live in you and you will give much fruit. You can do nothing without Me.      -John 15:5 (NLV)
For you are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.     -Psalms 36:9 (NLT)

  I believe that this year's flu season will be bad again. Maybe worse than the previous one. More hospitalizations and deaths. The northern half of the east coast is getting cold and wet weather. Flooding in some states is possible and snow may become present in upper elevations. One person has died from flooding in San Antonio, Texas. There continues to be drama surrounding the Jody Arias trial (which will go on and on for quite some time I am sure).

     At least one of the respiratory cases in Alabama has been identified as having, or has had H3N2 (the flu strain from the previous epidemic). H3N2---Reverse the number order and you get 23. Asteroid QE2 will be making its closest approach to earth on May 31st. Again we are having a close fly by of a NEO? This one shouldn't endanger the earth, as it is going to pass seven times the distance of the moon. But, remember the previous asteroid fly by in February? On the same day just hours before it made its closest approach to earth, the skies over Russia were lit up by an exploding meteor. Could we have another fire ball event around May 31st? Comet ISON will also be showing up this winter. 2013 is looking like the year of meteors. Could the skies be falling?

     A stomach bug seems to be making the rounds in my neck of the woods. Kind of a weird part of the year for stuff to be spreading.

     After the Antichrist proclaims himself to be God, I think Atheism will be rare, if not on its way to extinction. Especially after he is assassinated and rises from the dead.



* New Bird Flu May Be Capable of Being Spread Through the Air

Friday, May 24, 2013

Some Random Spiritual Thoughts

     God reveals himself to us when we are ready. When the time is right. You will know God's presence by a burning or warm sensation in your chest or stomach. That is the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Isaiah Symbology
Head=Elder. Person deserving of highest regard and respect.
Tail=False prophet.

Storm front to effect parts of the U.S.

Take note of what of my message here.  This following week we will see various weather patterns and unusual weather occurrences. The weather will be severe with tornadoes and flooding in parts of the country. There will indeed be snow in the north east. He is coming. John the Conqueror.

It is advisable to begin stocking up on medical supplies, non-perishable food, dog food and other necessary survival supplies. These things may not be available in the not too distant future.

A messenger of God arrived in the year 1844, just as the Millerites predicted. Though he did not come in the form they were expecting.

Epidemics and pestilence is coming.

Look for the number 216. Do you know its significance? If you don't, it is explained in older posts on this blog.

I believe that by this time next week there will be more weather related deaths in the U.S.

Possible Time Line of the Beggining of the End

>Attack against Israel by Russia and neighboring Islamic countries (to include some in Africa). Israel is protected by God, and all enemy forces are miraculously defeated by divine intervention, hail and earthquake. (Gog/Magog War)

>Seven year peace agreement comes together with Israel. Person setting up the agreement is the Antichrist. Rapture occurs.

>After 3 and 1/2 years the Antichrist will break the peace treaty with Israel and go into the Holy Temple and proclaim himself God (Abomination of Desolation).

>Seven Bowl, Seven Trumpets and Seven Vials of Judgement poured out on the world.

>Armageddon. God and Holy army defeats forces of darkness in the valley of Megido.

>Millennial Kingdom (1,000 year reign by Messiah).

>Satan let out of Hell to tempt the world again. Second war between forces of light and darkness. Good victorious.

>Old world is destroyed. New world and universe created. Perfect paradise for eternity.

Earthquakes and Bad Weather

     According to another severe weather even may occur next Wednesday through Friday. Tornadoes will be possible again. (source: Some weekend storms can be expected for this memorial day weekend in the Oklahoma neck of the woods. Of course, what do you expect for memorial day weekend?

     Today's 5.7 earthquake in northern California has been followed by a swarm of after schocks. Snow may be expected for the north east united states says This years winter just wont go away! That area of the country has been seeing some wet weather with parts of Connecticut flooding. Likewise, winter weather has hit parts of western Europe.

A Letter of Concern to America and It's President

     Mr. President, your administration has been surrounded by controversy and mismanagement and at least a touch of corruption. Get your affairs in order, and get this country in order, or you will loose the support of your people. People of the United States...your out of control violence in recent time is totally unacceptable. Too many innocent lives have been lost because of the actions of evil and hateful people. This is a problem worldwide, but seems to be especially toxic in the U.S. Guns are not the problem...people are the problem. Our society is the problem. Our culture is the problem. Clean up your act and show love rather then violence and hate. Love heals and hate destroys. Wickedness will be punished in it's own time. You will only receive so many warnings before judgement comes down on you. Be warned of that.

     The threat of drones policing our skies in just a few years is very ominous. Un-manned probes will not only take away jobs from Police Officers, but-have you ever seen the Terminator films? The implementation of the RFID chip could be the start of what will become the mark of the beast, rumors of FEMA camps (relocation centers), federal agencies buying stock piles of weapons and ammo (to either prepare for war against the population of the U.S. or prevent Americans from purchasing weapons and ammo) and a back sliding economy, just to list things from the top of my head-not good news for those living in the United States. We are slowly walking right into a police state I believe. Something straight from the pages of Orwell. The IRS is even developing into a body that will control religious freedoms!

Earthquake and Meteorite Warning to the United States

     America be aware of  the chance of earthquakes today and the next few days! Areas to be concerned about are the Alaskan seismic zones, California seismic zones, Seminole Uplift and Wilzeta fault zones in Oklahoma and the New Madrid fault system.

2.4 Quake in Arkansas

You will see an increase in fire balls and meteors over the next few months, at least leading into August:
Fireballs Seen Today

Seismic activity and Resources in Norman

A couple of resources for people in the Norman area who may need assistance:
Community Action: 405-275-6060
Mission Norman: 405-321-8880

* 5.7 Earthquake Strikes Northern California. This comes as part of a rash of seismic activity and quakes around the world. People living near fault lines should be aware of any potential quakes that may occur.

* Deep 8.3 magnitude earthquake strikes Sea of Okhotsk in Russia’s Far East . Second major earthquake to strike the planet within 24 hours, as the article reports. The other location was just off of Tonga in the south Pacific. Volcanic eruption also occurring just north of the area of Okhotsk.

Pestilence in Diverse Places

     It seems that the H7N9 outbreak in China is now airborne (source:, though the Chinese government is saying that the epidemic is under control. No new cases have been reported since earlier this month, though it is possible that people may be infected and not realize it, or cases have not been reported for a variety of reasons. It also appears that pigs can become infected, which is not good news. This increases the chance that the virus could mingle with other strains creating a deadlier, more contagious strain. There is no vaccine or cure available at this time.

     If you remember (and how could you not?), this years flu season was exceptionally bad, causing a higher than normal rate of fatalities. I believe that it will return again this winter and may be worse than last years, and perhaps contribute to a pandemic, though it appears to have not spread far outside of the U.S. or caused as many problems for the international community as it did here. Although the flu vaccination this past season was embarrassingly ineffective, I think people should still consider getting it before the next wave. It never hurts to be prepared and I myself may consider getting the flu shot, though I believe I may be protected from infection. This previous flu came earlier then usual, lasted longer then usual and was fiercer than usual (much like our recent freak weather conditions). Numerous people were hospitalised and deaths were already being reported early into the epidemic. I still believe that there was a cover up on the severity of the outbreak from the federal and state health authorities. At the time, I wondered if we might not be looking at another 1918-1919 like pandemic. I am still not sure, that we shouldn't expect a similar scenario.

     The authorities were pushing for people to get the vaccine, which turned out to only be 9-60% effective. I myself believe in vaccines, but did not get the chance to get this cycles inoculation, which I think was mostly to comfort people into a false sense of protection. The last season saw outbreaks of Influenza types A and B, H3N2 (the problematic strain) and possibly H1N1. One of the strains had already been labeled "pandemic". In public you would see people wearing gloves and face masks in order to protect themselves from contagion. Though most masks DO NOT protect against Influenza-they may even increase your chances of getting it, by altering the way you breath causing you to take deeper breaths. The fibers of most masks are not designed to keep out microbes as small as flu particles.

     Recently there was what appeared to be an outbreak of respiratory illness in Alabama, however according to ABC News ( the outbreak was coincidental and were a mix of common cold and flu rather than Bird Flu or the new corona virus strain. Saudi Arabia has announced another person infected with the SARS like virus. The virus is probably able to spread from person-to-person.

     As of 12:37 P.M. CST there does not appear to be any severe weather warnings for Oklahoma, though in the Norman area there was a grey over cast that implied rain is possible.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Current and Coming Events

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.     -Rev. 12:21 (?)

...for there is no authority except that which God has established.     -Romans 13:1

     God has instituted through his WILL President Obama, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and all other world leaders. Even by the will of God does the Antichrist likewise rise to power. a man thinketh in his heart, so is he...     -Proverbs 23:7
I have said these things to YOU that by means of me YOU may have peace. In the world you are having tribulation, but take courage! I have conquered the world.     -John 16:33

     The trumpet will soon blow. The weather of the United States is becoming worse. Soon there will be three days of darkness. I believe that in the last half of this year we will see what will become the rise of the revived Roman Empire: Turkey Wants European Union Membership. There will be more solar storms (possibly causing catastrophic conditions for satellites and electronics on earth). I believe that the revived Roman empire (the fourth Beast of Daniel) will be completely set up within just a couple of years. The current Pope Petrus Romanus is the False Prophet and will herald in the Antichrist.

     Within a short time, I also expect the Mark of the Beast to be put into place. Anyone receiving the mark will NOT get a second chance for salvation. Those that receive the mark will be permanently damned and will receive the wrath of God and a plague of sores. The world economy will soon collapse and a new promising one will be set up. That is when the mark of the Beast will be utilised. You will not be able to buy or sell without the mark. The mark is quite likely to be the RFID chip, or something similar to it. Begin preparing now for what is coming. Stock up on food, medicine, water, plant seeds, etc. Even Bibles, which will be made illegal soon. Try memorising important scriptures for when possession of scriptures is made a felony. In Islam, it is a duty to memorise entire surahs of the Koran, even the whole book itself. Memorise prayers and scripture. Find safe places to ride out the coming storm. Utilise communal living and promote sharing of surplus supplies with unprepared people.

     Expect a police state soon in the U.S. and likely eventually wide spread around the world. You are now unable to trust authority. Expect an increase in supernatural and "demonic activity". Hold strong in your faith. Remember that God is LOVE. The "true religion" is LOVE. Share LOVE to those around you, including your enemies. LOVE heals evil. It is one of the few effective methods for combating the forces of darkness and evil in the world. Evil shall increase, but so shall Good. If the religion you are following preaches something other then love for all people-Do Not listen to its message.

     There is more storm weather predicted for Oklahoma tonight and for the next few days. I am unsure if tornadoes will be an issue again, or if will just be rain. We had thunder storms in central Oklahoma this morning and some rain. NOAA expects 'above normal" hurricane season. Previously I forecasted this years weather would be bad. So far, it's proving me right.

     Though money is amoral, it tends towards evil habits. In these days ignore the lust for money. Money is Mammon. It is a false God. An idol. Money too often befriends and benefits evil. The true value of the dollar is fuel to kindle for a fire for warmth.

     Right now, outside the world is active. Going about its daily tasks. The weather is typical. No visible signs of storms. That should change for the central area of Oklahoma around 2000. There has been a sort of lull in the weather since the tornado Monday. Some storms and occasional rain, but it hasn't been so dramatic. Either that, or the tornado experience just desensitised me. Storms don't seem like such a big deal in comparison to this year and 1999. It was not hot today. A bit warm and muggy. But humidity is to be expected after any warm weather rain. It was not a bad day. My dental abscess is still bothering me, but at least my glands aren't swollen. I need to have the teeth pulled, but I cant afford that right now, since I have personal expenses to plan for. Eating is difficult and when I sneeze one of the effected tooth lets me know it isn't too happy. I haven't been taking my amoxicillin as required, because it is getting hard for me to remember too. I take the ketoprofen as needed for pain and it helps for the most part. I am almost out of it. But, I still have some OTC NSAIDS to take care of any residual pain. I hope to get my teeth taken care of soon, if possible.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Liber 216 (2nd version)

     Liber 216 (2nd version)

Written Around Christmas of 2011. Re-write May 22nd, 21012
     ...I feel the Kingdom of God around me. I am experiencing Nirvana, perfect contentness.

    December 25...The Birth of Christ. The Dawn of a new age.

     December 21st, started the beggining (?) of the apocalypse. ... 24th is the End of the World per some people and allegedly a Mayan date. This is the eve of our world going into the Age of Aquarius. The old world needed to be destroyed. It has karma to burn. We are in a transition period. Tonight we celebrate the eve of the birth of a new age.

Emanuel= "God is with us".

The coming year will be an unlucky year for the bad people...


What color (race) was Jesus? Any one you want him to be.



The Tetragamaton (name of God) has 216 letters.

Pi breaks down into a spiral. Within it are patterns. The number pattern in pi is 216.

Some Random Points on the Mayan Calendar

The final day of the last Hell occurred on August 17th, 1987 (interestingly enough-the birth date of an associate of mine by the name of L. Lane). August 17th is also my birthday. Hmmm.

The Mayan calendar is divided up into seven ages of man (compare: Seven days in a week, seven churches of Asia which some believe represent seven church ages).

The previous "end" of the Mayan calendar fell on December 23rd, 2012.

There are 5,123-5,125 years per Mayan time cycle.

Mayan calendar believed to have been created in 3372 B.C.

Another set date for the end of the current Mayan age was set for December 24th, 2011. No significant events seemed to have occurred on that date.

There is discrepancy over the exact date for the "Mayan Doomsday".


*6.5 Earthquake Strikes off of coast of Aisen, Chile

Some Points on Islamic Eschatology

*Jesus returns in the end (is this the Impostor?), breaks crosses and announces his conversion to Islam. He converts the world to Islam, kills the Jews, gets married and dies after 40 years. In Islam it is believed that Jesus is a prophet rather then the Son of God and that he did not die die for the world's sins.

*Resurrection of both the wicked and righteous at the final judgement.

*The coming of the Mahdi (the 12th Imam). Did the Mahdi already come?

*Islam believes that the Gospel was misinterpreted by Christians.

*Dajjal is the Islamic equivalent of the Anti-Christ.

*Eight Signs Leading to the Return of Jesus:
1. Smoke
2. The arrival of Dajjal
3. Arrival of the Beast
4. The rising of the sun from the west.
5. Jesus descends.
6. Gog and Magog
7. There will be land slides in three places. One in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia.
8. Fire will burn forth from Yemen and drive people to the point of their assembly.

*The Dajjal (the Impostor) is believed to be a Jew with one eye. This is interesting because in the Book of Revelation the Anti Christ suffers a fatal head wound (possibly to the eye?). It is also interesting to note that Osama Bin Laden suffered a gun shot through the eye. Dajjal will have the word "Kafir" (Believer) on his forehead (Mark of the Beast?). He will lead armies against the way of God.

*The Mahdi will return with Jesus.

More on the Moore Oklahoma Tornadoes

     First let me remind everyone that both Shawnee and parts of Texas have also had recent tornadoes and we should not forget to keep them in our prayers too. The Oklahoma National Guard has been doing an awesome job along with the countless other people out helping. A list of the names of 16 of the unfortunate fatalities have been released. I will post the names below. The names and quoted text are from:

The text follows (I added italics to highlight quoted material below):

"The identified victims are:
1. Terri Long, female, 49
2. Megan Futrell, female, 29
3. Case Futrell, female, 4 months
4. Shannon Quick, female, 40
5. Sydnee Vargyas, female, 7 months
6. Karrina Vargyas, female, 4
7. Jenny Neely, female, 38
8. Antonia Canderaria, female, 9
9. Kyle Davis, male, 8
10. Janae Hornsby, female, 9
11. Sydney Angle, female, 9
12. Emily Conatzer, female, 9
13. Nicolas McCabe, male, 9
14. Christopher Legg, male, 9
15. Cindy Plumley, female, adult - age unknown
16. Deanna Ward, female, adult - age unknown"

     Let us pray for the victims and their families. Let us also pray for ourselves, that we may be protected in the future from such calamities and let us repent of our wrong doings and take advantage of this situation to make better people of ourselves. I believe that everyone can be made better through God's love. I pray that if you haven't done so yet, that you seek a relationship with God. I do not believe that I know anyone from the list and I am lucky to say I have not lost anyone. I feel terrible for the people who we have lost, and especially for the children lost. That is the most horrific aspect of this disaster.


*Power of Moore Tornado Dwarfs the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb

*360* Views Before and After Images of Moore Tornado Destruction

*SARS Like Virus Spreads to Tunisia

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


     As you have probably already seen on the news (if you didn't experience it directly), the city of Moore (my hometown) was decimated yesterday afternoon by a massive tornado. The death toll was decreased from the 50's to 24 over night. Some bodies had been acidentally counted twice. Unfortunately a large percentage of the fatalities were elementerary school students at Plaza Towers Elementary. May God be with those families, and everyone else that was effected by the storm. Fortunately all of my loved ones are accounted for, which at first I was unable to get a hold of my mother until this morning. Many great people and organizations have been helping with the relief. I want to personally thank Journey Church in Norman, the University of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma National Guard for their wonderfull efforts, and the life saving warnings given out by the weathermen.

     Some people will ask "where was God during the tornado"? I will answer that now. God was present in the immediate and unselfish response of Public Safety Workers, Members of religious and aide organizations and every day people. God was there during the tornado and is still there, in the helping spirit of the responders and volunteers. Meteorologist Mike Morgan claimed that this could be the worst tornado in the history of the world. I don't know if that is true, and time will tell, but I can agree that it is at least one of the worst in the history of the world.

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Nine Saviours

1. Jesus Christ
2. Mithra
3. Krishna
4. Apollo
5. Buddah
6. Lucifer
7. Quetzalcoatl
8. Anti-Christ
9. Kim-Il Sung

Some Random Spiritual Points

     God has planted seeds of gospel to all parts of the world and people, so that EVERYONE will have a plan of salvation offered to them. I believe in reincarnation to some extent. Or at least I am open to the idea of it. The idea of enlightenment/salvation before Judgement Day. Those souls that haven't reached their spiritual goal will be recycled post JD (?).  Through reincarnation we experience the same problems and tests over and over again until we get them right.

     Michael very well may be the only Archangel. The word 'archangel' is used twice in the new testament. Michael seems to have a high place in the hierarchy of angels.

     Was Baha'ullah the reincarnation of Elijah? Some people speculate that Jesus was the reincarnation of Elijah.

Could the Anti-Christ Be A Moslem?


North and South Korea will not be brought into a war resulting with unification of the peninsula. I believe that North Korea may have a place in the battle of Armageddon.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Four Elements and Their Divine (and Satanic) Associations

The Four Elements and Their Divine Associations

Earth (GAIA)-North/Green. Goddess/Mother (Mother Mary)
Air (Horus/Aeolus)- East/Light Blue, Sun rises in the east. The son (Jesus)
Fire (RA/Prometheus)-South/Orange or Red, Father (Jehovah)
Water (Poseidon, Isis, Luna)-West, Dark Blue, Earthquakes, Holy Ghost (Baptism)

Four Crown Princes of Hell (per The Satanic Bible; Anton LaVey)


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Some Doomsday Points

Possible Course of Events for Doomsday:

  • Darkening of the Sun.
  • The Moon  shall not give her light.
  • The stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
  • Then shall the sign of the son of man appear in the heavens. All the people of the earth shall mourn. The world will see the son of man coming in the clouds.
  • Angels will gather up the elect of the earth.
  • Then seven years of tribulation.

The Signs and Wonders:

     People will be given the gospel in their hearts and receive revelations directly from the LORD in the last days. The non-elect will be struck with fear and anticipation. The moon will turn red like blood and their will be signs in the earth (crop circles for example?). "Blood and fire and vapor and smoke".

     There appeared smoke and vapor trails in the sky over Norman on 12/21/12. Earthquakes have occurred in odd places- Oklahoma (4.7 in 2010 and 5.6 in 2011 and an outbreak of small quakes this year), New Madrid, MO(1812-1813), United Kingdom, the East Coast  (2011). Blood signs (AIDS? Increase in prevalence of genetic diseases in recent years?).

     The light of God will be darkened on the day of the LORD. God will remove the Church and prophets from the earth. Then his presence and spirit, his church and blessings will depart the earth. Two prophets will minister in Israel for a determined number of days, then God will allow them to be slain by the Beast. They will remain dead for three days, before being resurrected in view of the whole world and ascend into Heaven.

     What will happen with our current Pope? I believe he is the last Pope and is also the False Prophet. Who is the current Prophet on Earth? Who will be the Prophet on Earth during this time? The two witnesses of Revelations? There will be a great mourning on the earth.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>

     This blog is updated daily and is "for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times". I became aware of this blog because of a book the author wrote. I will soon begin reading this book, which advertised his blog. The Book is called Survivors: A Novel of the Coming Collapse by James Wesley, Rawless. It is a novel set in a dystopian (not to far) future after the collapse of society. Since I have not begun reading the book, I cant give more information regarding it. I haven't bothered reading much of the books description because I want to save the surprise. The above mentioned blog has links to survival prepper websites and stores as well as tips for survival preppers. Lots of great information available. All they need lack, is a link to my blog! Har har!

Prediction Regarding my Exodus from Norman, OK

     I will eventually leave Norman, possibly in the Autumn. I may even leave today. I did not leave yesterday as I had planned. Things simply did not work out as planned. When I permanently leave Norman (there is nothing left here for me-I believe that I have served what purpose I had here), I will not be alone I do not believe. I will have a companion with me. I will be going after spiritual pursuits and continuing work on my blog and spreading the spiritual message. I will be doing some traveling and meet with an individual named "Timothy".

The Apostle Paul

     Paul (previous name 'Saul') the Apostle was born circa 5AD and died in approximately 67AD. The number three is associated with Paul. St. Paul is the patron Saint of Gentiles, Christians and Theologians. Feast days for St. Paul are January 25th (Conversion of Paul), June 29 (Feast of St. Peter and Paul and November 18 (Feast of the dedication of basilicas of St. Peter and Paul. Paul wrote several books of the New Testament including Acts. There is controversy over whether or not Paul was an actual apostle, in Islamic theology. Paul was converted to Christianity after having persecuted Christians. While traveling through the dessert he had a vision of Christ and heard him demand "PAUL WHY ARE YOU PERSECUTING ME?". Paul was temporarily blinded by the vision and changed his name, which at the time was Saul. With the changing of his name he was converted to the Gospel of Christ. 14 years later he would travel to Jerusalem.

     I have chosen Paul as my patron Saint for personal reasons that I will not go into here. I disagree with the Moslem belief that Paul is not a true Apostle. It is sighted that he was not confirmed by another Apostle, to his Apostleship. Though, I don't have the particular scripture on hand, I seem to remember reading that he had been recognised by at least one other Apostle. His vision is convincing to me that Christ himself recognised his position, since it is unlikely that a former persecutor of Christians would spontaneously convert to the very people he was against for fraudulent purposes. It can be debated that his vision was hallucinatory in connection with his travel through the hot dessert and his blindness a result of the bright sun. I do not consider this to be the case and stand by the conviction that Paul was an Apostle, even if I do not agree with all the things he said.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7th, 2013

     On top of all other things, I am getting a dental abscess! Grrr! At least it has taken my focus off of my shoulder, eh ;) So I am treating it with OTC pain relievers like Aleve and Ibuprofen. No antibiotics yet, but I am going to get that changed very soon. I almost went to the ER last night to get a shot of Novocaine, but eventually managed to fall asleep, and I felt some what better in the morning (thanks to the NSAIDS). Other than that, I am trying to just focus on developing myself and experiencing as much happiness as I can, and being the best person I can be. I am still working through the loneliness that came from the breakup of my most recent relationship, but I doubt me and her will ever speak again or even see each other again. It is for the best, and in a year I will probably think to myself "why did I feel this way about that person? Why did I allow myself to expend so much emotional energy in a relationship that doesn't matter anymore"? While I still love her and her family, I am trying to accept that God has other plans for me, and I  wish her the truest love and happiness. I look forward to meeting again in Heaven. I have n idea what her new life will entail, but she is happy with it, and I am trying to make the most of mine. I don't know how much I will get done today, or even what I expect to do today. There is a couple of places I want to apply for work at, and I will be meeting my Mom this afternoon. It is very possible that I will be leaving Norman this afternoon. At one time I loved this town, but I have grown to despise it. I don't like to entertain negative energy, but that is just how I feel.

     The Lord is near to those that have a broken heart, and he saves those who have a contrite spirit.     -Psalm 34:18

     I was considering trying to enlist with the Oklahoma Army National Guard, but I think that my broken clavicle would keep me out. I am not even going to waste a recruiters time. Since my wallet disappeared a few weeks ago I know how to replace my social security card since it was in the wallet. Until I get that replaced, I can't verify that I am a U.S. citizen, and thus cant get a new job. Balls! It's always something, but that is what keeps life moving, not boring and interesting all at the same time. My life is certainly an interesting one, and these are certainly interesting times to be alive in. If I do decide to move from Norman (and that could be as spontaneous as happening in the next couple of hours) where will I go? Back to Moore where I grew up perhaps. Or maybe Oklahoma City, or quite possibly out of state. The opportunity presents itself to start a new life.


*Tablet of Ahmad (Prayer)

*Rapture in 2013?

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Dark Night of My Soul

     This could be an opportunity for wisdom. I am currently going through a deep depression and am going to do something about it. I believe that I may be going through what may be the 'dark night of the soul'. I have crossed through this before and probably will again. It is a moment when you feel you are alone, as I feel now. Alone and melancholic. However, I see this as an opportunity. An opportunity to learn and sharpen my spiritual sword. And you my dear reader (again, not to be confused with the Dear Leader), I hope will learn from my experience. Though I cant share all my insights and secrets with you, I will do my best to convey as much wisdom as possible. Though I feel alone, I know that I am not alone. God is always present with me (me and 'Him' have been spending more time together lately) and my Mother is always supporting me. But, some of my friends have fallen to the wayside. Some still support me, and I always have my faith. My faith can only grow stronger. There are a couple of jobs I am going to pursue. One with housekeeping (which I enjoy) and the others in the restaurant business. I continue to apply for health care jobs. I  may be moving in order to pursue opportunities else where. I hate to have to leave Norman, but that just might be what is in the cards for me. A re-start. A do over. I will keep you up to date on what is going on. You can follow me on facebook too Just send me an email

Blog Post for May 5th, 2013

     Lots of changes in my life are coming. I hope these go better than the last. I am about to move from Norman, OK and pursue other career prospects, I have begun a happy healthy new relationship (though I dearly miss the family I previously had-I will NEVER forget them or ever stop loving them). On the negative side my shoulder still hurts BAD and now I have a tooth ache on top of it. My broken bone is seriously limiting my physical capacity to do much, so it's hurting my job prospects, but there must be SOMETHING gainful out there for me.

     It's not looking to be a good year for a lot of people. It just hasn't started well for many. I predicted 2013 to be a bad year. It looks like it will be for myself included. Over the last couple of days Israel has been conducting air raids in Syria. Syria and Iran are both fuming over this, while Israel tries to calm Syria down. Russia and China also are not too happy about the attacks. Could this be the set up for the Gog and Magog battle? Is Jerusalem about to be surrounded by armies as predicted in Daniel and Luke? Is the Desolation near? I believe that the identity of the Antichrist will be revealed this year. I kind of already expected it to already be happening. Since just before Easter we have already seen the rise of whom I believe to be the false prophet. Be suspicious of anyone he supports who seems to be moving fast in politics. I also believe that something is going to happen soon, that will demonstrate God's influence to people around the world. We are seeing the beginning of a great revival that will signal a last minute call to repentance prior to the Tribulation. Many people will never repent despite what signs that may see and will ultimately be destroyed by Judgement.

     The Bird Flu situation in China has the potential to get much worse. It appears possible to spread the virus through close human-to-human contact, but has not become as contagious as the typical flu. If the virus continues to mutate, it could turn into a very serious pandemic. Perhaps the worst in history. I have been saying for awhile to expect a respiratory pandemic worse than SARS in 2003. There is no cure for this virus and no vaccine at this time. It is already too late to stop if a pandemic is imminent. A drug-resistant strain of Gonorrhea is making the rounds, so play it safe if you aren't celibate. Drug-resistant means probably not treatable.

23 and other Number Symbols

     23 is the number of synchronicity, the Illuminati and the apocalypse. This number occurs frequently in relationship to those three subjects. It is a number of signs, and its increase of frequency of appearance is an apocalyptic sign. Sometimes it's there to tell us to 'wake up'! The eschaton (#23) is here.  23 is sometimes sent by Mercury or the Metatron. 2+3=5. 5 is the number of the universe and the order of the universe, there are five points on a pentagram, five magical elements (earth, air, fire, water and spirit). With the number three we have the Wiccan law of three (everything you send out returns to you three fold), the three attributes of the Goddess (Maiden, Mother and Crone), the Christian trinity, Christ descended into Hades for three days before his resurrection, for three days Persephone visited the underworld. It was three days that Christ remained dead until his resurrection. The Rapture will occur in two stages; first the resurrection of the dead in Christ and then the rapture of the living. The evil dead will haunt the earth during the end time, until a place is appointed for them in Hell.

     I have come to the conclusion that the number "22" has no significant meaning other than "disregard this", "not important". 2+2=4. Four is the number for natural order, there are four primary elements in occult science (earth, air, fire and water), four dimensions to the perceivable universe, four Noble Truths in Buddhism and four prayers of Buddhism. "1" stands alone. There is one God. "7" is the number of God. "6" is the number of man and evil. "8" represents eternity and the eternal cyclical flow of time, DNA and the spiral. "9" is the self? The soul? "10" is good luck (incidentally so is '7' and '777'). "0" is the void, nothingness, without, nil, vacuum, the abyss, neutrality, without good and evil.

33 is an important degree in the Freemasons. Jesus ministered for three years and concluded (and died) at the age of 33. 33 also represents the Second Coming.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Aftermath of the Apocalypse

     I believe that a consciousness shift did occur around the December 21st, 2012 date. New Agers had claimed this date as coinciding with a specific date on the Mayan calendar (the accurate date was disputed over, but most place the modern date as 12/21/12 (which is interesting in itself, the date marked the beginning of baktun 13.13.13...(coinciding with the number after 12 and beginning of the year 2013). 2012 and 2013 could probably be called the "years of mass synchronicity" (here's my recent obsession with the number '11'). The changing of the date marked the end of one age and beginning of the next. With that allegedly would come apocalypse and/or world shift in consciousness. Many people seem to have had one of three experiences since the fall of last year:

1). Positive change- some people spontaneously changed for the positive spiritually and intellectually. Examples are increased paranormal experiences reported, religious experiences, baptisms, etc.

2.) Negative change- some people seem to have just gotten meaner. Some to an extreme (Newton CT, the Boston Bombings, etc.) and others have just become more violent.

3). No change what-so-ever.

     I believe this event did happen and in some ways I have changed for the positive, and other ways I have many spiritual battles ahead of me. On 12/21/12 people reported seeing flashes in the sky, a fire on the moon ad I myself remember the moon had what appeared to be a smokey ring around it (smoke and fire are given as signs of the end times in the Bible and Koran). The morning of the 22nd; I also witnessed chem trails or what appeared to be trails of smock criss crossing the sky (I thought they resembled meteor trails or the minuteman missile launch from the film 'The Day After'.  There were also two suspicious plane wrecks of small air craft.

     Have you begun looking for the Anti Christ? I have. But, it's probably no use, since the identity of the AC wont be revealed until 'the abomination of desolation'. Christ's rapture of the Church is compared to a groom coming for his bride in wedding ceremony. Christ being the groom and the bride being the Church. Christ can be compared to the Roman God Jupiter (compare to Christ/the Son of God/sun of God. Compare the Church to the lunar goddess Diana (you get two polytheistic symbols of divinity). It is alleged by some, that the Rapture will occur in conjunction with a lunar eclipse (the "marriage of the sun and moon/ Christ marrying the church through rapturis).  The Rapture is the event in which the saved are whisked away into Heaven by the Messiah. Imagine suddenly being left behind in a world where all the good people are gone.

     I believe that the Impostor is at the door and is beginning to knock. From the 'city of seven hills'  will arise the False Prophet whom I believe is this man. And the beast is is the United Nations or a similar power and the European Union being the second Roman Empire. I am not anti-Catholic or anti-Pope, so please do not take offense to the comparison. Don't take my word for it. Make your own opinion. It's statistically probable that I am wrong. I have been before, and I will be again.

     I believe that the CT shooter was under the influence of the unholy spirit if such an eldritch entity exists. As was Hitler, ad infinitum. The particular archetype that I am speaking of likes to travel the rail roads and has no specific identity and anyone of us could have met him in our lives and never even knew it. He carries the plague on his breath and burdens the sleeping.

...a change is coming.     -Heard on a weather broadcast on the 12/21/12-12/22/12.

The rain is coming! (3x)     -Ironically a Radio-evangelist ,and not the weather man.

This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper.     -TS Elliot; The Hollow Men

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
-W.B. Yeats; The Second Coming


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Signsof Qiyamah

!!!-->Don't believe the propaganda! The media is going to lie to you! Don't take the mark on your hand, or on your head! =====================================

A man on the news in Russia (About  Christmas)---Her turned boiling water into ice. He took a pot of boiling water and thrust it off a balcony where it froze to the ground in mid air.

And there shall be wonders.
Signs all around us.

15 01: Woe unto those who will soon say, "we are safe and secure! At Last!". Then shall destruction's fall upon them.

A silence, is heard in heaven, but for just in a short while: Then Trumpets of the Lord shall blare!

The weapons are going to have been taken away. So that the IMPOSTOR can rule the earth with infernal authority.

Joseph Smith spoke the following prophecy:

I will fight your battles ... the destroyer I have sent forth to destroy and lay waste mine enemies; and not many years hence they shall not be left to pollute mine heritage, and to blaspheme my name upon the lands which I have consecrated for the gathering together of my saints".

                                                                                             -D&C 105:13

     I believe that the above prophecy predicted the tornado's of Joplin and Spring of 2011 and will be followed by the town being wiped"blank". Will be another storm? A major Earthquake, of seismic activity in New Madrid? In the coming years, Latter Day Saints will be a big part of the recovery effort and will make a presence here as well other religions and Joplin will begin to see better days.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1st, 2013: May Day Edition

          Today is May 1st. May Day. It is a workers Holiday in Socialist countries and is also significant in various societies and Pagan traditions and is the Satanic New Year (Walpurgisnacht). Wouldn't it be interesting if the Anti-Christ did somthing revelatory today? Oklahoma is reporting it's first Hanta Virus Death in twelve years. The virus kills 1/3 of the people it infects. From the article:
“The initial symptoms are not very specific, fever chills, coughing shortness of breath, body aches and that’s about it,” Laurence Burnsed said, Epidemiologist for Oklahoma State Dept. of Health.
“People need to be aware that when you go into areas to start your clean up process, ventilate them for at least 30 minutes Burnsed said.”
Health officials said you can also clean the area yourself by using a mixture of bleach and water but wet down the area first so you don’t stir up any dust.
“We have some real effective ways to completely get rid of the problem.
He said if you are concerned about the virus, calling a professional may be the best option.

     The pain in my clavicle still continues despite pain meds. It's like I took nothing at all. At least it helps me build up my pain tolerance level ;P Last night I was able to get relief, so I slept pretty well. Getting some much needed errands done today.  Storms possible this evening for the Oklahoma metro area. There are scattered clouds over the central part of the state with some storms to the far west and southwest of us here in Norman.Cold weather is on it's way with a possibility of snow in the north west part of the state (?!). New cases of continue to come out of the bird flu outbreak in China. The situation is becoming more serious. With some cases ending in blood poisoning and organ failure, aside from pneumonia. Taiwan reported it's first bird flu case on the 24th. And interestingly enough, an Airbus A320 had a close encounter with a UFO. Could it have been a space ship? Maybe it was almost struck by Drone? Are Drones threatening safe travel now? Kind of defeats the purpose of having them...

In Oklahoma the Westboro Baptist Church will be protesting at a Basketball game here in Oklahoma tonight. The WBC believes that homosexuals are a sign of the end times and that at the appearance of the end times, there will be an increase in sodomy. I don't think "sodomy" is any more common now than before in history.And in case you are interested...Homosexuality and the Baha'i Faith. As for me, I believe that God is Love, and I believe that the expression of Love is godly. I believe that God has created all people (despite their race pr sexual orientation) for his great purpose. We are taught by scripture that all things serve the will of God. I believe that God will bless a couple that is in love, despite such differences. I do not feel God, is a judgemental God and prefers to love ALL of his children, rather than hate them. Messages of hate don't come from God. Messages of Love come from God.