Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Responsibilities When Practicing Magic

       I'm going to present you with an article slightly different than what I usually present here. About the "responsibilities of practicing magic". But it's not stage magic I'm talking about. It's sorcery. Witchcraft. Whatever you want to call it. I prefer the term "occult". I have been practicing the occult sciences for 21 years and have explored many traditions from the Left Hand Path to the Right Hand Path. Dark to light. 

      The first thing you must know, is what you are doing. You don't toy with the paranormal. It must be taken seriously and with respect. There ARE potentially serious repercussions if seriousness isn't observed. At a younger age I practiced black magic and even with my understanding of the subject, I have managed to inadvertently introduce a demonic entity into my life that I continue to battle with to this day. I have long set aside demonalatry since becoming a Bahai. I now mostly practice mysticism with a small observence of western ceremonial magic. I am more satisfied with the results I have achieved by working with the Divine, than I ever got relying on other supernatural entities. 

     The first rule is to remember that everything you send out will come back to you. If you send out good, you will reap good. If you practice evil, then evil will be upon you. Help, and you will be helped. Curse, and you will be cursed. I recommend you avoid black magic unless you are a brother or sister of the Left Hand Path, in which case you will be more familiar and comfortable with the Kalian current. The Wiccans and Pagans believe in the 'Law of Three'. Whatever you send out comes back to you threefold. Some believe it is reaped through Karma. I believe both to be true. The laws of science demonstrate the truth of this. For every action, there is an equal or opposite reaction. Magic is no different. 

     Don't dabble. Either work with magic as a full time practice or drop it. This is not a hobby. It is a metaphysical career. And you MUST be willing to accept the consequences of your work. Good or bad. Try to be smart about what you are doing. If your not responsible and mature enough to handle the outcome of your working, then spend your time with a different interest like art, of gardening or something. 

     I recommend using your powers for good. Not only will you make the world a better place and work against the forces of evil, you will also avoid the spiritual haunting from the dark arts. On that same note, don't mess with evil entities. They WILL answer. To be safe, work with the Divine, or your understanding of your Higher Power. Unless you are on the Left Hand Path, avoid calling upon Satan, Nyarlathotep, KAL, etc. If you practice a religion, work your faith into your practice. These are just a few brief suggestions. Study what you are doing and understand it before you even try it. It also helps to get a mentor who can guide you. And, oh yeah, steer clear of the Necronomicon...or not.


Monday, September 28, 2020

Positive Aspects About Our President

     In defense of our President and in time for the election, I write this article. There are many things we can criticise him on, just as there are many things we can question anyone else, including ourselves, but I like to look at the positive aspects. I also believe that he has unfinished business in office that he needs a second term to complete. A new President will likely only undo what he has done.

     To begin with (what's most important to me) is the progress he has made in regards to North Korea. He is the first President to meet with the North Korean head-of-state and has made a positive impact on Generalissimo Kim Jong-Un. I believe that Kim looks up to our President as a father figure. It is a little known fact that Kim is a big fan of American culture and idolises the President. His predecessors did as well. The President has ended the decades long war with the North and negotiated a ground breaking deal with the crisis of the nuclear arm of DPRK. I believe Mr. Trump has the potential to preform miracles in this area.

     He is a busuiness man NOT a politician. That means he doesn't have the bad habits of a politician and brings a fresh new strategy and view point, not previously seen in American politics. Running the nation like a big busuiness could be much better than previous politics. He has done much more for our economy than formerly seen in other politicians, until the pandemic came and wrecked everything. It is important to realise that it was the plague that destroyed us economically, NOT the policies of this President.

     He is a conservative, which traditionally is much better for the interests of our nation than more liberal Presidents. He is also against the media which is corrupted and full of lies. Western media is not much more than a propoganda machine and fails to be properly informative to the masses. It is a spin-zone that diseminates lies an half trueths over facts. He has made the promise to "Make America Great Again", which I believe he was successfully doing before the COVID-19 plague upended everything. If he remains in office I believe he will get things back on track. 😘

     He delivers on his promises and is a man of his word. I believe that he is one of the most honest Presidents that we have ever had. I believe that he is genuine. To me it seems obvious that he cares about the U.S. and if given the opportunity to, he will prove to truely have America's Best interests in mind. I do believe that he will serve a second term, because I believe his supporters continue to support him despite what the lying media would have you believe.


Image of the author.

Friday, September 18, 2020

COVID-19 Update for Oklahoma

     The COVID-19 situation in Europe is becoming much worse. They originally had it under some control, but lax practice has provided the opportunity for COVID-19 to come back worse than before. In my home state of Oklahoma we are the fourth worse U.S. state in regards to the situation. At least one local McDonalds has installed a foot pedal on the ground that you activate by stepping on it, to open the bathroom door so you can open the door without touching it.

     Due to the effect of the pandemic on donations, Salvation Army has already started it's Christmas charity drive. They are expecting 50 percent less donations this year so I encourage you to donate to them whenever and whatever you are able. Every day Oklahoma has just under 1,000 new cases a day with approximately 80,000 total cases.


Earthquakes in Unusual Places

     Two Days ago there was a 3.0 earthquake around 4:30 a.m. 35 miles north west of Ames, in northern Oklahoma. A series of many earthquakes connected to fracking, hit the state between 2009-2017. But, quakes since then have diminished in both frequency and strength.

   Many people believe that the New Madrid fault line could cause another 6-7 magnitude earthquake in the Midwest like it did in the 19th century. The midwest is not prepared fore such an  event and most if not all of the infrastructure in the region of the United States. It would probably be the greatest disaster that ever hit America. While it continues to release the occasional quake I don't believe it will ever be as powerful as it once was. And I doubt it will create another large quake for a long long time.


This is a picture of me wearing my Halloween mask. I wonder how we will wear our COVID masks. Over our Halloween mask?

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Church of Briantology Wants You!


If you are on Facebook and would like to join a group (cult) related to the topics of this blog, then please go to the above group and please invite all your friends. It is a humerous, laid back group for those with no inhibitions or judgemental attitudes who wish to improve their lives through group silliness and fun. There are no taboos here, so go hog wild!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Why I Voted for Donald Trump and Why I will Vote for Him Again

     I voted to elect Mr. Trump in to office for a variety of reasons. I will identify a few. Donald J. Trump was a fresh new candidate that had the potential for a different kind of change. Most politicians are interested primarily in forwarding their own career and only help the average citizen as far as it benefits them. He is a businessman and not a politician, which means that he has experience and strategies that regular politicians don't have. Being a businessman he knows diplomacy, how to make a deal and how to make both parties (the U.S. and the other nations we deal with) happy and get what they both want. He makes the people satisfied customers. He is a conservative. Though I am more or less a Constitutional Libertarian, I believe conservative politicians often make the best Presidents because as a rule they put America's interests first and prioritise the Armed Forces. His promise is to make America great again which I believe he is doing and has done.

     Because he has done those things and has those qualities, he has already won my vote. I am a loyal Trumper. He has delivered on his promise and is honest to the American people. There are no conspiracies with this President. He called the media out for being the liars and propoganda machines that they are. And because of that, they regularly attack him, which has proved their efforts fruitless. It hasn't hurt him one bit. In fact it has singled him out as different thang other. He doesn't need the media to speak for him. His actions do that for him. He is trustworthy and perhaps the most honest President we have. And certainly one of the best.

     His diplomacy with North Korea is one of my most favored things about him. He technically ended the war between us and DPRK in ways that other Presidents could never dream of doing. He has dealt with North Korea honestly and fairly and opened a possible future of peace between us and them. And that is more than any other President has ever accomplished in that arena. The economy was at the best it's ever been (prior to the pandemic's wrecking of things-NOT POTUS Trump's fault. It can be obviously seen that he genuinely cares about America and has clearly put this country before his own interests by stepping away from his company and wealth to serve the public office of President of the United States. May God Bless, Protect and Guide him and our country as well.

America Is Great Again