Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Changes Coming With this New Age

 We entered a new era of dramatic world change that begun on December 21st, 2012. Great changes will be coming over the world for the foreseeable future. Some things we can expect:

-increased disasters. We are passing through an apocalyptic age that is purifying and cleansing the world. These trying times are necessary for the betterment of everything. This age will end with dramatic and great changes to the earth and mankind.

-these changes are coming upon the world quickly and soon. The beggining has already begun and things are rapidly coming to fruition.

-there is a great presence in the world working to resist these changes and is to cause as much damage as possible and will succeed with some. The enemy puts great effort into ruining things and will have much sucess.

-this has been a tough year and will only get tougher. It may be some of the worst of times, but it will also be some of the best of times. Seek the good and positive and it will seek you. Good out does evil.

Magnus Horribilis

-2012 was the year when the Promise Maker delighted himself in beggining to show himself as the Promise Keeper.

-there will be an uprising in femenine power and Spirit. Woman will become empowered and the male rulership of things will cease.

-Believers such as the Jews and Christians will grow closer together and there will be a unity in the world between the Faith's.

-we will see more epidemics, economic collapse (and rebirth), increased and more severe storms and wars and earthquakes will become frequent and stronger.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Changes Coming In My Life

      I am trying to make changes in my life. Trying to make myself a better person. Being kinder and nicer to people. Speaking politely, etc. I have been accepted into the Medical Reserve Corps, which I am excited about, because this allows me to help fight against COVID-19 and to serve my community. I am also in the process to join the Civil Air Patrol, of which I was a former C/Airman. That will allow me to serve my nation. I am on a job hunt for the medical field as a Medical Assistant or similar position. I want to work in the clinic or lab. Urgent care or emergency rooms are ideal for me. I have been re-ordained as a minister, this time for the Universal Life Church. 

    I am continuing to work on a couple of books that I am writing. One is part of a long term project regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and includes many facets to document and memorialize this plague. Part of it I will seek to publish as a book or books. Another part is for me to pass down to my children or grandchildren or other. Another book is centered around mysticism and spiritual topics. The other once is a source book for some of my fictional writing. It is a sort of encyclopedia to a universe I have created for my stories.

     Oklahoma is becoming one of the worst states for COVID-19. This will not end soon. I believe that the peak of the epidemic (for the first phase) will occur as we slide into January and February during the cold and flu season. I don't expect it to go away with spring. This will be with us for awhile at least until we get a vaccine or cure. I believe it will follow a similar patter as the Spanish Flu and come in three phases. This may be the worst one. Or it could be just the tip of the iceberg. Only time will tell. Talk to your healthcare practitioner about if you should get a flu shot or not. The vaccine is already available.

And for smiles, here is a pic of Harley with his bone.

Image may contain: dog and indoor

Thursday, October 1, 2020

My Beloved Doggies! ❤️

      I have two dogs whom I love dearly. Technically they are my Mom's dogs, but to me they are just as much mine as they are hers. The oldest one is named Missy. She is a rat terrier and is 91 in dog years! She's an old lady! But she gets around better than some puppies and she is very healthy. We keep her happy. Here is a picture of her wearing a Halloween costume as Little Red Ridding Hood.

     The other dog is a boxer and his name is Harley. He's alot younger than Missy. We recently adopted him from another person. Both dogs are very well behaved. Harley LOVES to go on walks (but what dog doesn't?)! He also doesn't get on the furniture. It would be ok if he did, but he just never does. Missy gets on the furniture, but that's ok for her to do so. Harley sleeps in his own bed and his favorite toy is his duck which can be seen in the picture.