Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Identity of the AntiChrist

     The identity of the Antichrist is Nero Cesar who committed the 'abomination of desolation' in the first century. I believe that he is the "Beast" mentioned by John in Revelations. I continue to hold on to my theory that prophecy is cyclical and repeats itself, so that there may still be an Antichrist for our modern age. As God provides messengers for our age, evil also gets its spokesman. When a messenger of God is resent in the world, one can expect that there is also an Antichrist present. In the final cosmic show down, will we see a repeat of such events? The only thing I can be sure of, is that at the end of ages the stars will cease to exist and the celestial bodies will refuse to give their light. Then the word of God will come to judge the world at that time.

Un-Fun Facts:

* At the beggining of the year, the President signed 23 executive orders on gun control.


* Three People Recover From Bubonic Plague in New Mexico

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Has the Antichrist Already Come and Gone?

     I have been reading The Apocalypse Code by Hank Hanegraaff who provides an un-dispensational view of the Apocalypse and apocalyptic prophecy. It has me doing a lot of thinking (which in turn is forcing me to challenge many of the views I have expressed here) and I believe this book is one of the best on the topic of Christian Eschatology. I have been meditating on the idea that the events of the book of Revelation have already occurred, that the Antichrist was Nero (committing the abomination of desolation in the Jewish temple) and not much of the book (if any) relates to modern day. This would demonstrate to me, that Jesus was a messenger for his time and that Baha'u'llah is the messenger of our current period. An apocalypse is coming, as it has happened before and will happen again. Depending on where the book takes me, I may abandon my current view that we are soon to see the Tribulation. This would free me up to pursue spiritual studies on other topics that I will write about here.

     John Kerry is working on a peace negotiation treaty in regards to Israel. Could this be a sign of end time events? I am curious about the destiny of the current Pope. St. Malchi predicted that this Pope will usher in the Antichrist and final judgement. If he steps down, dies, etc. and we haven't seen Biblical prophecy fulfilled, St. Malachi will be shown to have been a mistaken prophet. In many Islamic countries, Muslims are expecting the Day of Judgement and arrival of the Mahdi very soon. Former Iranian President Achmedenijad believed that he would be in power during the arrival of Mahdi. This was proven wrong, when he completed his term as President.

     I have been mentioning the importance of getting flu shots, especially for this season. And also be aware of the risk of developing pneumonia. See your Doctor and ask about if you need flu/pneumonia shots and if you do develop the flu-visit your Doctor and drink lots of water and take good care of yourself. Last year we seen some leathal pneumonia cases in connection with the flu. There has been a 3.8 earthquake in North Carolina yesterday and a 6.8 earthquake in Peru. There has also been a 2.6 quake in Oklahoma today just before noon.

Random Facts:

* The Costa Concordia accident killed 32 people.


* Measles Outbreak Near PA

* Quake Created Island in Pakistan Spewing Gas

* 'It's All Over' ICP Music Video

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Reading Updates and the Syrian Drama Goes On

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.     -1 Peter 3:15-16

     It looks like the cleaning job I thought I may have got, didn't come through. I have another interview scheduled next week with a different company. I used to consider '37' to be my lucky number, but after some review I am second guessing that. I think I will go back to number '23' and '93' as my numbers of choice and maybe '11'. If I need more numbers then I may revert back to using '37', but I think I am going to abandon that one. In fact now that I think of it a bad event occurred in the not to distant past that caused a ripple effect in my life that involved the number 37, so really it's probably a bad number for me! Still trying to quit smoking. Down to just a few cigarettes a day. Those last few are the hardest to break. Especially the first one in the morning. I recently finished a few books by Larry D. Harper from The books of his, that I read, I had ordered for free off his website. Worth reading and short. Yesterday I began reading The Apocalypse Code by Hank Hanegraaff. So far it is turning out to be a really good book, and I like where he is going with his views on the Israel/ Palestine territorial dispute. The next book on my reading list is likely to be Wanna Hear a Whopper? by Larry Harper. I have also completed my reading of the English translation of the Qur'an and found it to be an enlightening and enjoyable text not much different than the Bible or any other scripture.

The Syrian Crisis

     Syria is reported to have decided to destroy its stock pile of chemical weapons. Russia seems satisfied with the decision, but President Obama seems bent on military action. I will support the decision of my President, however I don't believe that direct military action would be the best or wisest solution and President Obama does not seem to have much (if any) support backing him up. He appears to determined to go it alone-which kind of seems contradictory to a republic style government. Russian leader Vladimir Putin believes that Syrian rebels carried out the chemical weapons attack in order to draw in international support. I suppose we will see the truth of this in the coming days. Russia will present evidence of its claims to the UNSC.


  A free online dating website.
 Another free dating site. Better than the one above IMO.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Floods, Shootings and Space Weather

    I am coming into being.

      Floods in Colorado have lead to several fatalities and scores of people missing. The disaster has been called "historical". At the same time, disastrous rain in Mexico has killed over 30 people. Here in Oklahoma we have even had rain and some minor flooding. Norman is especially susceptible to flooding, but doesn't seem to have had any trouble this go around. There has also been a shooting at a Navy yard leaving 12 dead plus the suspect. This is the 16th mass shooting since Obama has become President. It is damn near a daily occurrence, or may be soon. A 4.8 earthquake has struck Greece. There has been an increase in seismic activity at the faults in the Alaska region.


Extreme Space Weather Interferes With Satellites

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Measels Outbreak and Colorado Flooding

     The weather in Oklahoma is starting to finally get cooler. This morning was beautiful. Damn near perfect weather. But, in Colorado things are different. As of last night four bodies have been recovered and 80 people are missing, due to major floods. Also, the U.S. is experiencing the worst Measles outbreak in decades, because of parents failing to inoculate their children against the easily preventable disease. Measles kills about one in a thousand people who contract it. In New Jersey, a board walk damaged by Hurricane Sandy has been decimated by fire with fifty buildings destroyed.



Thursday, September 12, 2013

Just an Update

                                                   "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."     -Lord Acton
Money doesn't bring happiness.     -Brian Hill
To boldly go where no man has gone before.     -Star Trek
     I am still watching the Syria Crisis closely. I am tired of the sitting around. My sinus infection is continuing to bother me and I am trying to treat it as best as I can. I have noticed the parallels between Old Testament and New Testament prophecy. There continues to be sink holes opening up (with in Islamic eschatology is a sign of the end times). One might say that "the ground is falling".

Suggested Reading:

* The Power of Positive Thinking; Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

In Honor of Patches the Cat

     This issue in honor of 'Patches' the kitty.

     Over these past few days I have been conducting a spiritual quest of sorts, and have learned a lot about myself and others, about my place in life and what  I need to be doing at this junction in my life. Last night the President spoke about his plans for Syria, and some believe that this may lead to the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. As this unfolds, I will provide my thoughts on the matter. There is talk that Israel could be targeted by Iran in retaliation if it is struck. On one hand I would like to say that I think Iran (much like North Korea), is just sabre rattling and flexing its muscles, but I think America is being taken less seriously by the international community and just maybe, they are willing to test our limits. Recently an object thought to be an asteroid has been discovered to be a dead, or dying comet, that has shed the contents of it's coma and tail. The name of the comet is '3552 Don Quixote', and is a near earth orbit, though how near I am unsure, and when it passes, I am also unsure of that.

     A bar off I-35 in the Moore/Norman area caught fire on Monday morning. An employee apparently left a candle burning in there office when they left. I personally saw the fire while traveling south on I-35 towards Norman Monday morning. I first noticed the emergency vehicles flashing lights, then the smoke, and as I got closer saw the flames licking up from the roof of the building. Other then an injured fireman no one was hurt.Tropical Storm Humberto appears to be the first hurricane brewing for this hurricane season (we had a pretty empty season-which is opposite of what I predicted).

     Do you have a candidate for Antichrist? If so, send me an email, with your chosen candidate and why you think he is it, and if I am impressed by it, I might include it in this blog ;).

A Look Back:

From January 29th 2013-


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Im Sick...Again.

"Eat that bread now. We want you to be fat for the execution."      -Clyde Lewis 01/29/2013
"Living long is certainly something that can kill you."     -Clyde Lewis 01/29/2013
"If I have a dream that my pen ran out of ink, then the next day it does. Does that make my dream fulfilled prophecy?"     -Me

     The idea of living in Paradise is such an unimaginable thing. I have such hope to make it it there. It is among my greatest hopes. As I have previously posted, flu shots are now available with four strains (for the first time). If you are the kind of person who needs it, get it now before flu season starts. I may get it, if it is free some where, but I never pay for the flu shot. I am a reasonably healthy 29 year old, and can afford to be sick with flu if it catches me. The flu season begins around December or so (in the U.S.) and is earlier in the southern hemisphere. The winter months are flu season. Speaking of which-I have developed a rather nasty case of sinusitis that I am trying to keep from turning into pneumonia. Just got over meningitis, now this! My immune system needs a vacation. Sore  throat, productive cough, green snot and facial pressure. My right ear itches too. I am hoping it doesn't turn into an ear infection. The pressure makes it hard for me to pop my ears. I know I need antibiotics, but without insurance and much money to spend, I just have to care for myself (luckily I am a Medical Assistant) and hope to recover. Been taking Advil and a cold and flu medicine that contains acetaminophen, dextrmethorphan and doxylamine. Sort of works for me. Better than nothing. Continuing my quit smoking program. Having mixed results.

     In the begging of this year I began to wonder if Obama was establishing a despotism, but I am no longer concerned about it, because I find it hard to take him seriously. He hasn't effectively done anything right and I am sure he would screw that up to. On a positive note he has allowed marijuana to be legalized in many states and has done wonders for gay rights.

Coming Plagues:

-Meteors, fire and burning sulphur from the sky to effect the whole world.
-Aurora borealis and sister aurora to be seen over a wider area of the world.
-Increase in crime and murder.

Some Bits and Things:

* Per the Jehovah's Witnesses one prophetic week equals seven years (i.e. a day for a year. Seven days in a week=seven years of tribulation for example).

   Does that mean that the Antichrist could be in power for 35 years? I myself doubt that. I accept the general seven years tribulation period accepted by many eschatologists.

* 12% of Mormons live in Utah.

* Back in January of this year I prayed to know the truth of the Book of Mormon. Soon after I heard a Baptist program on the radio that pointed out the inaccuracies of Mormonism and Joseph Smith's prophecies as well as his translations of Egyptian text. Although the Book of Mormon and LDS scriptures are inaccurate, many people have found their way to God through them. Although they may have been inspired by spiritual journeying to God, or fabricated by Joseph, I believe that they have spiritual value and that you take from them what you will.


Shooting at Anti Violence Rally

El-Reno, OK tornado downgraded to EF-3

Suggested Reading:

-Preparing to Enter the Holy Temple; (check with your local LDS Ward library)
-True to the Faith; entry on 'Temples'. Book available from local LDS church.
-Till Armageddon; Billy Graham



The Book of Zol

The Book of Zol

I. The Books
1. In the name of Yahweh, most compassionate, most merciful, most forgiving.
2. YHWH has sent down many books to guide mankind. The Torah, the Old Testament, the Gospels, The Revelation of St. John, the writings of the Apostle Paul, the Upanishads, the teachings of Buddha, the Holy Qur'an, the Book of Mormon, Doctrines and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.
3. Many other books have been brought down too, even the writings of this author may be inspired.
4. The spirits themselves have even their own books for guidance.
5. A book has been given for every time and every season, and every people and every place. Even the worlds have their own, don't you know?
6. So pick your book and your path and seek the true teachings of God and let not the false ways of man hinder you!

II. Abraham
1. When Abraham was still known was Abram, God YHWH came to him and changed his name to such that he would be known as Abraham and the father of the Holy Land.
2.Know that God has a new name for you. A secret name that only he knows and will reveal to the elect on the Day of Judgement and Resurrection.
3. When Abraham was 99, YHWH promised him a son of his own lineage. And that Sarah would give him a son who would be of the fathers of the Israel nation. Abraham laughed to himself, for he perceived that his wife was too old to beget children. But, is anything impossible for God? Is a person's age not a matter that God can easily overcome?
4. Two cities were offensive in the eyes of YHWH. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. YHWH promised a great chastisement against these places. Fire and brimstone would rain down on them for their disregard for God and nature's laws.

III. Secret Societies and Words on the Time of Judgement
1. Before the Day of Judgement- in the sky will be seen bright things. The sun, an object resembling the sun [solis], the moon and something like the moon. Will there be four bright celestial objects or will there be five?
2. In that day (of clouds) there will be perplexity of what is in the sky. Let he who knows, know.
3. There are mystical traditions that offer unique ways to God. If you be one who is called to mysticism and secret understanding-answer that call. To you secrets and words and revelations shall be made known to you. Share those that shall be for you to share, and keep secret those that are meant to be held in secret. For it is for the secret societies to guard their secrets until the time comes for them to be revealed (through scripture for example) or for its appointed time for exposure.
4. Teach these things to the elect who demonstrate knowledge and maturity to take on the requirements of the order. Do not become vane members of these orders, for your duty is to specially serve God and uphold his revelation and will. You are mystics and armys of God set with the duty to protect God's interests on the Earth.

IV. The Day of the Wrath of God*
1. There will be heard the noise of thunder in the heavens.
2. There will be a leader who will go forth into the world conquering and going forth to conquer even more. He will appear to be a pure man and great leader with a just will and strategy. From where will he come? Where will he go? This leader may come in peace and acquire his empire through diplomacy. He may come in war, though this appears not to be likely. He who has wisdom should know.
3. The peace that the first one brought will be taken from the earth and man will kill each other. His weapon will be great. He will destroy through his war machine.
4. Economic troubles will come. The prices of needed goods will increase. Famine will come. But, the oil and wine and intoxicants will not be effected.
5. Many souls will perish to hell during war time. A fourth o the world will be destroyed by war and hunger and death. There will be plagues and the animals in nature will turn on humans and attack them.
6. The people who are and were martyred for their faith will call out to God for vengeance against the ones who murdered them, but vengeance will come in its own time.
7. Then a great earthquake, the sun will become black and the moon into blood.
8. Fire and meteors will fall from the sky.
9. The sky will roll up into a scroll and go away. Every island will be moved out of its place and every mountain shall be removed and replaced.
10. Every evil one will hide from the wrath of YHWH in shelters.

V. Nocturnal Prayer and Charity
1. ...
2. ...
3. When you work during the day keep Elah (God), close in your heart and preform every action of duty for his honor and worship.
4. One day there will be a time when the earth is moved and the mountains will fall and islands shall be swallowed into the ocean.
5. I am a messenger who writes down the words by inspiration. I pray that the Holy Spirit shall guide my pen.
6. ...the sky shall be ripped asunder and it shall be red like blood.
7. Remember to pray when the time is optimal and as often as your health and circumstances will allow.
8. Give charity always and pay to places of worship and every good thing you do is seen by God and will be returned to you in blessings.

VI. Responsibility of Government and Citizen
1. My condition as this was written, is that I was suffering from sinusitis without antibiotics. I am using self treatment and keeping my respiratory system clear to battle the infection that was triggered by rag weed allergies.
2. The duty of government is to preserve freedom, protect its citizens from domestic and foreign threats, defend human rights, preserve freedom of thought and expression as well as religious freedom.
3. Each citizen believer is responsible for supporting their government when it behaves justly and to enlist in the armed forces (non-combat if possible), or another civil service upon completion of High School. To pursue higher education and a trade that benefits the society, and to obey the law of the land.
4. Religious organizations should have no political power, but should be responsible for the care of the people of the community as well as its own members.
5. Each person has a right to protect their property and their loved ones.
6. Life should not be taken unless it is necessary.

VII. The Nature of Hell
1. What is the nature of Hell? It is not necessarily ours to be known.
2.Do we burn in a lake of fire for eternity? Or do we separate from God? Is Hell lower planes of more suffering that resemble the earth? Does it get worse the lower we go?
3. This is a subject that is not clear, and even more-beyond our understanding in this life.
4. It should be our focus to live Godly lives and do our best to follow the spiritual guides to arrive at a higher plane into the Kingdom of God that is promised to the righteous.

*Compare with Revelations chapter 6.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Current Events and Oklahoma Weather

Recognize the blessings that are raining down on you, and enjoy them with thanks.     -Doctrines and Covenants 105:12    

     I haven't been posting much in awhile. Been taking care of personal matters as usual. Finally recovered from the meningitis and it appears that the complications have also gone away, but I still have problems with getting to sleep and staying asleep. This was aggravated while I was ill, and it continues so I am unsure if it is a direct complication of the meningitis, but it seems to have been at least aggravated by it. I have also been awaiting word on whether I will be moving into a town house soon. I should have already heard something by now. We have been having some hot weather, but yesterday the humidity let up and the day wasn't quite as hot as it has been. Our summer has been warm and wet as opposed to the blistering humid heat of the last couple of years. The Farmer's Almanac calls for a mild winter, but their is some question as to the accuracy of the text. Our hurricane season was expected to be very active, but the opposite has happened. We have had a mild hurricane season.

     As for me, I have been battling with my own demons (literal and figurative) and have sought deliverance from the Holy Spirit. If you are willing, I would greatly appreciate your prayers for deliverance from these particular trials. Following last year's flu season,  I am curious if there was a noticeable increase in heart attacks and pneumonia. I vaguely remember a pneumonia outbreak locally (at least) following last years flu season. The flu season was so critical that medication and chicken soup sales went up. A vaccine with four flu strains is now available for the first time, and Doctors are telling people to get vaccinated BEFORE the flu season and not to wait until it is already here. I may get a flu shot (if its free) this year, but I really am not that worried about it. I am never worried about my own personal safety lol.

Current State of the World:

* Crisis in Syria as U.S. seeks approval to attack in response to last month's chemical weapons attack from the Syrian government against its own citizens. Much criticism against U.S. action in Syria.
* If John Edwards had become President, I would immediately have considered him as a suspect for the Antichrist.
* The Roman Catholic Church has changed its standing on Islam and Gay rights.
* Ariel Castro has killed himself in prison.
* Weather clear for most of the U.S. today. A few showers in the north west.
* Comet ISON to possibly be 15 times brighter than the moon and possibly visible during the day. Comet ISON to make its appearance in November of this year.
* Australian student gunned down in Oklahoma. Possibly gang related crime.
* Third suspect arrested in Shawnee for the murder of a homeless man in 2011.
* Various disease outbreaks around the world including Dengue Fever in Florida, Bubonic Plague in central Asia and West Nile virus in the U.S.
* Increase in "extremist" groups in the U.S.
* Bees continue to die. Possible from climate change. Species endangered.
* Season of epidemics to soon begin.


LDS Missionary Training Center

Jehovah's Witness Homepage

Signs of the Blood Moon