Monday, June 29, 2020

The Pestilence

The COVID-19 plague is at it's worst part yet. Every day it seems to get worse, and we can expect it to get much much worse with many many more deaths. The final death toll will probably be at least in the tens of millions. I am at this time writting a chronicle of the pandemic that I have planned to be published after the pestilence is past.

Alone is how to find me.

I live in Apartment building number 9. When I moved in, the number was entirely irrelevant, because it was displayed no where on the building. Good luck on figuring out which building was which. Without label, or any existing reference outside of a meaningless verbal mention, the assigned building numbers were completely without any value or usability. What good was a building number that can't possibly be descerned when it technically didn't even exist? Entirely pointless system to assign numbers to buildings without printing the number anywhere on it. It's like having five babies and coming up with five names for them, but not bothering to assign them to any of them. Five names. Five babies. Neither one having any relation to the other in any way whatsoever.However the number of the building my apartment is in happens to be a sacred number in the Baha'i Faith. I'm Baha'i. And my building is 9. Coincidence? No. There are no coincides, everything has meaning and a purpose. The Universe does not ever utter a single message that is without it's deep meaning and interconnectedness with other aspects within reality.

     I most often travel alone. You often will not see me with another person. It's not because I don't have friends, or am a "creep" or "up to no good". It's because I'm an introvert and I walk faster than most people and I don't like being slowed down by an albatros. Nothing personal.
"When a man lies, he murders some part of the world".

Monday, June 22, 2020

My Pr-Eulogy for Xi Jinping of the COVID-Dead.

     Hundreds of thousands of people have died of the plague. It first began in winter of 2019 as a curious outbreak of a new strain of SARS. Many of the world did not expect (I did) that this small Sino outbreak would grow into a world conflagration. However I must admit that I am shocked by the number of the dead, which has only begun to grow and will swell to horrific levels before the "flattening of the curve" even begins. Millions will have died before this is over. This may be comparable to the Black Death. It sure is eerily similar to the Spanish Flu. Many lives have been lost, and the number is inflaming as we speak. It shall be a huge *bubo of a number. It has quickly killed our sisters and brothers, our aunt's and mother's, our friends and lovers.

     It began in China and soon flooded the entire world in Coronavirus germs. Who expected such a thing to happen? I did. God had previously given me insight about this plague before it even came. Those of you close to me will recall my prediction (per God) about a respiratory flu-like pandemic to strike in 2020. Let me warn you also, that nuclear war is coming and the culprit will be the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. COVID-19 is not a respector of persons or of social status. It kills as it wills. Whomever it feels, however it thrills. Truelly the Grim Reaper is unleased upon the earth. Truelly the Angel of Death stalks us. Obeying only God, it's Creator, it does as it desires, spreading like fire across the world. No man can stop it. It shall run its course and nothing we do can change that. When the God of nature puts something in to effect, it can not be stopped or undone.   
     In China Xi Jinping appointed himself as if he was God in the churches and houses of worship. And thus God has sent a plague uponl the man of perdition and his empire. Xi sees himself as a god, but he is powerless in the face of the real God, whom has brought pestilence on the head of the abomination in the east. Xi Jinping is China's tin god. Americans would recognise who you are. The Antichrist. Your deception is accepted in Godless communist China, but in time all will know the One True God. And it won't be you. May God have Mercy on you Xi, that you might not be bound in chains and cast into eternal fire. I pray you will change your ways and soften your heart and save yourself and your people. You are responsible for this disease unleashed upon the earth. See how your vanity brings sorrow? How the evil of one man can affect billions. A certain American cop can attest to that. He will tell you how his single abuse against a martyred Mr. Floyd sparked a Holocaust across the world. A holocaust against racism and corruption in our noble emergency services. Now is a time of purging. Change for the good, or be changed by it.

     Choose the softer path and change yourself to save yourself from the crucible of Forced change and Justice of the Justice of the God of God's. The Great Equeliser. The Payer of debts and Balancer of accounts. American lives among all manner of others are lost as a result of Red China's dragon. Such a good liar that he deceived himself! Change your ways now or die, smote by the Hand of the God who made you. Or perish in eternal death. Xi hope you make the right choice.

*Bubo: reference to the swelling caused by Bubonic Plague. Used as an allegory for the number of those lost to the modern day Black Plague [COVID-19].

Saturday, June 6, 2020

New Motal Kombat Character Revealed! (Spoof)

A 9 Year Old Boy's Thoughts About Gay Rights During the 90's

     This a reminesance about my  perplexity as a child about gay people's lot in society. Even as a child it made no sense to me that homophobia existed. It made absolutely NO sense to me. My preadolescent mind figured you should marry or be with whoever it is you have fallen in love for. To me, same gender relationships were the same as hetero except they both have the same gender I couldn't grasp the concept of why that is threatning to so many people.
      In school I remember President Clinton passing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy for gay people enlisting in the military. It BLEW MY MIND. I was nine years old and I'm like "what?! Why is this even an issue? How is it possible in 90s America that this is even an unresolved bias?"
     And then when I heard about people (I'm still a kid) fighting for the legalization of gay marriage, I was like "WHAT?! They can't get married?! I already thought they have been doing that since desegregation and the civil rights movement in 60s. Is this America?!" Because sure don't seem like it. I said "I assumed we already had those rights for gay people for 30 or 40 years. Is this America? I don't care whether my G.I. Joe is gay or not. Maybe he is gay. With the sailor. And they go in to battle protecting one another like a husband would his wife." Romantic.

     I was 9 years old and still more enlightened than a large fraction of the adult American population.