Sunday, March 24, 2013

March 24th, 2013


     I have been away for a bit and unable to update this blog, but I am back. Taking care of some health problems and recovering from a bad break up has left me side tracked for a bit. I am trying to get back on track and bring life back to normal again. I have run into some major life problems and am trying to piece all of that together again. Also, I am pursuing enlistment in the Navy. Keep me in your prayers if you will. These are tough times for me, as it seems to be for everyone. And times may be getting tougher. Here is what I have for you today:

Blood Moons Coming:

Four 'blood-red' total lunar
eclipses will fall on Passover
and Sukkot in 2014 and 2015,
the same back-to-back occurrences
at the time of 1492, 1948 and 1967


Seven back-to-back, blood-red moons have fallen on the first day of Passover and Sukkot, with the eighth time coming in 2014 and 2015

Mark found that we have had blood-red moons on the first day of Passover and the first day of Sukkot on back-to-back years seven times since 1 A.D. Three of these occurrences were connected to 1492 (the final year of the Spanish Inquisition), 1948 (statehood for Israel and the War of Independence), and 1967 (the Six-Day War) — some of the most significant days in Jewish history.


     I first heard of the four blood moons coming in 2014/2015 on a program by John Hagee ( This is exciting because if you read Revelations 6:12 you read:
"I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red..." (NIV). Now, the above link I provided from is a bit out dated, the information on it is still useful. I think John Hagee did a wonderful job at explaining the coming moons, but in case you don't want to watch the two hour program, you can either read my brief synopsis here, or on the above site.

     Match 20th, 2015 will bring a full solar eclipse (the sun will turn black), and the blood red moons (as indicated, the moon will be red like blood) could be the fulfillment of prophecy and the eventual return of the Messiah and Judgement Day. Another portion of the verse from Rev. 6:12 says "...lo, there was a great earthquake..." (KJV). This indicates a great earthquake happening just prior to solar/lunar event. The earthquake will be so great that some believe it will be felt world wide.

Modern Day Biblical Plague of Locusts Come to Israel on Passover Eve:

     The locusts have entered Israel via Egypt, imitating the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt thousands of years ago. Although this batch of locusts have already matured and don't pose a huge risk, because they eat less then their younger phases, their offspring will pose a future threat to organics. It is worth mentioning that locusts were number eight of ten plagues set against Pharaoh, for keeping the Jews from leaving.

Romanian Figures State that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) Will Win in Conflict With U.S.:
(Source; Korean Central News Agency:

From the site: "The heroic Korean people will certainly emerge victorious in the confrontation with the U.S. and achieve national reunification, it stressed. "


Liber CC

Liber CC
Written December 10th, 2012

1. Let me record my experience with the LORD that came upon me in October or November of 2012.
2. I entered a private room of the home of my significant other at the time, for what specific reason I no longer recall. It was around the third hour of the morning. I believe that this was around October the 10th.
3. Suddenly a sensation came over me and I became aware that GOD exists and was present with me in the room. My chest burned with wisdom and the love of the Divine. I was made aware of my imperfect nature, and I wept.  After communing with that indescribable force, I left the room into the arms of my significant other.
4. I then prayed the Sinner's Prayer and asked for forgiveness, which I believe that I have recieved. I was moved by the Holy Spirit to follow the path set forth for me, and to submit to God's Will.
5. I confessed my testimony to S. and in her arms continued to cry. We spoke about Heaven and Hell. I told her about my experience.
6. This is a brief description of my experience of that night. I have given my testimony to whomever was interested in hearing it.
7. Jesus tells us that sin a disease. In the Bahai Faith, we call God 'the Great Physician'.

II. ...

1. A calamity, a unique calamity, look! It is coming. An end itself must come; it must awaken for you. Look! It is coming. The garland must come to you O inhabitors of the land, the time must come, the day is near. There is confusion and not the shouting of the mountains.
2. There shall soon come both a famine of food, and pestilence. Even the land of Norman [Oklahoma] will feel it. The governments of the world will be unable to help. The Kings of the nations will be rendered impotent. The political cabinet in Washington will create much difficulty for the President.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Face Book Group Set Up for Watchmen

Here is the Face Book group that is set up for all you "Watchmen" out there! Please join and share with others! Increase the numbers!!/groups/593765017318663/

Habemus Papam!

     We have a Pope! A new Pope has been elected. His name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Francis) and he is from Argentina. He is the Papacy's 266th Pope. I must admit that this is a suprise to me. Is he Peter the Roman? Well his name isn't Peter, nor is he from Rome (or Europe at all). Only time will tell if he will fulfill St. Malachy's prophecy. These should be interesting times!

Per Clyde Lewis from the radioshow (, Pontiff Pergoglio is a Jesuit. Jesuits are known as "Black Popes". Thank you for pointing that out Clyde! Now if I could just get you tovisit my blog ;P


Friday, March 8, 2013

A Grey Day Weather Meditation

     The weather outside is cool and hints of rainy weather. I think back on days in my youth, when the smell of ozone and the sound of thunder would excite me. Residents of Oklahoma are very familiar with thunder storms and tornadoes and the adrenaline rush that some of us 'storm wraiths' get from it. I know that the feeling seems to recharge my battery and immediatley uplift my mood. Yes, I have to admit that I look forward to tornado season, and the coming seasons will be no different. With the climate change and the super storms we have seen in recent years, I cant help but wonder in amazement, at just what mother nature has in store for my area in the coming months. Just last year we had a tornado touch down in Norman. The klaxons didn't even sound until it had been on the ground for three minutes! It seemed to come out of nowhere, which is typical for tornadoes. How exciting that was for me. The sense of danger! The carelessness of standing outside while it rained and hailed hoping to get a glimpse at the awesome power of nature. Dont follow my example though, it wouldn't be safe.

     We are in March now and you can tell that warmer weather will be arriving soon. Couldn't come soon enough in my opinion. I have grown weary of this cold weather. How many snow storms have we had this winter alone? How many false alarms too? As we approach spring, I wonder what super-storms we will get here (and else where). One cant help but ask themselves if the United States hasnt been some kind of target for an angry earth mother. I think these storms will just get stronger and more common place. But, like always-I will make every moment a good one, and will look forward to seeing the greatest show on earth, courtesy of God. Oh yes...these are exciting times to be alive!

Keeping Updated On My Fast

     I must be honest. I havent been doing so well on my fast. You see I have broken it a few times with smoking and eating. Sometimes it is necessary (low blood sugar, or days I donate plasma). But, that is OK. I am still praying and meditating, and will be doing some special spiritual stuff tonight. I have learned a lot from this fasting period and gained a lot of insight. In fact, I have gained more from this then I originally anticipated. This is my first fast and I look forward to more in the future. Today I was able to visit the Islamic Center of Norman and participate in prayers and listened to an enlightening sermon about the Day of Judgement.

     Have you had any fasting experiences? If so, please share them in the comments section!

A Guide to Islam for non-Muslims

A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam (Banner)

From my Friends @ 

Tensions at Critical Level on the Korean Peninsula

Cease Fire Between United States, North Kore and South Korea About to Expire. Threat of War Grows

     As you likely may have already heard in the news, the Democractic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea to us westerners) is threatening to end the cease fire armistice that has been in place since the end of the Korean War (which has not technically ended). If the armistice is dropped, war may be the next step. The North has already threatened the United States with nuclear war. The DPRK has the technological ability to strike U.S. and south Korean targets as well as the U.S. mainland. These threats come after the release of two videos showing attacks on the U.S. and President Obama on fire as well as American soldiers on fire:

Read About it at

Read about it from official North Korean News Source (KCNA):


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Snowstorms, and 3797 as the year of the end?

Snowstorm Headed for Chicago

This winter just doesn't seem to want to relent.

The Year 3797 and Nostradamus:

Free Online game. Build your own nation from scratch. I am playing it myself as the leader of "Libertania". Should be an interesting little experiemnt!

Use this link and I get a referrer's bonus!

A Few News Briefs

Another Earthquake Shakes Oklahoma. Third note worthy one this month.

I didn't feel it here in Norman.

New Plague of Rats scurries into Tehran

A New Ice Age Coming?

Werent we just worried about global warming?


Sunday, March 3, 2013

The dreams of my old home are attempts to reexperience my past and pull wisdom from it.  You have nothing to worry about. I have nothing to wory about. None of us have anything to worry about.

Theta is a spiral. The universe works in spirals. All things come down to spirals in some for or the other. The universe is a spiral.

216 is an important number.



The Apocryphal Book 411

The Apocryphal Book 411
(Written winter of 2012)

1. ...
2. My throat hurts and my glands are swollen. I think that I may have contracted mono.
3. ...
4. The current is out there. All you have to do is open your eyes and see it. It is unique for everyone.
5. The world is going to end. We are curently living in the apocalypse. But do not be afraid. This is just part of the natural cycles of nature. It must come to pass, in order for a new cycle to begin.

1. At this moment there is an epidemic of mononucleosis in Libertania.
2. F*%#@ money! Money has brought me nothing by sorrows.
3. KAL. Who is his KAL? Is he Set?... Is it an IT?
4. The moon was full just days ago. But, her presence dominates the sky. The beasts of naure worship her as they sing.
5.  Look out for the pawn of th pyramind. ATI has fallen and many shall after them. Things will slowly move towads a utopia.
6. Always seek to do what is right. You will known, in our soul. If you follow your WILL, you will do perfect. Your WILL guides you aloong your path. If it feels wrong, then it is. ...

1. When you meet your soul mate, do everything possible to make things OK between you.

1. When you follow your heart, everything will be as it should. Follow your inner guide always, and happiness is yours. Pour out love and positive energy to the world around you and it will heal.
2. And behold, I saw a star. It blinked out in the night sky. Did a star eally just blink out?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Apocryphal Book 033

Apocryphal Book 033
Written in winter of 2012

1. ...
2. My two angels have just departed to my regret. Their presence is one of the greatest blessings I have known.
3. I need to try to quit smoking again. Or at least cut back. I think this as I smoke a whole leaf tobacco cigarette.

1. Very soon the U.S. Dollar will be worthless. Currency will be useless. The rich will become poor and the poor to become rich. The low will become high, and the high become low. The last will become first and the first to become last. This is the end of the 13th baktun. The beggining of the 5th world. The destruction of the 4th. ...
2. Contemplate "033", this is the number of a sacrament.
3. There will soon be a breakdown of the world's societies. War will be wide spread. Ares will have his time. The horse of war and the rider Chaos will soon reside for a time. And at this time a plague. A great many shall perish. Supernatural events will become common place. There will come prophets and seers; people will dream dreams of things that are happening. Even now these things are beggining.
4. America is nearing its end. But, all this dying and passing away of things must happen before everything can be made anew.

A Letter to America

A Letter to America
A revelation that has come to me. Nature shall unleash these things...

1. Your finals hours are upon you America. You are breathing your last breaths and soon you will be a corpse, then merely a ghost.
2. Your coffers will become empty and your treasury is becoming a tomb of dust. Your dollars and change will become worthless paper and bits of over valued metal.
3. Flee to places of safety, you who are good and filled with the spirit and seek to do good things; for danger is ahead. Hide yourselves from that wrath. You people who are greedy and filled with corruption, vengence and anger are about to be poured against you.
4. Nuclear power plants which once brought electricity and energy will fail and leak poison into your bodies of water, your earth and your air. The earth itself will bear poison to those who consume the tainted resources.

1. There is coming to you, epidemic diseases, lawlessness and anarchy. People will run back and forth looking for refuge, but will find it not. They shall run from ocean to ocean and yet never escape their appointed rath.
2. Plagues have already been unleased upon your nation.
3. The west coast will quake. Your islands will become inundated, your plains will burn and your north land will freeze. It will freeze even unto its southern points.  Great storms willl strike you. A calamity for every day, a burden for every hour.
4. Your enemies willl unleash their wrath against you. Your foreign territories will be over run and occupied. Even your military forces will turn against the rulers.  Great plumes of smoke will rise above your cities. Famine is coming. People who were once full and fat will become thin and starved. The rich will be made poor, and the poor shall own the land.
5. You will be judged with fire. You will burn in many places.
6. Even your friend nations will suffer from your fall.  The world will witness your fate and become fearfull for their own.
7. The ports will become desolate, and the navies destroyed. Many ships will float aimlessly with crews of bones. Planes will take flight no more and fall from the skies as if the laws of flight have been taken away.
8. Your gold, precious metals and riches will become plundered and her vaults to become barren. Your enemies will rejoice and you will be made a place of conquest.
9. The world will witness your collapse.
10. You will be made into an example.

1. Las Vegas will become a desolate and cursed place. New York city to be in ruins. ...
2. The fallen America will never rise again (but a new one after her) unlike Israel, which has been restored. There will be wide places without electricity.
3. Your territories will not be completely ruined though. Many will be spared to rebuild and call together a new army. One for good, just like the old. There will be more honor in the next America. Though the American nightmare is upon us, the American dream is sure to follow for those who persist in good rather then evil.
4. And after her judgements know; that a great misery has passed, yet a greater one approaches. The great murderer. John the Conqueror.