Wednesday, July 24, 2013

False Peace Approaches for Israel


     Today's events for me, went unexpectedly. But, I wont get into that here. I am almost through with the Left Behind book series.I am considering my long term goals (for a career). I may be interested in continuing to earn a Nursing degree or Public Health degree. Becoming a minister is also an interest, as well as becoming a teacher.

     Another train has crashed in Spain, killing up to as many as 45 (?).

Temporary (False) Peace Coming for Israel?
How about a seven year treaty violated half-way in?

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If you do not have Facebook, I encourage you to sign up at and get an account. This newsletter also has a face book account.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Seven Church Ages and MERS NOT Such a Big Deal After All

     Back in Norman for the last few days. Been extra hot lately, but I have been doing well with the heat. Getting used to it, and even enjoying it. Cooler days are ahead. God, has been taking good care of me lately. God has yet to fail in keeping me taken care of, and I have nothing to fear when I am under his care. He is currently helping me through a hard time and I know things will work out as miracles continue to work themselves. Having found God (or Him rescuing me) my life has been better for me, happier.  
     To have more good times. Bird flu has sprung back up in at least one new victim in China. India has ruled Dolphins to be "non-human persons", making it to keep them in captivity or for entertainment. Kelly Ogle did a brief piece on the evening news about what point we are living in the Book of Revelation. One clergyman on the show said we are in the first couple of chapters, which I would agree with. Two new cases of MERS have appeared, though MERS is not currently a pandemic threat. Deadly quake strikes in China killing almost 100.

The Seven Church Ages:

MERS Determined Not to be a World Health Emergency:

Fun fact: It is legal to have sex with horses in 23 American states.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Suggested Reading

     The sky is becoming "loaded". It looks sort of like it did that day we had the tornadoes. I bet we are under a tornado watch. I wouldn't be surprised if we had a tornado or two today. There seems to be a chance for storms again.  Rain is pretty much guaranteed.

(From time to time I will be putting up a resources list that includes films, books movies, etc. that are of interest to me or relate in some way to a topic of this blog).

*Left Behind (and series); Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. This book is a fictionalised account of what it would be like if the pre-Tribulation rapture occurred. Suddenly and without warning all believers in Christ disappear all over the world. The series follows an apocalypse scenario as outlined in Revelations. I myself enjoy the series, and I believe that non-Christians can enjoy the series as well. It isn't bloated with preaching or biblical propaganda, though it does touch on the subject (some would even say 'not enough'). Try the first book, or read a few and see if you like. They are an easy read.

*The Late Great Planet Earth; Hal Lindsey, While it is a dated book, it is a quick and easy read and makes interesting and startling points (if only the Soviet Union was still in power), but there is a lot of interesting material on Biblical prophecy and interpretation in it. Belongs on any eschatologists book shelf.



Forecast for the First Six Months of 2013 and Some Stuff About the Rapture

     Rainy days here. Cooler temperatures than usual for this time of the year, but they are welcome, we need them-even if it means me standing under an over hang trying desperately to stay dry. Raining this morning, now it is cloudy and hot. The air feels unusual, kind of like the day of the tornadoes? Hmmm. The verdict on the Zimmerman trial came back as "not guilty" and it seems to have made a lot of people angry, because there appears to be civil unrest as a result. The race card is getting played again. At what point does America just stop and realise an American is an American despite their skin color? We are ALL Red, White and Blue, in the USA anyway. All people equal. All races the same. All sexual orientations and religions, all unique aspects of the human beast. To be respected, and celebrated, and honored not hated. Watch out for that 'Atypical Pneumonia', sounds like it might be going around town (Norman). The current population on earth is 7 Billion and growing not slowing. That trend is going to change pretty soon I imagine.

      It has been confirmed that Cory Monteith has died as a result of mixing alcohol with heroine. This happens to often. Don't mix your drugs. Play things safe. This is your life. May God bless Mr. Monteith and rest his soul.

*Allegedly Atlantis was destroyed on August 12th, 3113 BC, which happens to be the beginning of the previous era on the Aztec calendar. Interestingly enough, the last day of the Aztec 'Hell' was on August 17th, 1987. August 17th is my birthday. The Mayan calendar was created in the year 3372 BC.

My Forecast Map For the First Six Months of the Year 2013

These are a series of predictions made by myself from images that I 'recieved'. Here I describe what image I saw for which month and how it may have been fulfilled or be fulfilled.
January- I saw a city scape with a sun in the back ground. Nothing of any particular importance.

February- An angel with his arms out stretched towards Heaven. He radiating a glow and has a sphere of light around his head.

March- A saw a huge heart. A symbol of love.

June- A sword coming down from the sky at an angle. The star of David was emblazoned on the handle. Blood appears to be dripping from the tip. This interests me because we began to see conflicts in the  Israel and Syria areas.

July- I see a mushroom cloud and radiation symbol (sort of looks like the January angel's silhouette).
[I drew these things in January from images that came to me. I have no idea why they stop at July. Which incidentally is the very month I got around the publishing this. Text (with editing done for readability) continues as follows...]
      An attack on Syria would draw Iran into a war (this has been stated by Syria).
     Abdul-Baha was a manifestation of God's word. Jesus (I believe) is the son of God (as well as a Prophet) and the Messiah. I believe that Jesus fulfilled Hebrew messianic prophecies and his birth and crucifixion were foretold in the Old Testament as well as traditions all over the world. I believe in Jesus, I pray to Jesus and God. This is my right. This is what the Holy Spirit in me guides me to do. For you? Well you have to listen to the Holy Spirit in you. Is it in you? If you want it to be? Ask for it. Ask God to deliver to Holy Spirit to you. Mean it when you ask. I PROMISE he will listen. Prayers do get answered. I have seen it. I also believe that Baha'u'lah and Abdul-Baha are Prophets of God and do not contradict, rather, confirm the revelations of God. I believe that I am moved by the Holy Spirit as I write this. All these things I believe. If you respect/love me, then you will understand.
     What do i believe about the timing of the Rapture? I don't believe in a pre-trib rapture. I believe that the 'rapture' will happen at the 'Last Day' when the Dead in God will arise and join him in Heaven. Following that will be the living. That will be on the Day of Judgement. These are my own beliefs and don't necessarily reflect anyone else's beliefs. There are people who believe in a pre-trib and post-trib rapture. That is totaly fine. I am not threatened by that. Some people don't believe in it at all. What is important is that each of us search ourselves and our beliefs and when you figure out what you believe in, put it in your heart. Then you tolerate others and their beliefs. Even if different than yours, because then we teach each other and we learn and strengthen our testimonies. 
     I see evidence for all three rapture theories and I have already shared where I stand on it. Guess what? I might be wrong! So its OK to have your own opinion. Respect for mine, gets respect for yours. Perhaps the mystery surrounding the rapture is meant to be vague. Perhaps God just doesn't want us to know certain details. The mystery will be revealed upon its occurrence. Maybe it is a secret of Christian Mysticism. I love delving into mysticism. If I am correct I believe that the Bab' declared himself to be the return of the Imam Mehdi. I will address that at a later time.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Got My Phone Replaced/ Its a Bad Time to Be Aboard Airplanes and Trains

     So, I got my phone situation fixed...sort of. I have a new phone and my number is the same (405-215-5086 feel free to text me), but as of right now I can send out calls and text, but not receive them. Hmmm. Until then, if you text or call me and don't get a reply, try again later. I hope to have the problem fixed soon. Have you been following Mr. Snowden's progress across the world like Carmen San Diego? He seems to be seeking asylum in Russia right now. I think he is a great guy and a hero for revealing more about the dark evil plans of the U.S. government. If they wont let him stay in Russia, I am sure North Korea may have a good spot for him. He would make a great propaganda piece (kind of like me). There is also a 30 mile area wild fire in Nevada that was sparked by a lightning strike on July 1st. Hot weather continues for Oklahoma, with a chance of storms at the beginning of next week, when the storms weather brings cooler temps. The skies seem clear right now in central Oklahoma with some storms forming way out west, but nothing appears to be going on in the state at the moment. Last night we had some cloud coverage and lightning, but without thunder. I don't think it rained. Had I not been outside, I would not have even known about the electrical show. Tropical storm possible to hit part of the east coast this weekend.

     A glacier larger than the city of Chicago has broken off Antarctica and is floating freely.

     Tomorrow night is my last night at the Salvation Army and its back to street survival. I am considering getting a tent and some follows and moving to the woods to start a survivalist commune. No seriously...if your interested call me (carelessly left my phone number above for the world to see) or email me: You know, since I started this blog, I have yet to receive one email from my following? Whats with you people!? You can take time to read my blog, but not even so much as comment on each page?! I guess asking you to link to me from your pages is out of the question. Though I would be more than happy to do a link exchange and advertise your page.


More Wildfires Burning in the West Than Any Time in the Last 40 years

Asiana Air Crash Teen Survivor May Have Been Hit By Fire Truck On Runway

 The fire truck may not have been what killed her. She may have died in the crash. She had been covered in fire retardant foam. Also-three flight attendants were sucked out of the back of the plane upon the crash. I believe that all three are alive, but have serious injuries.

Many Casualties Possible from Train Crash Near Paris

Five Earthquakes (One of "negative" magnitude) Strike Western Washington This Morning


Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Number "11 11", the Government of the Beast and Threat of the Bird Flu?

     The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of thoughts of his heart was only evil all of the time. The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.     -Genesis 6:5-6

     ..."Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood".     -Genesis 8:21    

     Been having "hostile" dreams lately. Probably a reflection of pent up negative feelings that I cant constructively get rid of. I  don't have anyone with whom I can talk to, or an outlet for those emotions. So they just manifest in my dreams. A lot of that anger I am sure is directed at authority figures. I have never really been fond of authority (go figure).

11 11:

*"11 11" seems to be a global synchronistic event.
*My interpretation of "11 11"- Occult number (the mysteries). Synchronistic number. During the 12/21/12 phenomenon, some theorised that a cosmic event would occur at 11:00 a.m and 11:00p.m. or 11:11 UT. There was a theory that on December 21st, 2012 the Rapture of the Dead would occur at 11:11 a.m. followed by the Rapture of the Living at 11:11 p.m. (Jerusalem local time).
     If you notice this number (11 11) appear in connection with an interesting or unusual situation, consider the possibility that your Guardian Angel may be trying to make contact with you. What message do you believe he is trying to send? Another theory is that this number is capable of "unlocking" your DNA (which twists in a spiral-Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to their offspring)/ to be "awakened". Edgar Cayce (?) also believed the number represented oneness with God.

Candidates for the Governments of the Beast:

Jehovah's Witness View on the United Nations (also the League of Nations):'s_Witnesses_and_the_United_Nations
European Union Seat '666' to be filled by AntiChrist:

Clyde Lewis is Recovering from Surgery Due to Cancer:

Here is Clyde's Facebook page:
Clyde has taken time off from his radio program due to a cancerous tumor in his kidney. He has had bouts with cancer before. Clyde will be in my prayers and I hope that you all will like wise pray for him!

Randy Travis Suffers Stroke and Is In Critical Condition:

After surgery to release pressure on his brain, following a stroke, he remains in critical condition. I will be saying a prayer for his recovery and I ask that you do the same. We have a lot of people to be praying for!

New Bird Flu Strain in China Could Spark Pandemic:


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Some Stuff in My Life

     I must have slept well last night, because I wasn't as tired today as I have been lately. I have been trying to get caught up on sleep I have lost over the last week or so. They say you really cant catch up on sleep debt, but tell my body that. My body likes it when you tell it things... :x  ...I did take short naps today, but they weren't as long as they have been. I felt mostly satisfied with my sleep when I awoke. Lately I have noticed more, that lately I have been talking, shouting out random words, kicking and even moving about in my sleep. As time goes on, it seems like my ability to keep myself immobile while sleeping has become deficient. I expect to be sleep walking soon probably. And this time, I'm not on Ambien. My dream was peculiar. Another bad dream about being abandoned by someone close to me. You may or may not know, I am a diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (before you decide to judge a BP, educate yourself and spare the ignorance). BPD often is connected with abandonement issues that manifest in family and romantic relationships. My father left when I was four months old, and I believe that the roots to this trait lie there.

     Me and my ex significant other are doing well at being friends and we are supporting each other through trials we both are going through right now. She knows I love her and her family, and that will never change. But, life and circumstance and situations do change and when they do we must adapt and accept them. We will not always get what we want in this world. In fact, we are likely to get what we don't want. That is the nature of this life, and when we accept that this world is neither Heaven nor our home, but a training ground for the next world, then we can better be at peace with our temporary troubles and blessings. Don't take life personal, because this isn't your REAL life. Your "real" life exists on a separate spiritual plane with your Higher Power.

Another Short Synopsis  of the End Time Line:

-Worsening world conditions.
-Seven years of Tribulation Begin.
-The two witnesses appear and preach for 3 1/2 years into the Tribulation. They appear in the Holy Land and can not be harmed. Anyone who attempts to harm them will die, by fire that comes from their mouths.
-The Antichrists kingdom begins at the 3 and-a-half mark during the Tribulation. He is given power to destroy the two witnesses, who will lay dead in the street for 3 1/2 days. Then they will be resurrected and ascend into Heaven. This begins the great reign of the AC's kingdom and the start of 'the Great TRIBULATION".
-Seven Judgements (trumpets, vials and bowls).
-The Day of Judgement/Armageddon and the Rapture. The Rapture occurs on the Last Day.
7 divided by 2= 3.5 [23, 2+3=5, 5+2=7]. There are two 3.5 year periods in the seven years of Tribulation. Three 2x [32\23]. 11:11 (November to November).
Where is the throne of God? Is it in the center of the universe? Is it "out there", just beyond the blackness, just beyond the stars? I have had "insights" regarding the 'infiniverse' wrapping around a tower like structure from bottom to top in a spiral, similar to what a barber's pole looks like. I have at times thought of the tower as being the body of God, or a structure supporting the throne of God at the top. More about that will come at a later day.

The Coming Prince (Book) by Sir Robert Anderson:


From the National Weather Service Website (

"The Storm Prediction Center has highlighted a large area of severe weather potential from the mid-Mississippi River Valley to the Northeast for Wednesday. Another area of risk has been highlighted in the High Plains. Large hail and damaging winds are the primary threats today. In addition to the severe weather, flash flooding will be possible with heavy rainfall, especially in the Ohio Valley."
The current temperature for Oklahoma City is 102 degrees. It is suffocating outside. I have tried staying in air conditioned areas today. Just too hot. And in Oklahoma...this is just the begging of a scorching summer. Stay hydrated people! The current temperature in Norman is 97*, but it feels like 102! I am surprised that is it is only 97.


*A ten nation confederacy will rise out of western Europe (Rome II).

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

For there shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.     -Mathew 24:21
God is most Glorious

Who is coming will come and will not delay.    -Hebrews 10:37 NIV

     Today is Tuesday the second day of the week. It is the ninth day of the seventh month of the thirteenth year of the 21st century. Let me start off by saying, that my cell phone is on the fritz Won't turn on sometimes. For a few days it would just randomly shut itself off, than come on if it felt like it. This time it shut it self off, and decided that it wants to be even more difficult back on again. So if you need to get a hold of me, try my phone and wait patiently for a reply, if you do not hear from me better tell someone I know, or Facebook me or something. I am going to try and keep some of my "forums" and friends updated on where I am so that people can come look for me if they are searching for me or if they need to pass on a message. Currently I am at the library (time is 9:42 A.M.) and plan to remain here until about 11:30 where I will go eat lunch at the lunch place for friends that they serve lunch for every day. Then off to the career center until about 2:15 where I will proceed to the airport to meet my Mom. I hope that she may be able to help me get a new phone, otherwise I may be out of communication for quite some time.

     I have been very sleepy lately. Sleeping in various places and for various periods of time. My sleep quality has been OK. Comfortable, but I wake up frequently. Last night I slept in a covered shelter in a part. When you sleep exposed to the elements, sleep tends not to be as quality as you could hope for, but tonight I will be checking in to the Salvation Army for five days if they have beds available.  The last few days I have been napping a lot and trying to catch up on needed sleep, but I cant seem to totally shake the complete drowsiness. I need to to rent a hotel room in the near future for a few nights, to catch up on my sleep debt. I just finished the book The Dark Tower: Gunslinger by Stephen King. I have found an interesting parallel between the tower, with the tower or Babel as well as my own theory of the infiniverse wrapping around the body (tower) of Go, with God's head/throne (the Room) at the top. The inifniverse is the compilation of worlds and dimensions wrapped in a spiral around God's body/throne/tower. The lower spiral being the "Hell regions" with the current world somewhere in the middle, and Paradise as you approach the top. Each incarnation of our lives moves up up or down the spiral respectively with your earthly behaviour. I am excited to continue reading the series. I have always felt that Stephen King had tapped into something special and they he likewise, is also a prophet.

     I am also on book 11 of the Left Behind Series, though I have yet to start reading it. It is Armageddon and I believe I approach the end of the series. I am anticipating reading some of the prequel books as well as the kids series. For breakfast this morning, I had lemonade, two hard boiled eggs and Sour Patch Kidd. Not a healthy breakfast i know, but it was a start.

At this time there does not seem to be an confirmed cases of Influenza in the state of Oklahoma. Two more people have died from MERS, though no Pandemic has occurred as of yet. From what I understand bird flu has also once again gone dormant. I don't think we have any immediate pandemic threats on the horizon.

Haven't All These Things Always Been Going on?

No. They haven't. A reader recently asked me (skeptically) in regards to us living in the least days. That prophecy is vague and predicts events that have happened many times before and will continue to happen. This is true and false at the same time. While scripture does predict events like earth quakes, pestilence, war and famine, etc. which has been going on since the dawn of time yes. But the difference is that these events have become more dramatically worse and occur more then previously. The New Testament tells us that these calamities will increase and become worse as we approach the end. This is happening. For example:
-9/11 was the worst terrorist attack in the world.
-Hurricane Sandy was one of the worst hurricanes in America's history.
-Never before in human history has mankind had the tools to destroy himself and the world in a matter of minutes.
-The mark of the beast is now a reality when considering the RFID chip and computer scanning.
-The Bible talks about the entire world witnessesing various events. A hundred or more years ago this would not have been possible. But with satellite and international news coverage we can watch events occuring around the world as they happen.
-The meteor that exploded over Russia earlier this year is a rare event.
-Unusual events like masss animal die offs and new epidemic diseases are beginning to show up at a faster and faster rate.
-Another significant event was the rebirth of Israel, that not only has occurred in our time, but seemed completely impossible that it could ever be reborn...especially in a single night. Consider this quote from Hal Lindsey's book The 1980's: Countdown to Armageddon:
The answer is simple. The prophets told us that the rebirth of Israel-no other event-would be the sign that the count down has begun. Since that rebirth, the rest f the prophecies have begun to be be fulfilled quite rapidly. For reason I am convinced that we are now in the unique time clearly ajd Presley forecasted by the Hebrew prophets.

Some Things Going On:

* (Previous event) U.S. fails to protect and rescue American hostages in Algeria. Americans enraged at U.S. governments lack of reaction.
* Egyptian President Morsi has been ousted by the Egyptian military.
* American citizens are demanding that the IRS be shit down and dismantled ed. I cant say that I disagree with this. Our government has become way too big and powerful for our good, and its own.
* 13 people killed by an oil tanker train explosion in Canada on Saturday. The resulting explosion killed 40 homes. It was reported that a fire had occurred on the train about an hour and half before the explosion, though the relation of the fire to the explosion is not yet know.
* The American forces have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world several times over.

News Briefs:

*On Saturday a Asiana 777 crash landed in Sa Fransisco, killing two passengers and injuring many others. The crash could have been far worse, so we should we thankful that nothing worse had happened.


A site currently being developed by a friend of mine.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Pestilence in diverse places...but not exactly a Plague...yet?

Pestilence in Diverse Places...but not exactly a Plague...yet?

     More cases of MERS have shown up, however the last news I received about MERS implied that is was moving slower than SARS and lacked a pandemic potential. Even still it is an outbreak of a mysterious disease and worth watching. A majority of cases have been in  Saudi Arabia, though others have occurred in a variety of countries. The areas of greatest risk of spread seem to be close contact in health care settings. I assume the virus is an airborne pathogen, likely spread like the common cold.


Influenza Alerts:

-Flu activity in the u.s. is currently moderate to low. In the state of Oklahoma the trend is low. There was a marked increase (and early and severe appearance) of influenza in the U.S. between November 2012-March 2013 when it began to decrease, thought not entirely disappear. I predicted a return of the flu earlier for this month or last . It seems to be currently going through a tapering of plateau, but I will keep my eyes on it. I expect some outbreaks this month as the weeks pass and that it will return again early this year as it did last year. Possibly deadlier before (but not quite as much a problem for the U.S. as it could be in other parts of the world, if it spreads abroad. Last year it may have spread into Europe and I know that there were cases in Australia.

-It is my opinion (but I am not a check with your Doctor before receiving any kind of medical care) that getting the flu shot would be a good idea. Although last years vaccination did not work so effectively, it may be a better consideration to get it anyway. Talk with your Physician about the benefits and risks involved before you pursue you make such a decision. I will get mine when and if the opportunity presents itself.

P.S. I hope Captain Trips didn't ruin your Fourth of July ;)


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Is Norman Hallowed Ground?

     I am back in Norman for a couple of days. I would really like to stay here. I criticised this town and under appreciated it, but spending time outside of Norman, in Oklahoma City, has renewed my appreciation for Norman. The weather has been warm, but not scorching like the last two summers, but summer has just started. I had an exceptional day yesterday, happiest day in a long time. I believe that better days are ahead. Like I have been saying- at long last i am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I continue to believe that there is something special about Norman, that I am yet to identify. It feels like a safe haven in these times. Disasters dance just outside of the city at times, but generally don't strike in the heart of the town. I will write more later.