Friday, September 20, 2019

Worst Flu Season in History Coming to America?

    - I primarily listen to FOX News or News Max. Any news outlet that is friendly to our President. But I spread my attention around to a variety of sources that I frequently mix and change to get a plethora of view points. As much is possible with the western internet propaganda mill.

     -Could the film franchise of the 'Terminator' be a scenario for a real life event? I don't think so. My reasoning is that machines will not be able to become self-aware unless they have a biological nervous system. I just don't believe that can be achieved with cyber-tech. We can mimic the brain,  but we will likely never be able to produce an independent brain using tech alone. In order for there to be consciousness there must be a soul there. I may be wrong about this. I am sure it is a much more complicated thing than that. Humans can not create life. That is up to God. So no self-aware software in the future. Although it does make a very cool film and literature plot!

     -This years flu season may be the worst ever, say news people. Some are pushing for getting your flu shot. I'm not. I am not afraid of the Aussie Flu.

And the following: FOR YOUR HEALTH-

Fat Man

Thursday, September 19, 2019

No One Reads My Blog Posts-No, Not One Person!

Image result for kim jong un memes

~No U.S. military retaliatory-strike against Iran last night.
~I suggest old school Super-Nintendo as a great way to pass time
~Drink Monster. I am.
~City of Norman (OK) currently running with free fares, but that will end shortly and be replaced by ridiculous fares. 
~Meth may cause diarrehea.
~If you would like to send me free money please contact me at
Image result for schwarzenegger meme

I slept all day yesterday. Literally ALL day. I intended to go to the library but decided to take a nap first. I got up approximately 245 hours later. WTF? I do that quite often.

I am currently reading a book about Chernobyl and the misinformation that was released about the accident from the lying Soviet Union.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Second Deadliest Epidemic of Ebola rages In Africa while EEE spreads in America.

  •  It has been confirmed that Iran was behind the missile attack a few days ago against Saudi Arabia. What this means is that American could lead a military retaliatory strike against Iran as soon as tonight.
  • Mosquito Borne EEE epidemic in U.S. has his Massachusetts particularly hard.
  • Overnight earthquake in Kansas (3+M) shakes parts of north Oklahoma. Earthquake occured 100 miles north of Oklahoma City.
  • Ebola outbreak in Africa reaches over 3,000 cases with nearly 2,000 fatalities.
  • U.S. Air Force drops bombs on "ISIS Infested" Island.
  • The current temperature in Pyongyang is 60 degrees F.
  • The current temp in Saratoga, California is 75 degrees.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Arise of an Antichrist?

     A You Tuber declared that 2013 would be a year that we would not forget. It was in relation to Bible prophecy. I paid a lot of attention to 2013, but never noticed any prophetic significance of it, aside from the regular natural disasters. I DO remember it was the year that an asteroid exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia injuring thousands as well as a very alarming Influenza epidemic. Aside personal ups and downs during the year, not much else sticks out as being prophetically relevant. Clyde Lewis of the radio program 'Ground Zero' said he thought it would be the year of "the rise of the Antichrist". He seems to have been wrong, unless the Antichrist did rise unoticed behind the scenes? We may not have recognized him. In fact, the vast majority of the world WILL NOT recognize his rise. They will instead be deceived and only an elite few will see past his facade. Perhaps the "AC" is not even a human. Perhaps he's an alien or a tyrannical software system like SKYNET. Maybe something we haven't even thought of yet. Something beyond our ability to preconceive. One thing we can be sure about is that he has been here before, is here now and shall come again. Adolf Hitler, Xi Jinping, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Un, Napoleon, MABUS, etc. There are many, many Antichrists that have arose through out history and will continue to do so. It seems that the balances of good and evil require there to be one at most times. I believe that Xi Jinping is one of several Antichrists for our current time as he is sure acting like it. Another one being Kim Jong Un.

HANGZHOU, CHINA - SEPT. 4. 2016 - Chinese president Xi Jinping (R) welcomes Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) in G20 summit in Hangzhou.

My Passion for the Terminator Franchise

     My birthday was on August 17th, I turned 35. If you haven't got me a new gift, its  not too late. I am still accepting them! Do I feel older? Yes. Especially when I try to get up from sitting or laying down, my limbs hurt now. Signs of old age. I am half-way, damn near, through my life. I am not excited at the prospect of becoming a senior and needing outside care. I hope the LORD calls me home before than. I also pray that he Bless me with a beautiful family. That would be the bee's knees.

     I keep hearing bad predictions for the U.S. economy about a new recession coming and gloom and doom about it. I am certain one is coming. Because, every decade or so we have one. It's part of the cycle and like before, it will come back and so will upturns and good business. No need to give up hope. These things come and go with normal frequency. You just have to be economically smart about navigating the muddy waters. As for me, I know nothing about economics or even basic home money matters. I am poor in finance, but rich in spirit. I have been watching the Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles. At first I was critical about the characters being nothing like the movie characters, but I have grown used to it and have learned to accept them. So I am enjoying the series now. I have accepted it as a sort of parallel time line from the movies. In one of the later movies they radically changed the main characters looks and personalities which like wise made me have to learn to get used to. Now I just enjoy all the Terminator expressions as alternate time lines. Helps me enjoy the franchise a lot more.


Brief point about the Baha'i Faith:
+1844 was the Advent of the Bab
     (11 years between-solar cycles occur in 11 year rounds)
+1833 Miss Margaret Scott (resident of Scotland) proclaims that she had a vision indicating Christ's soon return, which coincides with the coming of Baha'u'llah.


* More shootings in America.
* Teen shot in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Gunman still at large.
* Children victims in shooting attack on a mobile home in Mesa, AZ.

* On the Juche Idea

Rusty Heart