Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hindu Eschatology

-Vishnu has incarnated several times in the past in the form of various saviours, for the purpose of saving the earth.

-The Mayan and Hindu time tables both point to 2012 as being the beggining of a golden age. The end of the fourth world.

-With the changes to come before the golden age; there will be conflicts, fatal diseases and epidemcs, droughts, famines among other calamaties. Currently we are seeing wars and violence on a large scale world wide. The threat of new wars at any moment are ever present. This flu season has been a bad one and we have seen outbreaks of RSV, Noro virus, drug resistant Tuberculosis in L.A and a "SARS like virus" in several people in Great Britain. Last year were simultaneous outbreaks of Hanta Virus and West Nile Virus. Famines continue, as they have since the dawn of history and the central United States continues to experience a drought (that has lasted several years) despite rain and snow storms over the last several weeks.

-India will become desolate by calamaties. India and Pakistan have a history of conflict, that has on more then one occasion almost lead to nuclear war.

News Updates for Feb. 28th, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Meggido, Israel (Google Map)

The Battle Ground of Armageddon

Battlefield Armadeddon 

Time and Number Correspondences

Time and Number Correspondences

1,000 years equals one day to God.
1 year equals 12 months. There are 12 zodiak signs. 12 tribes of Israel. 12 apostles. 12 gates to the Great Temple.
24 hours in one day. 2 hours for each apostle/tribe of Israel.
24 Elders in the Book of Revelations.

144,000 witnesses in Revelation. 144,000 seconds in a day. 144,000 days equals one Mayan Baktun. Bolon Yokte came down to Earth at the end of the last Baktun (12-21-2012).

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Asteroid Threat to Earth, The March 2013 Rapture, Coming Earthquakes and US invasion of Iran after June?

New Asteroid Threat To Earth? (March 21st, 2014)
Update says this one isn't a danger. But all these near earth events seems to be worth paying attention to.

The following copied and pasted from

Gary C (26 Feb 2013)
"Passover And Easter 2013-The Rising (Rapture) Into God's City (Acts 12:1-25)"

Passover And Easter 2013-The Rising (Rapture) Into God's City (Acts 12:1-25)

I'm Quite Excited About The Implications! Get Your King James Bible (1611 AD) And Prayerfully Examine The Below Information:

I) Passover Celebrated For 7 Days

II) At The End Of The Seven Days God's Trumpet Sounds

III) Trumpet Sounds At Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17; Exodus 19:9-17)

IV) 7 Days Of Passover (March 25, 2013) Ends On Eater March 31, 2013

V) "March Goes Out (And Away) Like (With) The Lamb"

VI) Will We Rapture Then?

VII) Very Important Things About March 2013

1) ObamaCare With It's RFID Chip Is Scheduled To Be Implemented On 3-22-13

A) 322 Skull And Bones Satanic AntiChrist Secret Society (2 King 9:35; Matthew 27:33)

B) God's Calling Up (Ascension) Begins At Spring (1 Samuel 9:26; Deuteronomy 8:7; Judges 19:25)

C) Beast Head Wound Associated With Skull (Judges 9:53; Revelation 13:1-5)

D) The Man Whom Many Believe Is The Beast Will Enter Israel/Jerusalem First Day Of Spring (March 20, 2013) (Matthew 24:15-16)

E) This "Beast" Is Visiting Israel To Seek "Peace" (1 Thessalonians 5:3-5)

F) On 9-11-11 This "Beast" Declared I Am God (2 Thessalonians 2:1-17; Acts 12:21-25)

G) The Beast Is Following Jesus Entry Into Jerusalem Before Jesus Was Crucified And Bowed His Head (John 19:30; Matt 27:50-54)

H) The Passover Begins On March 25, 2013 And Is Celebrated For 7 Days

I) Easter Begins On The Last Day March 31, 2013 Which Is "Easter" (The Rising Into Heaven-Mark 16:1-2; Acts 12:4)

March 2013 Will Definitely "See" God's Presence In The Affairs Of Earth's Humans (Especially Humans Wo Obey Jesus (John 15:10-15; 1 John 2:15-17; Matthew 7:13-29).

Keep Your Eyes On Jesus And Not On The Evils Of Satan (John 3:14; 2 Corinthian 12:1-13; Psalm 23:1-6).

Again I'm Not Saying It Will Be The Rapture But I Am Certain That God's Presence Will Be Upon The Earth (Daniel 12:1-10).

I Love You All. I've Been Waiting For This Moment In Time Since I Was Age 7 And Began Reading And Questioning The Bible (And God)! Praise God! He Is So Good And Awesome!!!

This Article Can Be Freely Edited And Utilized As Long As Credit Is Given To Its Author (Gary Colin).

Major Earthquakes Coming:

US gearing up for Iran Strike?:


Important Guidelines for the Path of Illumination

Important Guidelines for the Path of Illumination

*     Do not give away all your secrets. Not everyone is developed enough to responsibly understand the mysteries of spiritual illumination.

*     Set aside a place in your home as a sanctuary/temple/sacred space to conduct ceremonial and spiritual work. You should use a room that is seperately designated for such workings, or use a room with limited traffic and privacy (bed room for example).

*     Do not give into excessive habits or seld destructive behaviour.

*     Keep an intitatory journal. Review your old enteries often. Treat your journal like a personaly written sacred scripture.

*     Get a teacher or become involved in an initiatory school/religious institution or tradition that you are comfortable and familiar with. The universe has a way of assuring each of us have at least one teacher in our lives at all times. Taking time to look to a friend or minister who has influenced you in positive ways and taught you much is beneficial and necessary at times. Other times we are meant to walk a solitary path and be self taught for awhile. Even then we are never really alone. A guide is always present, even if we don't realise it.

*     If you have questions, ask; you will get answers. If you need guidance; you will recieve it. Listen to the ques and sign posts of synchronicity. Dont be suprised to find yourself meeting the right people or coming across the right books, at the right times.

*     Study and interpert your dreams. Keep a dream journal or record dream impressions in your initiatory journal. Dream work is essential.

*     You can never unlearn or forget what you have learned.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Definitions of Coincidence, Serendipity and Synchronicity.

Coincidence: <a href= />

Serendipity: <a href= />

Synchronicity: <a href= />


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Kether and Dream Work

     Kether (or Keter) is a Kabalistic term to describe the crown point on the Tree of Life. Kabbalists use a variety of techniques to explore various points on the Tree of Life. If asked, I am sure other mystics will have different descriptions and understaning of Kether and this is my own. I don't claim to be a specialist or represenative of Kaballah or Judaism. More acurate and detailed information can be gained from a google search or seeking someone adept in the path. I have been doing similar work myself and have chosen Kether as my beggining point for exploration. Below I will list a few points about the Kether realm and a dream working suggestion if you are interested in pursuing exploration of Kether as well. I am not a Jewish mystic, but I have practiced various forms of mystisim and occult methods and have taken inspiration from what paths I have found sucess with. You may take something from what I have posted here, or explore other paths for yourself and make your own unique discoveries. That is what the path of exploration is about.

* Kether is located on the oposite side of the abyss from our realm.

* Your spirit guide can take you there upon request.

* For the most part, Kether is an indescribable place that has to be experienced personally to understand it. My own experiences of this realm have been in the dream state. I have experienced it as various places and settings that have appeared to me as every day locations in my dreams, however those places and the people I interact with are important symbols that have originated in eitherKether or from the spirit guide that assisted me in the dream state. How they manifested depended on my own minds filters and interpertations.

* There are other realsm beyond Kether.

* To best utilise this place for spiritual development, it is important that you visit this place often.

* It is neither a negative or positive realm. Neither good nor evil. It is how you manifest it according to your own level of spiritual maturity.

* The guide of this realm is the Metatron (voice of YHWH). Another representation to people more comfortable with Pagan traditions might meet the guide in the form of Mercury or Hermes, for example. The Metatron has come to me in the form of friends or ordinary people in my dreams. At the time I did not recognise it/him for what it was, but only realised it was the manifestation of the Metatron afte waking up and reviewing my dream. I was able to recognise him by the character he played in my interaction with him. He was always a guide, or person who had lead me somewhere that I was having difficulty getting to on my own. He also protected me and offered me safe passage across the abyss. There was a period of time that I was having difficulty "crossing the abyss" (an experience that seasoned occultists are familiar with), and was able to do so with the help of Metatron and the visition of this realm.

* Kether is amoral and without duality. Like many things in our universe its nature depends on how YOU manifest it in your experience.

* When I was "born again" I had such a significantly powerful experience that in hind site I wonder if I was spiritually present in the realm of Kether. I wonder if other people who have had divine awakenings were present in that realm wether they were aware of it or not. If any of my readers have had such experiences, I would love to read them in the comments section, or they can be emailed to me (if you prefer confidentiality) at

Formula for Dream Work in Kether:

     This is very easy and you should be familiar with dream experiences such as keeping a dream journal or lucid dreaming when doing this. Before sleep, meditate on, or pray to your spirit guide (I chose to directly addresed the Metatron itself) and ask to be taken to Kether, ask for the guidance and presence of your spirit guide. Ask to be able to recognise him/her/it either in the dream state or after waking up. Upon waking from sleep immediatley write down the dream and at some point when you are able to comfortably do so, meditate on the meaning of the dream. After interpertation, thank your spirit guide for their help and if you desire to- continue working with the Kether again from time to time. Move on to the other realms when you are spritually developed and ready to do so. I would be interested in hearing your results with this working if you are inclined to share them with me.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Aeonic Words

These are "Aeonic Words" uttered by many spiritual teachers through out history. Let he who has wisdom understand the meaning of these words. Let he who is without understanding 'Google' them.

-WILL (my own "utterance")

If anyone can think of any words that should be added to this list, please leave them in the coments section for review.

A Revelation of Mine

A Revelation To Me
(Brian Hill)
Written in winter of 2012.

1.Humankind will master his reality with the tools of mind and science.
2. The future date of December 21st, 2012 [written prior to the renewel of the ages in winter of 2012] will be a day unlike any seen before in human history. For that moment in time, a large portion of the world will all at the same time, await what happens at 11:11 UT. A natural event will occur, and it is the responsibility of the world to use it to make the next step of evolution. 2012 A.D. will be known as the year that "we finally immanentized the eschaton" (to quote Robert Anton Wilson's 'Illuimatus!'), the beggining of the end, the dawning of the age of aquarius (like the song says) and a time of cataclysmic dawning that will lead to an eventual utopia.

II. -A Sinner's Prayer-

I am a human.
I make human mistakes.
I take responsibility for my mistakes.
I admit my sins and that I am a sinner.
I repent of those sins and ask for fogiveness from my Divine Creator.
I have learned from them.
I forgive myself for my old sins and mistakes as I repent to do what my WILL and God's WILL guide me to do towards initiation and spiritual development. I forgive those who have sinned against me, as my God forgives me for sinning against him.
I am made new through my God.


(If you wish, proceed with some kind of cleansing ceremony, baptism, etc.)

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Book of Tribulations

Written by Brian Hill
(Written winter of 2012?)

1. ... (Verse removed)
2. There will be great earthquakes around the world. These events are already in place. The Great Shaking has begun.
3. Storms, high winds and building collapses. Terrible storms. These events have already begun on the east coast.
4. Agreat plague will take a large percent of the population. Influenza, SARS or a similar disease.

1. And the earthquake shall be so great as to be felt around the world. All the faults and coastel stresses will simultaneously release. Much of the world will feel great shaking. The ring of fire will shake prominantly. Tsunamis across the world. Coastal cities destroyed. 1/3 of the maritime population destroyed.
2. The seas will become toxic. 30% of the ocean will be useless.
3. It has been said that in the last days, says LORD; "I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh; and your sonds and your daughters shall prophecy, and your men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams".


Verses fulfilled?
1:2 and 2:1~ In the past few months and years we have seen an increase in earthquakes and earthquakes in unusual places. There have been several destructive tsunamis.
1:3~ Hurricane Sandy, the severe winter storms we are currently experiencing and many storms currently happening world wide (
2:3 Prophet T.B. Joshua ( People having prophetic dreams ( Stuart Wilde (

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Earthquakes, FEMA camps and the coming Police State.

     According to the San Mateo Patch ( we can expect major earthquakes in the future. The book of Revelations tells us the same thing. There has been some rumblings going on in Tenesee too ( This is very interesting. Readers, are you aware that Oklahoma recently had its strongest earthquake in the states written history, back in November of 2011?( I was living in Norman, OK when that happened. Some time I will have to share my quake experience from that night.

     As mentioned in my profile I am a member of the Bahai Faith (, and have been since August of 2011 (just before the earthquake in fact). I was introduced to the faith after moveing to Norman from Oklahoma City. I believe that the journey was the will of God and an answer to my own prayers to find the truth.  The Bahai faith confirmed and reinforced beliefs that I already had, but never had a label for. Before this I had called myself a Pagan or at times said that I walked the Left Hand Path (I am a former first degree member of the Temple of Set). I have come to believe that we are living in the last days of the current age (or as the Mayans believe, have just slipped into the next age) and with this will come apocolyptic changes. I believe that soon we will see scriptiral prophecy fulfilled, the rise of a world dictator (antichrist, imposter, Dejal, or by whatever name we choose to call him) and return of the Messiah (what form do you believe the Messiah will come in?). Do not accpet a mark on your body. I think this is coming soon.

     I expect an economic collapse of the United  States within the next 60 days, followed by civil uprising and a clamp down by the United States paramilitary police. Then it is off to the FEMA camps with the dissenters. This blog may soon be considered illegal propoganda, and I may be one of the ones sent to the new FEMA camps. Think I am paranoid? Wait a couple of months and see if I'm right. If you are a person of faith, read your scriptures. They agree with the points I am trying to make.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

23 Page Views

My blog has already been viewed 23 interesting.


     This is my first blog. It is a work in progress! The purpose of this blog is to highlight and discuss my views about the uncertain times we are living in. In October 2011, I had a profound spiritual experience, that has lead me on a study of prophecy, comparative religion, current events and all subjects related to eschatology. My views here are my own beliefs and do not necessarily reflect the views of any other person, faith or organization. I am a member of the Bahai Faith and respect the wisdom passed down by God, that is found in all the worlds faiths. After comparing current events to prophetic scripture and my own spiritual revelations, I have come to the belief that we are living in the end of this age and beggining of the next. This will be a time of both wonderfull an terrible things. I believe God is at work in the world around us, and I believe that I have a calling to share the conclusions I have come across. I do not expect you to take anything I say as gospel truth, because this is offered for your to consider and come up with your own conclusions. I invite you to investigate what is here, what you yourself believe and what other theories are out there. That is how you develop an intelligent stand point. Please share this blog with others and help spread the news. Thank you for visiting, and be blessed!

-Brian Hill
 Updated March 5th, 2013