Saturday, September 30, 2017

A Look at Michael Reisig's 'The New Madrid Run'

July 27th, 2017

Brian Hill

Eschatology Studies

Mr. Hill

A Look at Michael Reisig's 'The New Madrid Run'

      The New Madrid Run is a  unrealistic but entertaining story of Travis Christian's miraculous survival of a vague apocalypse that falls upon the world. There are hints of pole reversals and planetary alignments. In many ways it reminded me of the 2012 apocalypse expected by crazy spiritualists. It
begins with earthquakes and a tsunami that is actually high enough to swat Mr. Christian's
plane out of the air causing him to crash. After crash landing his plane in the
ocean close to a boat, he faces drowning and a wattery death as he swims to get to the boat which
offers his only hope of survival. After getting aboard the boat he meets a big unfriendly dog
that is capable of eating him for lunch and has little tolerance for this unknown person.. Over time he wins over the heart of the dog and they
become friends. Eventually while sailing, he meets other survivors that include a
couple and a Japanese Samurai. He meets them through ridiculous chance meetings with other boats or survivors floating on debris in the water. Travis is confronted by pirates and desperate survivalists and later on in the story, well armed corrupt minutemen, in
challenging  confrontations. He faces all these obstacles with the help of his new friends as
they try to
navigate the flooded United States mid west which is now an Ocean, as they navigate their
way up near New Madrid who's fault line has caused a major earthquake which has split north
America. The entire face of the earth has been radically changed
and altered by the unforeseen and not well detailed disasters.

      Making it to Arkansas, he returns to property he owns where he
expects to ride out the
post-apocalyptic nightmare. Quickly becoming aware of a local power hungry and corrupt
militia trying to set up its own government, the story concludes with a  confrontation with
the Arkansas based armed group. Of course our hero wins. At times the book is
silly and unbelievable but that just helped contribute to it's entertaining quality. It reads like
an Indiana Jones adventure with villains, and catastrophe, a maiden in distress and our great
 hero overcoming all these tribulations and winning the girl. I enjoyed the book, but
regretted that there wasn't more of it for me to read. I would
recommend it to anyone who likes short and fun end of the world
stories that are not convoluted and complicated. Quick read and
good fun.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

-Prophecy 8817-

-Prophecy 8817-

     To argue the nature of the Trinity is to argue the separateness of Christ, God and the Holy Spirit. It is like arguing if the brain, peripheral nervous system, heart and mind are all spate people. The trinity is a collective Divine Organ System of Deity.

     The spirit of Antichrist exists in the corruption of mankind's authorities. Each head-of-state battles with the Antichrist over position within himself and within his appointed station. It is both a literal position (persons) and condition of a leader's spiritual corruption.

     Soon their will be a solar/lunar event that will demonstrate to the United States a Sign on God. Many will see it as a terrible omen. The Illuminated will understand what it means. Three minutes of darkness are coming. Many events are coming, and have come, and are here, that demonstrate the Omnipotence of God.

"As for the sun...I shall cover it, and the moon will not let its light shine. ...the luminaries of light in the heavens I shall darken them on your account, and I will put darkness upon your land, is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah."
     -Ezekiel 32:7-8

     One day rivers shall be dried up and the world will be thrown into panic and the kings of the earth will be without guidance and shall be filled with terror. There shall be wars. Russia and several Muslim nations will be drawn against Israel and shall strike her. But, the Might of Jehovah will shall smite and destroy the invaders and Israel shall be their grave.

     There are Watchmen among you, looking for and seeing and interpreting the Signs. Heed their warnings and counsel and consider their guidance. There will be made among you prophets who will dream and have visions of things coming upon you. The Lord does nothing without first telling His prophets. In the American west will come a great quake.

     If you repent and ask the LORD for forgiveness He shall wipe clean your soul and shall no longer remember your misses. You shall be reborn and made new again, in the eyes of your Creator.

     To the damned-you shall try to flee the Wrath of God but shall find no refuge. The land will open to swallow you, and you may run to the mountains, but the mountains shall fall down upon you and crush you. The armies of your enemy shall run you from your homes. You shall flee the advancing forces into those hidden places and shall drag the plague with you. You will be unable to flee from God's Judgement.

     The chosen will walk upon solid ground. They shall not have come to fear their enemies. They shall find refuge in the mountains. They shall not have need to fear, for God has the Power to send down legions of angels to protect them from the deeds of evil. The plague shall not touch them. They shall walk to and fro in health. They shall aid the judged. They shall still seek to aid the lost.

     Heed the Solar Sign that is to arrive in 13 days. And in that time, make yourselves and your homes and your places of worship ready! Go forth and save others and look to the skies when the Sun is covered by the moon in the heavens above the United States.

*Trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit*

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Independence Day 2017 SPECIAL EDITION~BREAKING NEWS: North Korea Tests 11th Missile~U.S. and DPRK at BRINK OF WAR

     I am currently on vacation at Lake Murray right now to celebrate the 4th of July. Interesting things are going on right now in the hermit kingdom. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea have tested, for the eleventh time, an alleged ICBM capable of hitting the U.S. main land. When will we stop having talks and making sanctions and actually do something about it? As I understand, South Korea and the U.S. have fired missiles as a show of force. The situation draws closer and closer to all out war. I had previously said that Kim would try something on the 4th of July, and I was correct. The North uses holidays and special events to preform provocative acts against its enemies. A form of hostile passive aggression.

     Some of you know that I am an ordained Minister and that I provide spiritual support and guidance and often care to the homeless and people in need. I also do tarot readings of which I charge 5 dollars per reading. While I provide spiritual guidance and support without expecting anything in return, I do accept any kind of hospitality in return. But that is only to maintain my keep, so to speak. I DO NOT do these things for personal gain, but in service to God. If you are in any kind of need, please contact me and I will help you in any way I can and in any reasonable way.

Here are some things that I do:
~ Prayer. We can pray together, or you can simply tell me what you need prayer for and I will do it alone, if that is your preference.
~ I am someone you can talk to if you need a person who cares. I am not a therapist or anything like that, but I AM a caring person and will listen and help in any way possible or point you in the direction of resources or other help.
~ Offer spiritual and metaphysical guidance.
~ Help with special needs. Let me know what your needs are and I will let you know if I can help.
~ I can take care of sick and elderly, children, etc. I have experience as a Nurses Aide and Medical Assistant and work well with handicapped and people with special needs.
~ Give love and hugs, especially to those who are in need of them. I will not withhold love from anyone who needs it.

I DO NOT diagnose or treat illnesses or provide professional counseling of any type.

Other things I can sometimes provide:
~ If you are in need of something and I have it, I MAY provide it to you based on your level of need.
~ I will write you literature at your request. Stories, writing for  your entertainment and even literotica.
~ Spiritual and religious text, if I have spare text on hand.
~ Occasionally I have provided clothes for people.
~ Homemade Movies. With a VHS tape I can make you home movies for your enjoyment. =)
~ A friend. If  you need a friend/big brother/role model or whatever, I will be that person for you.

I hope that if you are in need, you will somehow reach out to me. If you have work that you will pay me for, I would also be interested if you tell me more. I am currently looking for work oppportunites and extra ways to make money. Also on a different note, I am no longer a member of the Oklahoma State Guard. I wont get into the reasons behind that, but I am planning to volunteer for the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps now. Wish me luck!

P.S. At this time I am without a cell phone, so phone contact with me is now impossible. You will have to message me on my Facebook Page or email me (the address is above).

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Eid Mubarak Edition

     New positive changes are coming for me in my life. One thing that I am looking forward to is that I am considering volunteering for the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps. I have also recently made some very good new friends and have been doing some working on my writing. I am sort-of in the process of writing a novella. Earthquakes in Oklahoma have been on the decrease, however the risk for a large damaging one remains for the foreseeable future. Public violence and terrorism continues to be on a steady rise in the world. The most recent event having occurred in the UK on the last day of Ramadan. A driver has driven through a crowd of Muslim worshipers, running over at least 6 people. This comes soon after an incident in Paris and in Brussels in the last few days as well as a suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in the UK, in the last few weeks. The conditions of our world are sadly going down hill, but being an man of faith and optimism, I truly believe that things will get a whole lot better if we wait patiently and continue to do whatever each of us can to make the world a better place. This leaves me with a favor to ask you, reader. Please today and in the coming days and hopefully for the remaining days of your lives, I ask that each of you make a conscious effort to do even small simple things to improve the lives of others and to share selfless love. Open doors, for one another, do a good deed for a stranger, rescue an animal, etc. Use your imagination. You will feel better for doing it, and you will make the world better as a result. So thank you for that and God bless you and may much light be in your world!

Bad News:

* Recent severe storms and tornadoes do damage in the United States. Hurricane season begins.

* American detained for 17 months in North Korea has been returned to the United States in a coma and has died. The silver lining is that he regained some consciousness and was returned home to see his family one last time, before he entered the Heavenly realm.

* Land slide in China claims possibly as many as 100 lives.

* North Korea continues to pursue ballistic missiles and nuclear program despite international condemnation.

* Could a new Civil War or Revolution be coming for the United States? Violence and anti-government/authority activity on the rise.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading:

*Armageddon: Appointment With Destiny; Grant Jefferies

*Escape the Coming Night; David Jeremiah

*The Late Great Planet Earth; Hal Lindsey

*What You Should Know About the Rapture; Charles Ryrie

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Short-Post Today

      There have been more shootings in the world. These days they are becoming to numerous for me to bother listing anymore. You can do a quick google search to find out more. And a few days ago an asteroid capable of causing city wide damage passed by the earth uneventfully the other day. Speaking of the sky, the Book of Job alleges to hint at what is called 'the Gospel of the Stars', which is a zodiacal comparison between constellation significance and correspondences in the gospel. Pagan mythologies are expressed often through stories that are set to correspond with the images of the zodiac. It is sometimes believed that God "placed" a zodiac in the sky to tell the story of the Bible. This makes a lot of sense, and corresponds with synchronicity. The appearance of visible-to-earth comets in 2013/2014 (as well as the Russian meteor event of 2013) and he frequent presence of near-earth-asteroids in current time are thought by some to be omens of things to come. One thing to keep in mind here is that depending on the source, a comet in he sky could herald a blessing, a plague or the death of a king. So, really it can be hard to say what and if, these events have a corresponding significance to them. The scriptures do warn us of heavenly signs and wonders in the last days.

     There seems to be some, as can be expected, hospitalizations of flu patients this season, and possibly deaths, but the rates do not seem abnormal. I have been making spiritual contacts with people in recent days and feel serendipity at play. Right now is also a kind of chaotic time for me. It will soon pass and I will be back on track. I am already getting back in the groove of life.

     I will cut this shorter then normal, with a reminder to pray for your family and express your love for them. You wont regret either.