Monday, January 25, 2016

It's Not Just Oklahoma Shaking Today

      Good changes in my life recently. In a new relationship with a great woman who has wonderful children! Yesterday morning their was a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Alaska. No deaths or major injuries reported. Four homes were lost however. Two to explosions caused by gas leaks and at least one other to fire. There was also a 6.2 Quake in African Spain just before dawn this morning. Winter weather in various parts of the world have caused significant deaths. Lately, I have been studying the Book of Mormon and other "revelations" of Joseph Smith Jr. While I consider the book to be fraudulent revelation, it is still a very good book with a lot of positive spiritual messages and inspirations. It should be taken for what it is-a literary work. And a good one. I believe it is mostly an autobiography of Joseph Smith's life, while his other works are occult and masonic inspired works. Recently I was put under investigation for being under suspicion of being 'radicalized'. I was interviewed by an FBI Agent who was very polite and pleasant. The interview was short and he was able to determine that I was not in fact a radical or terrorist. This very blog was also placed under scrutiny!

     As many of you know, I live in the Municipality of Norman, in the U.S. state of Oklahoma. So I want to bring up something about it today. [BTW I have recently finished writing 'The Book of Norman: Another Testament of Brian Hill' and have begun writing 'The Book of Moore; YET Another Testament of Brian Hill'] I believe that Norman is some how special. That it is "chosen" for some significant thing. Many of you who know me personally know me, know that I have a love/hate relationship with this town. When I first arrived, I was in love with every detail of it, but because of some of the towns patronage, I have become heavily disenchanted by the materialistic and oft times intolerance to the poor, gay, people of non-white ethnicity, etc. The city exists on a wide spectrum with little, to no middle ground. On one side you have the exceptionally intolerant, while on the opposite you have the all accepting and encompassing. I have found that many spiritually awakened (and also spiritually dead) people have literally been 'drawn' here by some kind of force. I feel like Norman is the grounds for some kind of preparation or asylum (no tornadoes have hit the down town area in it's history. Tornadoes usually suddenly shift course towards Moore, before hitting the populated segment of the town).

     It is also rumored to have been a sacred site for local American Indian tribes. Local lore has it that, the Amerindians had a covenant with one of their deities that this area was under supernatural protection from tornados.

Rebirth of Mormonism