Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Brief Update

     I have been in the process of apartment shopping as I e plan to move within the next month or so. My room mate also is moving before May let's out. There has been a tornado outbreak recently in the American south, causing the deaths of about 37 people. We have barely gotten into tornado season and these things are already beggining. There is also an increase in MERS cases, with at least one in Mecca. Earthquakes are still ongoing in Oklahoma.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Beautiful DaY For the Music Festival

     Today is beautiful as was yesterday. Sunshine. Yesterday was windy, but pleasant. Tomorrow and Sunday may bring bad weather. I am looking forward to it. A couple of days ago we had brief rain, a little thunder and some lightning. Nothing very interesting. Nothing dramatic has happened in Israel yet since the Blood Moon, but the peace talks between Israel and Palestine are approaching the deadline. I wonder what will happen to that. Likely it will not pass and get delayed even longer as it always has. Today I have gotten a lot of things done in preparation for the weekend. I always try to get as much as possible done, before the weekend. Sometimes it's like I am manic. Maybe I am? Today and the weekend is the Norman Music Festival which I plan on visiting every day...since I live less than a mile from it. I will keep you posted.

A Short Story About My Recovery

     My recovery has been a long journey. It has gone on as long as I have been on this earth. But I am thankful for it…why? Because I could have been afflicted with a worse fate. Some people (may peace be upon them) suffer from genetic disorders or cancer, paralysis or any number of horrible conditions, I count my blessings and give thanks to the  Great ‘I AM’ (God) that he has blessed me with legs that walk, eyes to see and ears to hear, a heart that loves and ears to hear, etc. God bless and be with those with greater burdens than my own.

    It began about the age of 12 or 13 with symptoms of OCD. I recognized it immediately and kept it a secret for many years. Luckily eventually I told my Physician who was able to put me on a medication that has mostly caused the OCD to go into remission. At the age of about 15 and a half, I began to experience deep depression, but I could not connect it to any specific cause. It just seemed to appear and plague my every conscious moment. It was just there one day and it crippled me. I lost motivation and even went periods of time on little food from lack of appetite.  I isolated myself and even had suicidal thoughts. When I graduated from High School and enlisted in the Marines. I was discharged and given a ‘Entry Level Separation’ while still in boot camp for reasons related to my condition. To this day I continue to pursue enlistment in the military. Currently I am in contact with a Recruiter from the National Guard. I struggled through my 20s with depression and anxiety but all glory belongs to Jehovah that I did not ever successfully cause my own death. I found my current faith in August of 2011. I joined the Baha’i Faith and pursued a relationship with God and even had a spiritual experience that changed my life in about the fall of 2012.  God has saved me from the Adversary (myself) that I could not overcome on my own. He has led me to better people and a better life. In the lunar calendar it takes 28 days for the moon to complete one cycle and become a new moon. It is interesting that I became a new man at the age of 28 after having completed a self destructive cycle in my life and began true recovery. My reasons have given me happiness and a reason to stay alive. I could never again entertain the idea of suicide again, because I know that God loves me and wants me alive because he has a will for me. To commit a suicidal act contradicts what God’s will for me is. So I must work on myself in a positive way and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and those teachers who have come into my life. I must focus on doing good and working to make society a better place.

     Transition House has helped me immensely. More than any other resource (excluding the institutions of God) and has given me a routine and needed structure as well as neighbors and a roommate who contributes to the development of my social skills. I have been given access to many resources that I have used to better myself and taken steps to forward my goals. Thank you Mary, Bonnie, Candice and the other people of Transition House who have provided me with role models who have positively contributed to my recovery. May God bless them and all associates of Transition House!


     -Sincerely Brian Hill
      April 25, 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Two Days Until the Blood Moon

     Not much to share regarding my personal life except that I may be moving soon. Staying in the same damned city though. As I write this there are just under 48 hours until the blood moon which I think may bring about a war with Israel. Seven days prior to the blood moon was an alignmentt of the sun, earth and Mars. There appears to be a 0% chance of a peace treaty being signed between Israel and Palestine...big suprise there. The weather forecast for Oklahoma is erratic as usual with rain through today and the possibility of snow on Monday.

     I frequently plug 'Illuminatus!' here in my blog and am continuing to suggest you read it if you havent. Already. It's one of my favorite books, and would be of interest to others sharing an interest in the eschaton, conspiracies and the Illuminati. I'm also re-reading the 'Left Behind' series for the umpteenth time.

     At the moment it is 3:43 A.M. and I am listening to Simon and Garfunkle. I listen to a very eclectic. Range of music and enjoy music almost as much as books. Right now it is windy outside and we have already got a brief sprinkeling of rain. I am ready for storms, but I think we will have a brief, but powerful storm season. I wobder if Moore will get another tornado. I wonder if Norman will ever get hit by a tornado. It has already been the area for at least a few earthquakes in the past, which brings up the fact that Oklahoma has been very active seismicaly and as t
ime goes on, our quake activity seems to increase.

     I wonder when I might see my friend Bob again. Long stretches of time go between visits since we live in entirely different counties. I have been smoking more than usual. I am out of e-cig juice, so I have been trying to keep my smoking limited. Laundry needs to be done, but it is hard around here with no easy access laundry facility. So I have my mom do it for me. Gave her a load a couple of days ago and when I see her again she will get another. I am hoping we do get storms today, but I don't know if they will actually hit my areaor not. We will likely only get some rain and wind. In reality I don't even really expect snow, but I am sure that Monday will be cold and rainy. Good thing I haven't put away my hoodies yet. You can never be sure when winter has really passed around here.

     Tomorrow will probably be cold. Right now is good westher to be out walking in, if you have some place to walk around. Norman is a good town for walking in. Very safe here. Today is Sunday, but I won't be attending religious services. Likely will catch up on sleep instead. I have had very unhealthy sleep lately. No other real plans for tomorrow. Will likely remain in my corner of town and make the most of the weather and do some reading and DVD watching.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Pre-Blood Moon Edition

     The Blood Moon Tetrad begins in 10 days. Some people believe that the Rapture will happen in correspodence with. The blood moon. I think that this is a bit dramatic. I myself believe that the Rapture occurs at the time of Judgement, rapturing the saved to be with Messiah in Heaven while the damned are judged on earth. I do believe that the blood moon will a significant event for Israel. Could it mean war? The Abomination of Desolation? I am of the belief that the Rapture occurs after the time of Tribulation. I also believe that the Abomination that causes desolation has already occured once shortly after the crucifixion of Christ and that it will occur a second time during the reign of the coming antichrist. Christ mentions in Mathew (Joseph Smith Translation) that the abomination occurs twice.

      The flu epidemic in the United States appears to be coming to an end here and making its appearance in Australia, where I believe that it will hit hard there. Here in the Oklahoma Metro area we seem to be experiencing an epidemic of infectious gastroenteritis and possible bacterial respiratory illness. In China, Taiwan and Hong Kong there have been cases of bird flu, though promise of a multi-strain vaccine may be made available in China by the end of this year or early next. The current strain of bird flu seems to be rather lethal, especially in men for some reason.

      This year seems to be a record breaking year for earthquakes in Oklahoma with more quakes so far felt this year, then all of last year. If you look over the past few years you will notice that disasters have been occuring more frequently and more destructively with each following year. Yesterday four tornadoes touched down in north Texas as tornado season has begun. I think that this year's season will be worse than last years.

     Oklahoma is on its way to the legalisation of marijuana and same-sex marriage. America's civil rights have been progressing steadily under President Obama's leadership. Hong Kong has been experiencing freak weather and a few days ago Chile experienced a very large earthquake. In Russia there seems to be worsening of the situation over Ukraine while there are military movements and the chance of another foreign invasion by Russia. China is benefiting from the situation. In North Korea Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un has purged another member of his cabinet which seems to be his answer to Mao's own purge.

      Is the Antichrist already on the world scene and if so, who is he? I think that it is impossible to say right now and may remain so until the desolation that causes abomination. It is likely that he is not even in the world spot light right now. Some people believe that Prinnce Charles is the AC, which I disagree with since I see no reason to consider him over any other candidates at the current time. Prince Charles has no real political power at this time and I can't really see him as becoming the political leader of a revived Roman Empire. The missing Malaysian plane may be emitting a transponder signal from the ocean bottom, but I can't help but wonder if this is not a ruse to cover up something else.