Today is Tuesday, September 8th, 2015. Tuesday was named after the northern god Tiw, deity of warfare comparable to the roman god Mars.
I have a broken window that needs fixin'. Probably will cost me $100. It will get taken care of-watch! Recently China and Russia for the first time have conducted "training" exercises off the coast of Alaska and Greece's economy has fallen apart. As far as personal issues go, I have recently lost a very good friend of mine, but I believe, with full faith, that he is in the Abha Kingdom and I hope to see him soon enough. I don't write much here about my personal life, because I don't necessarily like to be 'pegged down'. As if you could! I cant even peg myself down. Try it. Peg me down. It would be like trying to nail jello to a wall! Those who have tried will attest to that. I am looking forward to growing a family in the near future. It is what I want. The whole worlds gold and money wouldn't make me as happy as being a father. It will happen in its own time. Based on a tarot reading I conducted, using the Necronomicon Tarot, there is a possibility of a baby for me very soon.
I had an experience last night regarding my now deceased friend A.M. I previously asked him to visit me in my dreams or in physical reality. His presence was made known some-how last night. You can say it was just a dream. But, I don't believe in that which you call 'logic'. I believe in visitations, and Gods and angels and such. You tell me you will believe it when you see it. I respect that. Because, I saw it. Whatever 'it' is. It comes up and happens a lot. Did you see it? No? You weren't looking I guess. 'It' is very real and I see it, smell it, taste it, feel it, hear it and make love to it all the time. It IS there, and you can sense it too, if you let yourself. Those who have-understand. Those who don't-wont let themselves.