Monday, March 14, 2016

Big Gas, Don't Forget to Give Pandora Her Key's Back When You are Done Playing With Her Trembling Box


     What an interesting winter we have had. A few icy days, but mostly spring like weather. This is because of el NiƱo. When the water of the Pacific ocean is unusually warm and evaporates contributing to weather changes...Today it is unseasonably warm for Oklahoma (but what is 'seasonable' for Oklahoma, really? I think that tomorrow will be cooler. This week will cool down. We had a few impressive lightning strikes over the weekend. I recall a particularly bright flash and unusually long thunderous rolling sound shortly after 5a.m. on Saturday. I welcome such weather. I have been through the two worst storms in Oklahoma's history, the two biggest earthquakes and a terrorist bombing of downtown when I was about nine or ten. What a piece of natural history I have been witness to! Sometimes Oklahoma is the most boring place on the whole face of mother earth, and sometimes it is the most interesting! Oklahoma is not only the capital of tornado alley, it is also the United States Capital for earthquakes.

     We got by with almost no observable flue season this year. Allergies are horrible though. The next bad flu pass I expect would be about 2014 and slightly milder than this previous one in 2013. Another bit of good news, is that even if we halted fracking in Oklahoma right now, the quakes could continue for decades. Thank you Natural Gas Industry for opening Pandora's seismic box. North Korea is continuing to scream its rhetoric, but this time is throwing careless threats of nuclear warfare mixed with flinging artillery into the east Korean sea has the world scratching its head while Russia threatens the DPRK with potential military intervention. Kim Jong Un will be his own undoing.

     I have been undergoing ongoing dental surgery. Today I am thankful to be able to eat some what normally. When this is all done and over, I will be very relieved. Very very relieved. The swelling in my mouth is just plane annoying, but I have been nursing myself for several days now and managing pain and inflammation and sleeping and resting etc.