Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rosh Hashanah Edition!

Critic: "You're blog sucks!"
Me:"Tell that to the people I get emails from telling me I should post more and that they really like it!"

     Today is Rosh Hashanah. This day commemorated the anointing of a king in ancient Israel. The appointed king was considered to be an "adopted son of God" and the anointing was a blessing upon his rule, which was believed to be divinely guided by YHWH Himself. Happy Rosh Hashanah to those of you celebrating and observing!

The scriptures are the textbook of the University of Revelation and Life!

    The Star of David is the symbol of the Jewish religion and is also displayed on the flag of the Israel occupational government over U.S. occupied Palestine. Israel is an illegal state of oppression against the Palestinian people and native Muslims. The same star is also used in western occultism sometimes to represent the elements. Air-the top point of the star being a triangle pointing up, and earth-bottom triangle pointing down. Sometimes it is used to represent the sun (being a star), with the top point representing the rise of the sun and the bottom representing the setting of the sun. Christians sometimes consider the star to be a representation of the Star of Bethlehem that appeared heralding Christ's birth. Imagine the bottom triangle which points down. It appears as a reversed pyramid. The top wider portion represents YHWH, while the point at the bottom (pointing towards Hell) represents KAL (Nyarlathotep, Spirit of the Abyss).
     Some images of Jehovah in artwork (which technically is the creation of idols) shows Jehovah in the sky or above the clouds. We now know that God does not literally exist as a naked old man atop the clouds. In fact we understand that the clouds aren't solid at all. They are masses of H2O and smog. In Islam there are no representations of Muhammad (may peace be upon Him), God (Allah) or any living thing. This is considered idolism and harem. It is forbidden to create an image of any living thing or Divine Representation.