There have been more shootings in the world. These days they are becoming to numerous for me to bother listing anymore. You can do a quick google search to find out more. And a few days ago an asteroid capable of causing city wide damage passed by the earth uneventfully the other day. Speaking of the sky, the Book of Job alleges to hint at what is called 'the Gospel of the Stars', which is a zodiacal comparison between constellation significance and correspondences in the gospel. Pagan mythologies are expressed often through stories that are set to correspond with the images of the zodiac. It is sometimes believed that God "placed" a zodiac in the sky to tell the story of the Bible. This makes a lot of sense, and corresponds with synchronicity. The appearance of visible-to-earth comets in 2013/2014 (as well as the Russian meteor event of 2013) and he frequent presence of near-earth-asteroids in current time are thought by some to be omens of things to come. One thing to keep in mind here is that depending on the source, a comet in he sky could herald a blessing, a plague or the death of a king. So, really it can be hard to say what and if, these events have a corresponding significance to them. The scriptures do warn us of heavenly signs and wonders in the last days.
There seems to be some, as can be expected, hospitalizations of flu patients this season, and possibly deaths, but the rates do not seem abnormal. I have been making spiritual contacts with people in recent days and feel serendipity at play. Right now is also a kind of chaotic time for me. It will soon pass and I will be back on track. I am already getting back in the groove of life.
I will cut this shorter then normal, with a reminder to pray for your family and express your love for them. You wont regret either.