Sunday, December 15, 2019

Spiritual Points to Remember

For the earth shall be filled with
the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea. – Habakkuk 2:14

~Spiritual Points to Remember:

* Death is not the end, but rather a transition of one state of existence into the next. Just the same as when a Caterpillar is released from its cocoon as a butterfly. The caterpillar is the soul, the cocoon is the body upon death and the butterfly is the evolved soul released from the body as a higher spiritual being towards God. It seems like it is death of the caterpillar, but rather it is a begging towards a new kind of higher life. One's end becomes another begging. This life we are in now is not the real life. Death is the birth into the eternal life!

* The world's religions are not separate unrelated things. They are part of a greater quilt of the one true faith which is composed of many faiths and traditions. Each one is a unique revelation from God in a progressive evolution of human spirituality.

* The independent investigation of truth is important for each person seeking the truth, whether it be through science, religion or both. Rather than blindly taking on the dogma or beliefs of an organization or other person, one should rather develop their own views and beliefs based on their understanding and seeking of truth for themselves.