Friday, November 6, 2020

Examples of God's Power

      False prophets can be known for making failed prophecies. God only gives up the secret of prophecy to those he WILLs. Examples of God's power are earthquakes, powerful winds and great fires. Nuclear blasts (that occur in nature) and volcanic eruptions are a couple of other examples.


The COVID-19 pandemic continues and is getting worse. The life threatening virus is enveloping more and more of the country and before long, the entire country will be in the red zone.

Monday, November 2, 2020

True Islam Does Not Promote Terrorism

      True Islam was not behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Radical Islam was. Radical Islam is politically and fanatically motivated but not based on true Islam which is truly a religion of peace despite the media propaganda of the west. Islam in Truth requires peaceful resolution to conflict, allowing for warfare when it is only the last option (or in defense). Islam opposed to offensive warfare that is not for the protection of the innocent. In the event of armed conflict, it is only to be perused as a last option-if even then. Likewise it should also be said that the 'War against Terror' is not a Christian crusade or meant to be anti-Muslim. In its purity, it is a war to protect peace (if any such thing can be said to exist). It is meant to deflect senseless acts of violence. Warfare should only appropriately be used for the overall protection of peace and preservation of civilian lives. It is inappropriate to label Islam as among the 'axis of evil'. If it is put there, than Christianity should likewise be labelled the same since it has its bloody history as well. But, neither should belong in that category when the Faiths are practiced as God intended and with love. It is a dispensational faith revealed by God/Allah through Muhammad (May Peace Be upon Him) just as is Judaism (from Abraham) and Christianity (from Jesus) among other faiths and their Messengers. 

     Terrorist organizations abuse the creed of Islam and stains the reputation of true Muslims just as the KKK or neo-Nazis stain Christian faith. The forest must be seen for the trees. Any faith should not be judged based off its extreme sects which in reality exist outside the boundaries of pure spirituality. The behavior of nations such as Iran and Iraq abuse the true peaceful message of Islam and the religion should not be judged based off of the creeds of those groups who are ravenous wolves in disguise. Separation must be made between the peaceful and the violent. Think of it in another way. The policies and operations of the U.S. federal government do not reflect the practice of Christianity even though America is primarily a Christian nation. The blame Christianity as the cause of militarism overseas is the same as condemning all Muslims because of the acts of monsters falsely claiming the faith. Empathy and critical thinking should be practiced when trying to understand the divergent poles of religions and their fanatical sects.