The coronavirus has killed almost three million people and in the U.S the fatality number will reach 500,000. It is possible that more Americans will die from COVID-19 than died from the Spanish Flu.
The Mayan age-end cycle may have fallen in 2011 or at least approximately December 21st, 2012. For the sake of my own chronology, I will continue to use 12/21/12 unless I see a legitimate reason to reorient my dating.
* The Doomsday Clock is close to midnight symbolising how close man is to destruction.
2012 was the hottest year on record.
* ×Because of the new age people are becoming more interested in the occult, new age paths and spirituality.
×The current Pope is very liberal and is open to all people's. He has expressed for people of different religions to work towards unity. He has even declared that atheists do not go to Hell.
×The earthquakes in Oklahoma have almost completely declined. Now we rarely have the occasional 3 magnitude. I haven't felt a quake since the 5.9 (?) we had a few years ago.
°I believe that the earthquake danger in Oklahoma has passed and we will likely not see a big quake again for around 50 years.
*×In a few years an asteroid will come close to earth and there is a risk that it could impact earth. That's just what we need after a pandemic. What's next? World War 3?
°In Oklahoma we have had a bad ice storm. Worst one in at least this year. There have been hundreds of car wrecks today as well as a 29 car accident that took one life and hospitalised 5 people. The accident involved cars, at least one 18 wheeler and a cattle truck. Some cattle died in the accident. My area of Norman didn't get hit nearly as bad as Oklahoma City and the surrounding region. That's just north of me. We are under a travel advisory.
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