We have over 520,000 Americans dead from COVID-19. Some states are beginning to drop mask recommendations, which I think is a big mistake. When the masks go down, the cases will rise. We are definitely jumping the gun here. With new more contagious variants popping up worldwide this is not the time to remove masks. Major snow systems moved through Oklahoma in recent weeks making for a snowy winter. It was bad for some people, but as for myself, it was a pleasant winter even. But I am lucky because my pipes did not burst nor did I have to deal with shoveling snow or power outages, except for one controlled rolling blackout that cut power to conserve energy. I slept through that. When the power went down I heard my cell phone on its charger beep to let me know the power current was cut off and the sound of all my appliances powering down woke me.
People are split (as they often are are) on their reception of the new President. I was disappointed that Trump did not win, but I am fine with Biden. Especially his next stimulus bill. A situation occurred (or rather didn't occur) Wednesday in which security forces had to be sentried at the capital in response to a online threat against the Republic that would involve redeclaring Trump as the reinstated President. It went uneventfully. This is not how you make change in America. This is not the civil war period. In order to make change we can go through two ways; 1. Electing officials to enact legislation in our interests. 2. Buy the politicians out with money. The patron God of America is Mammon. And his symbol is $ Most of us cant afford to buy a politician, and Briantologists certainly don't advocate armed insurrection. What does that leave us with? The beautiful thing called democratic process that allows us to vote. That and contacting our representatives to motivate them to make decisions reflecting our will as Americans. They have set a new date for March 20th. You know I love date setting. 2021 may be the springboard for us to launch a new positive direction for America.
We have had a very active winter. The snow systems that blew through were remarkable followed up soon after with spring like weather. 2021 has the promise of being a better year. Today it is quite nice outside. I am thankful to God for having today for it is a good day for me too. Nice weather and positive attitude towards change and the coming year. Though I will miss winter. She shall come again of course.