The Book of Zol
I. The Books
1. In the name of Yahweh, most compassionate, most merciful, most forgiving.
2. YHWH has sent down many books to guide mankind. The Torah, the Old Testament, the Gospels, The Revelation of St. John, the writings of the Apostle Paul, the Upanishads, the teachings of Buddha, the Holy Qur'an, the Book of Mormon, Doctrines and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.
3. Many other books have been brought down too, even the writings of this author may be inspired.
4. The spirits themselves have even their own books for guidance.
5. A book has been given for every time and every season, and every people and every place. Even the worlds have their own, don't you know?
6. So pick your book and your path and seek the true teachings of God and let not the false ways of man hinder you!
II. Abraham
1. When Abraham was still known was Abram, God YHWH came to him and changed his name to such that he would be known as Abraham and the father of the Holy Land.
2.Know that God has a new name for you. A secret name that only he knows and will reveal to the elect on the Day of Judgement and Resurrection.
3. When Abraham was 99, YHWH promised him a son of his own lineage. And that Sarah would give him a son who would be of the fathers of the Israel nation. Abraham laughed to himself, for he perceived that his wife was too old to beget children. But, is anything impossible for God? Is a person's age not a matter that God can easily overcome?
4. Two cities were offensive in the eyes of YHWH. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. YHWH promised a great chastisement against these places. Fire and brimstone would rain down on them for their disregard for God and nature's laws.
III. Secret Societies and Words on the Time of Judgement
1. Before the Day of Judgement- in the sky will be seen bright things. The sun, an object resembling the sun [solis], the moon and something like the moon. Will there be four bright celestial objects or will there be five?
2. In that day (of clouds) there will be perplexity of what is in the sky. Let he who knows, know.
3. There are mystical traditions that offer unique ways to God. If you be one who is called to mysticism and secret understanding-answer that call. To you secrets and words and revelations shall be made known to you. Share those that shall be for you to share, and keep secret those that are meant to be held in secret. For it is for the secret societies to guard their secrets until the time comes for them to be revealed (through scripture for example) or for its appointed time for exposure.
4. Teach these things to the elect who demonstrate knowledge and maturity to take on the requirements of the order. Do not become vane members of these orders, for your duty is to specially serve God and uphold his revelation and will. You are mystics and armys of God set with the duty to protect God's interests on the Earth.
IV. The Day of the Wrath of God*
1. There will be heard the noise of thunder in the heavens.
2. There will be a leader who will go forth into the world conquering and going forth to conquer even more. He will appear to be a pure man and great leader with a just will and strategy. From where will he come? Where will he go? This leader may come in peace and acquire his empire through diplomacy. He may come in war, though this appears not to be likely. He who has wisdom should know.
3. The peace that the first one brought will be taken from the earth and man will kill each other. His weapon will be great. He will destroy through his war machine.
4. Economic troubles will come. The prices of needed goods will increase. Famine will come. But, the oil and wine and intoxicants will not be effected.
5. Many souls will perish to hell during war time. A fourth o the world will be destroyed by war and hunger and death. There will be plagues and the animals in nature will turn on humans and attack them.
6. The people who are and were martyred for their faith will call out to God for vengeance against the ones who murdered them, but vengeance will come in its own time.
7. Then a great earthquake, the sun will become black and the moon into blood.
8. Fire and meteors will fall from the sky.
9. The sky will roll up into a scroll and go away. Every island will be moved out of its place and every mountain shall be removed and replaced.
10. Every evil one will hide from the wrath of YHWH in shelters.
V. Nocturnal Prayer and Charity
1. ...
2. ...
3. When you work during the day keep Elah (God), close in your heart and preform every action of duty for his honor and worship.
4. One day there will be a time when the earth is moved and the mountains will fall and islands shall be swallowed into the ocean.
5. I am a messenger who writes down the words by inspiration. I pray that the Holy Spirit shall guide my pen.
6. ...the sky shall be ripped asunder and it shall be red like blood.
7. Remember to pray when the time is optimal and as often as your health and circumstances will allow.
8. Give charity always and pay to places of worship and every good thing you do is seen by God and will be returned to you in blessings.
VI. Responsibility of Government and Citizen
1. My condition as this was written, is that I was suffering from sinusitis without antibiotics. I am using self treatment and keeping my respiratory system clear to battle the infection that was triggered by rag weed allergies.
2. The duty of government is to preserve freedom, protect its citizens from domestic and foreign threats, defend human rights, preserve freedom of thought and expression as well as religious freedom.
3. Each citizen believer is responsible for supporting their government when it behaves justly and to enlist in the armed forces (non-combat if possible), or another civil service upon completion of High School. To pursue higher education and a trade that benefits the society, and to obey the law of the land.
4. Religious organizations should have no political power, but should be responsible for the care of the people of the community as well as its own members.
5. Each person has a right to protect their property and their loved ones.
6. Life should not be taken unless it is necessary.
VII. The Nature of Hell
1. What is the nature of Hell? It is not necessarily ours to be known.
2.Do we burn in a lake of fire for eternity? Or do we separate from God? Is Hell lower planes of more suffering that resemble the earth? Does it get worse the lower we go?
3. This is a subject that is not clear, and even more-beyond our understanding in this life.
4. It should be our focus to live Godly lives and do our best to follow the spiritual guides to arrive at a higher plane into the Kingdom of God that is promised to the righteous.
*Compare with Revelations chapter 6.