Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Failed Earthquake Prediction

     I recently made a prediction that failed. I made the prediction for last Thursday/Friday regarding a 3.5-3.9 earthquake occurring NE of the Oklahoma Metro area. There was no quakes for that are on the designated time. I was basing this on quake data and patterns, but my formula was dead wrong. That's OK. Back to the drawing board. No harm. Better try and fail and risk success, then never trying and failing by choice. I was planning to soon move into a new apartment, but that may not be happening now! So I am frantically trying to find an apartment ASAP. One bedroom in Norman in the 500 dollar range. I have had a few leads that I am currently pursuing. It is currently June (where is the year going?!) and October fast approaches. This October will be the third anniversary of my spiritual awakening via the Holy Spirit. Last October I had another series of similar experiences that were similar to that one though not as vivid, but still life altering. Last Saturday I attended services at the Greek Orthodox Church in Norman and again had some visual and sacred experiences that if I got into here, you would think I was crazy, so I will leave it at that. Joseph Smith Jr. also had three consecutive spiritual visions when he began his "ministry". I encourage my readers to seek out such experiences in accordance with their own beliefs. It is a great learning opportunity to grow spiritually.

     There has been a shooting today in Oregon (?) and a 3.0 quake this morning in Edmond.

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