Thursday, February 18, 2016

Father God, Mother Nature!

          I am going through relationship problems. This is a constant thing with me. Every time I start dating someone, the same problems come up and the same cycles do their thing. A particularly special relationship I have been in has collapsed. The reason I said it was special, was because aside from the fact that it was special, synchronicity was occurring every where. There were the signs to go forward with it. I blew it though. That's what I am good at. It's usually from some small mistake on my part, that causes a conflagration. I'm clumsy that way. I don't know why I am driven inside towards wanting someone, when God's plan for me is not to have that person. Or is it God's plan for me to have that person, but my own screw ups that create obstacles? Does it even matter? I doubt it. What will be will be. Sometimes I feel like the Greek god Typhon.
     The Zika virus has come out of nowhere. I am bored with it myself, but the WHO says it is a worldwide emergency, because it can infect a fetus and cause Microenchephela. For healthy adults I guess its not a big deal. Just a 'flu' like illness. Ebola seems to have become endemic in central Africa. We have had a very weak flu season, which is a relief having come from several years worth of avian flu, H1N1, swine, etc. Seems to me that nature is sitting in her lab, figuring us out. She created us. And so she shall destroy us.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Wake and Shake, it's an Okie Quake!

     Yesterday we had the third largest quake in Oklahoma's history. 5.1 Magnitude. I felt it, but yesterday was a horribly bad bad day for me. I'm not going to spill my current crisis here, because i am trying to not have to revisit it unecessarily. I had a very horrible day, but let's focus on the quake. Staring at the ceiling reviewing the misery I was being dragged through, I noticed the light fixture above me shaking. When I  am feeling a temblor, I use the experience to study 'in lab' (during the shaking I make mental notes what is happening so i can analyze the quake later). I placed a hand on a dresser top and my other hand on the floor to measure the "vibrational frequency" of the seismic energy. For a moment I thought the shaking was psychosomatic-that perhaps the adrenaline from everything that day was giving me misperceptions. I confirmed the quake was seismic by noting the time and comparing notes with what the OGS and USGS have published. Something about the experience of nature's power gives me a rush. Feeling the 'moment magnitude' during the quake leaves me in a feeling of awe towards the forces that control our planet. The 'ground motion' making motion sick with vertigo from feeling the ground under me roll like a ship while simultaneously tossed around by the concussion of energy from the unimaginable power being expressed from some distant fault.

     The news reported that an amphibious assault warship (a boat load of Marines) has left to begin its voyage. Why is that significant? Because that means those Marines have a destination in mind. That means somewhere, someone is about to be invaded by us. The reason you send out an amphibious expeditionary assault corps, is to create a "beach head". That means taking a large contingency of Marines and with lightning quick speed having them occupy a coastal territory. If you have any plans on visiting the beach of a nation we currently have a beef with, it might be better to choose a different location. Places I would not suggest having a beach blanket party just yet:
*(North) Korea
*China (but probably not) 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Post Super Bowl Edition and In Memorium David Bowie

"The past is history, the future a mystery, and the present is called that because it is a gift."
     -Gary Busey, wise man

      I am in the process of getting new dental work done, which should help me in the job hunt market. I am still planning on the Flight Attendant position. I like 'serving' others. But, only when they appreciate it. North Korea just launched a satellite into space yesterday. I wish them success in their space program. May all the space agencies of the world make great discoveries and work together and share what they have learned. May the Koreas be united and may we all know peace and friendship in the new year. I believe that we have either received contact from other civilizations or have been interacting with them for awhile, whether we realize it or not. We have been visited. In the very near future I think our governments will be announcing that we are in contact with higher life that is friendly to us and beneficial like in Arthur C. Clark's Childhood's End.

      Some people are beginning to say that David Bowie's last album warns of a coming apocalypse. Well I am already a big David Bowie fan, and an apocalypse fan so I just HAVE to go out and buy this album. Let's hope I don't analyze it like Charles Manson did the Beatle's 'White' Album. I'm just kidding. I don't intend to start a race war or Helter Skelter or anything like that. But, wouldn't it be cool to see a 'black star'? This year alone we have had more than 90 earthquakes in Oklahoma. We could make a drinking game out of it. Take a shot for every quake. Only experienced players welcome. I wouldn't want anyone to drop from alcohol poisoning. Did you watch the Super Bowl? I did too. It was the 50th game, a milestone! Go Broncos! The manatee at the zoo predicted that Denver would win and indeed they did. I must visit this manatee, he is indeed an oracle. He has accurately predicted eight out of nine Super Bowl wins. I'm going to start making bets based off what he thinks. I knew Dolphins were smarter than humans, but manatees being able to see the future? Suddenly Marine science got a whole lot more interesting (as if it wasn't interesting enough already)!

     In 2013 I said that we would have drones regularly flying above our cities. This has panned out. Amazon will be using drones to deliver items ordered from their website, already criminals are using drones to drop contraband to prisoners on detention yards and you know Google already is getting in on the act. They probably started it. Folks, we are living in the future now. The present is now past. Have you noticed people becoming more agitated? The pressure is brewing in the U.S. and I am afraid a civil war or revolution could be on the horizon. The symptoms are all there. In Oregon, one of the peaceful occupiers of the wild life refuge was shot dead (he was unarmed) exiting his vehicle during a Police top conducted by Highway Patrol.

What to Do When You Get Pulled Over

* Maintain courtesy and respect. This is how you would want to be treated, right? The Policeman has been working hard all day to protect himself and others from jackasses who go around hurting people, so he's going to be a little jumpy, paranoid and stressed out. I can't blame him. Wouldn't you be too, if your job ran the daily risk of being shot or at the least verbally abused? So lets try and not only keep his stress level down, but maybe even help him relax a bit too? You might find yourself getting out of a ticket just because you treated Officer Cop like a human being and not like an ass hole. Little courtesies are appreciated BIG time. BTW: He is wearing a uniform and a badge which means someone feels he deserved the right to his title. Respect him, please.

* Turn off car, roll down windows and put keys on dash board. Turn on inside light if appropriate. This tells the Policeman "I'm not going to run, I have nothing to hide and I want you to know your safe". If you have a weapon (legally I hope-otherwise you shouldn't have had the weapon in the first place) let him know. I.E. "Good afternoon Officer, just so you know I have a Remington such-and-such in the glove compartment. I can show you the license etc. if you like".

*Use honorifics and be polite. "Sir/Ma'am". If you are confident you recognize their rank and feel comfortable then use it. "Yes, Lt." "Have a safe day Sergeant" etc.

*Vocalize what you intend to do before you do it. "My insurance is in my glove compartment on my right. I am going to reach in there and get it, if that's ok with you"?

     You might have negative feelings towards cops, but they are here to protect you and serve our community. A majority of them are doing their jobs for the right reasons, and many cops are former Armed Forced members so they do deserve positive recognition for their service to our country and community. I often thank them for what they do and give them a blessing; 'Thank you for protecting me and our community. I appreciate that and may God keep you safe'. Pray for the safety and blessings of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, Police Officers, Reservists, National Guardsmen, Security and emergency personnel, teachers, Mothers, Fathers, Doctors, clergy, Mayors, Governor's and of course our Commander-in-Chief. God commands us to pray for our leaders. Pray for their guidance, protection and nobility. That's even more important than voting for if you bless others, blessings will come upon you. I know this works, because I have done it and seen the results.
     There is an Islamic Hadith that tells us that when you bless someone, you are storing gold for yourself in Heaven. Each blessing you send out will return to you seven times. If you bless your enemies and those whom have wronged you, then God "heaps burning coals upon their heads". Kill them with kindness. It really works. Plus, you wont go to prison for murder! Murder is wrong, so don't do it. But, protect yourself, the children and the innocent and be safe. May God bless you.

Thought to Ponder: (please submit your theories) Do the first four Seals of  the Lamb in Revelation correspond with the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse?