Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A Short Verse on the American Family


     I don't believe that this is the America that our founding fathers envisioned. There is government corruption and misuse of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It brings heartache to the heartland. This is our homeland and every citizen should be doing their part to make it better and to keep its progress going. Our nation is dividing and I am concerned that it will fracture and fall apart like the Roman Empire. Every American is important and has a unique role to play in our society. From the poor man to the rich; policeman to the rehabilitated. From the Soldier to the farmer, we all have a place and responsibility. It is up to us to identify and fix problems and help each other. If only Americans could view themselves as being part of an American family, we might treat one another better and lead better lives. The hard working man works for minimum wage and hardly gets ahead because of the corporate greed. What we need is not a nation of mega-conglomerates, but an economy fueled by small business. The modern day small businessman is to our culture what the minutemen were during the revolution.

     God will never leave the world without a witness.
-Grant R. Jeffrey

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